PG-13 | 15 July 2015 (USA)
Equals Trailers

A futuristic love story set in a world where emotions have been eradicated.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
orsigyoriog It took me so long till I found a trailer that resonated with me. I did not know what to watch, spent so much time figuring what to spend my money on...being very picky. I am GLAD I watched this movie. Great acting. Great, very very great and relevant message. And a nice ending, not too corny! So, do not for a moment hesitate to spend some money and time on this money, it is definitely not a waste. One of the few treasures out there! Should have received more attention though in the media!
Vonia Love. The birth of love. This is what I see in this film and I think it is genius. "Switched On Syndrome" is what it is called in this futuristic society, when individuals not allowed to have any emotions, begin to feel. This disease then progresses in stages, stage 4 progressing to bring "cancelled", then being sent to The Den, after which individuals disappear forever. Many individuals, in order to avoid this, committee suicide. The title refers to the so called "cure", Ashby ENI, after which affected individuals reintegrate themselves into The Collective, the world of equals, those that do not feel. The performances in this film are underrated, especially Kristen Stewart. As her character says early on, it takes an incredible amount of practice and restrain in order to not let her emotions show (she is a "hider" in the otherwise emotionless utopia). The same goes for the actors and actresses. I feel critics underestimated what it actually takes. A straight face, no significant body language, stoic movements, a completely neutral tone of voice. The other formidable aspect of this film is the mise en scène: the sleek color scheme, the lighting, the muted profiles, the clever silhouette use, the switch from all white to the masterful technique of montages, stolen smiles, glances, tears, physical contact, music, colors. Critical reception was not great. I guess many of the critics did not like the mundane, the slow pace; the not completely believable, captivating, intelligent, or even logical universe. Well, that is why most individuals do not appreciate many of the international films that I do. I am not typically a science fiction fan, nor of the future assist Society apocalyptic film. For the reasons stated above, this one was an exception. **** Spoilers **** What I did hate was the ending. Nia and Silas are planning to escape to The Peninsula, somewhere untracked where they could love freely, but the day before they plan to leave, Nia is summoned, tested, and found to be pregnant. She is taken to The Den, eventually escapes with underground help, but finds Silas a little late. À la Shakespeare, he was told she died by asphyxiation, almost commits suicide, but instead decides to receive the cure. He no longer loves her, though he claims to remember what it felt like. He decides to leave with Nia anyways. In the train, he moves to hold her hand. Curtain. I am not a fan of happy endings, all things tied up with a pretty bow, but I am a fan of realistic endings that are sad because they need to be or should be. There is no reason for the depressing ending here, however. Director Drake Doremus redeems it slightly with the hand hold. Nia is still pregnant as far as we know. But not quite enough for me.
geokram101 Perhaps the most brilliant aspect of the film is how all of our understanding of emotions, how they work, what they do, the small interactions between them; everything is set aside. This creates a blank canvas on which director Drake Doremus paints the vivid hues we have become desensitised to. If you wish for a film that reignites your excitement for life, and it's chaotic harmony, Equals should do the trick.
Marcin Calak Equals is wonderful, a must see if you have any feelings at all. The movie is set in a futuristic, "utopian" world where emotion is taken away from humans at birth. Recently though, the SOS disease, which enables these emotions, has been striking and our two main protagonists are "suffering" from it which leads to a wonderful love story.The movie does a great job to create suspense. Without spoiling anything, the tension between our two main characters (played by Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult) leading up to their first contact is perfect and I mustn't say that it delivers great satisfaction when it happens. The two actors are extraordinary, fast paced shots are on point and the story is believable and engaging.Do watch it for an emotional trip.