Escape from the Bronx
Escape from the Bronx
R | 02 September 1983 (USA)
Escape from the Bronx Trailers

A ragtag group of people have to fight extermination squads amid their ruined city.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
ShangLuda Admirable film.
MonsterVision99 "Escape From The Bronx" it's a post-apocalyptic exploitation film directed by Enzo G. Castellari, it's often considered a sequel to "1990: The Bronx Warriors" by the same director, and much like any other Italian rip-off, this film has nothing to do with the first one, except for a few minor references.I wasn't a big fan of the first movie, but I will say that it was entertaining at times, the sequel, however, it's much more entertaining and much more engaging, the plot it's easier to invest in, no matter how cliché it may be, there are much more interesting characters and much better action scenes.The film it's quite interesting, since it uses various tropes from different movies but it manages to execute them very well, the action scenes are quite violent but they are lacking gore, actually, there isn't much gore in the film, the only one I noticed was were a man get's his face crushed with a shotgun, but other than that, the action it's bloodless, which made the film a perfect choice to be featured on MST3K.Enzo, makes a wonderful job at directing the film, his fun and explosive action scenes are the highlight of the film, the film it's quite predictable for the most part, except for a scenes were a very crucial character dies, a very pleasant surprise, in any other movie this character would have lived, but this movie it's so crazy it doesn't even care.If you are looking for a fun and cheesy action film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic city, then I would definitely recommend this one, a really fun film for it's genre.
trashgang There are so many releases of this flick that no-one knows which one has the full uncut. It was stated that the release on EMS in Germany was the best to watch but sadly it wasn't. Shamelss has finally released the full uncut. Don't think that it was worth the wait. It's pure trash and there isn't that much of a story. But still, it has a following. Can't say it's post-apocalyptic, it's just about the bronx being demolished to built a new project on it but the people from the bronx aren't that happy and are kidnapping the president of the new project. Naturally it's also time for some to try to kill the president so they can take over the regime. So there's a lot of shooting and explosions. It's full of cheap effects, people being shot who never bleed or whatsoever. People flying in the air without blood or bruises. Pure trash coming from Italy only for the lovers of the genre.Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Witchfinder General 666 Enzo G. Castellari definitely is a gifted director of Westerns (such as "Keoma"), Crime flicks (such as "Street Law") or War cinema ("Deadly Mission"). His extremely trashy 'Bronx' films are definitely no highlights of his career, more precisely they are about as dumb as films get, but they're nevertheless highly entertaining pieces of trash cinema."Fuga Dal Bronx" aka. "Escape From The Bronx" of 1983 is the even trashier sequel to the, already very trashy "1990: The Bronx Warriors" (1982), which was only made to cash in on the success of films like "Escape from NY" or "The Warriors. This is, on the one hand, even sillier than its successor, but on the other hand even more action-packed and entertaining, and a film that Italian Trash enthusiasts should not miss.10 years after the events in "1990: The Bronx Warriors", the owner of a company is planning to tear down the hellish gangland of the Bronx, in order to build a new Utopian center of New York. Officially, the inhabitants are offered houses in New Mexico, but they are really forced out of their neighborhood by extermination squads lead by the unscrupulous Floyd Wrangler (the great Henry Silva), who has ordered to kill everybody who refuses to leave. Tough biker and former gang leader Trash (Mark Gregory, who played the same role in the first film), decides to fight back...The story is even more forgettable than in "Bronx Warriors", but the constant violent action in "Fuga dal Bronx" makes up for the moronic plot. It's an enormous number of explosions and violent killings as well as the wonderful trash-feeling that makes this film worthwhile. Although this film was made only 1 year after its successor, Mark Gregory fits in his role quite well now. I didn't like him in the first film, since he still looked like a teenager, and even though the guy is not much of an actor, he fits in the role of Trash quite well now. In exchange for the true stars of the first film, Fred Williamson and Vic Morrorw, "Escape From The Bronx" features one of the greatest icons of Italian genre cinema, Henry Silva, as the villain. All things considered, I wouldn't generally recommend "Fuga dal Bronx", but it is definitely worthwhile for my fellow fans of trash flicks. Enjoyable for fans!
HaemovoreRex Now this is what I call a movie!!!It's virtually 85 minutes on non stop action and with a body count to rival a modest war and enough explosions to level an entire city!Step forward Trash, gang leader and hero of the first movie who returns here in style for within the very first few seconds of his screen entrance he manages to shoot a helicopter out of the sky! Woah!The plot concerns a property development project over the dilapidated Bronx and the compulsory 'relocation' of its existing population to New Mexico…..or so they're told….. As it happens, this relocation is anything but and actually involves the butchery of the Bronx's inhabitants by extermination squads who are headed by a scene stealing, and gloriously sadistic Henry Silver.Needless to say, the inhabitants take not inconsiderable offence to this and resolve to fight back which they do – violently!Cue an infinitude of shootings, beatings, stabbings and detonations as our brave warriors wage the desperate battle to survive against hoards of silver suited, motorbike helmet wearing, flame thrower/machine gun wielding corporate henchmen!This is a movie that will render your mouth agape at its violent brazenness and excesses! In short, if you're a fan of high energy/high body count movies then stop reading this review and go and get yourself a copy of this immediately!!!
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