The Spiral
The Spiral
NR | 31 January 1998 (USA)
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A young pathologist seeks answers to the mysterious death of a friend and soon comes into contact with the same cursed videotape that caused the death of the friend's wife and son, which is haunted by the curse of Sadako, a relentless spirit.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Leofwine_draca RASEN is a weird and forgotten follow-up to RING, filmed at the same time but going in a very different direction to the official sequel, RING 2. RASEN expands on the philosophical plot-points raised by the first film and the novel on which it was based and as such is much more of a metaphysical journey with science fiction aspects. All of that doesn't really amount to much, though, in a film which is too low budget and fumbled for its own good.There are none of the traditional ghost story thrills here, or if they do appear then they're not very effective. The cast members go through the motions but there's little of the sense of drive or power that RING possessed. It all feels very dated in a late 1990s way. I think people forget the sheer intensity of the RING trilogy and in comparison to those films, RASEN is merely an oddball thriller and not a very engaging one either, unfortunately.
David Arnold Dr. Mitsuo Andô - a local pathologist - is still coming to terms with losing his son after a drowning accident, and struggles to cope with the loss. It's during this time he learns that an old med school classmate and friend - Ryûji Takayama - has recently died and he has been assigned to do the autopsy. After recovering a cryptic message from Takayama's body, Andô also starts to see visions, and it's not long before he learns of a tape that's been linked with a spate of strange deaths, including Takayama's and his ex-wife, Reiko. With the help of Takayama's student, Mai Takano, Andô starts to look more into the origin of the tape and the mysterious Sadako. Unfortunately, time becomes a factor because Andô inadvertently watches the tape and, fearing for his own life, he must find away to break the curse before it's too late.Rasen isn't really that bad of a movie, but it is a pretty slow going film that's quite hard to get into and is actually more of a psychological drama than a horror. It definitely doesn't have the scare factor that the first film had either. I can understand why Ringu fans didn't like this one because even though it still involves the Sadako storyline, it doesn't have the same effect as Ringu.I've not read the book, but I have read reports that Rasen follows it and Ringu 2 doesn't, so for a film to be slated for actually following the book is quite ironic.Anyway, Rasen doesn't start off too bad but it doesn't ever really get going, and if you're looking for similar creepy moments that Ringu had then you'll be sorely disappointed. There are some well played out emotional moments, but other than that there's not much here.In saying that, however, if I had to recommend Rasen or Ringu 2, I'd choose Rasen because Ringu 2 was aiming to be scary but failed miserably and actually passed by slower than this film.Rasen is watchable if you can get into it from the start and stick with it but ultimately it is a bit of a disappointment.
Arjun Perumbavoor If you loved Ringu(1998), I suggest do not go for this movie. It will spoil all the entertainment you had on Ringu. Rather than terror and horror, this movie contain scientific views. Trying to explain everything with a proof. And which I believe has not succeeded. Also sex came into scene, in this movie which spoiled the horror effect.This movie was from the author of book of "Ringu". But failed to interpret the novel completely. Watch Ringu, Ringu2 and Ringu 0. After that if you still want to watch a Ring movie, watch Rasen. Before watch erase all theories you learned from other Ringu movies
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain I just want to start by saying I don't find this film anywhere near as bad as most seem to. The mistake is viewing this as a direct sequel to "Ringu", made at the same time by a different director it of course does not have the same feel, or menace as its predecessor. Since most people will watch the original first the change in tone is hard to accept. A lot of people also declare this to detach itself too far from the original and explain too much of the mystery with science. When in fact the first two Ring novels have a firm root in science. I also found "Ringu 2" to be just as guilty at favouring science over the unknown, the difference being "Rasen" does explain things thoroughly. The major disappointment here is that I never really felt anything close to fear, or even uneasiness. However in terms of drama, and expanding on the first this film succeeds. The cinematography is just stunning, and the final scene is a scene I find just as disturbing as the ending of "Ringu", not in a fear inducing way, but in a contemplative sort of way. It is also a beautiful scene, and the whole film is well shot. Unlike "Ringu" the acting is a mixed bag, Koichi Sato just about holds up, but as the lead he seems to struggle with acting with emotion, which is a minus considering his character deals with suicide. Overall I think the film should be watched, as a side-note to "Ringu" but judged on its own merits, as it certainly surpasses many scientific thrillers around.