Complete Unknown
Complete Unknown
R | 26 August 2016 (USA)
Complete Unknown Trailers

Tom’s birthday dinner party is turned upside down by the unexpected arrival of Alice, an old flame who changed her identity and vanished without a trace 15 years prior.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
canning_lee I have just spent 1hr 30mins of my life watching a drama. This is not a thriller and not a mystery and you'll get more entertainment from your grandmothers' granule based gravy. if you want a piece of advice go clean your toilet, because if you watch this movie you'll feel like drowning yourself in it afterwards.
Ian (Flash Review)Ever try to be someone you aren't? Like telling a stranger you are a former professional athlete or doctor or specialized scientist? How long could you stretch the truth and make up stories on the fly? That is the crux of the protagonist as she wrestles with the constant need for change vs hanging on to certain things and people from her true life. The film is basically a dialog driven character study as the story just follows her as she connects with the one person from her real life with no typical plot objectives. An interesting concept yet it felt a bit uneven at times.
lucasnochez Living in a world such as today's, its no wonder how some people might want to just decide to up and leave their lives; their loved ones and the world's that they know all so well. With the expansion of social media, the rapid decline of privacy and our world's natural ability to connect people almost effortlessly, picking up and taking off may seem like a suitable alternative. Yet, the newest film from Maria Full of Grace director Joshua Marston offers many promises about the idea of false identities, femme fatales and of course, the illusion and perception of strangers. Complete Unknown is a very dry, empty and almost didactic film about the essence of strangers, friends, family and oneself and the true meaning of self and the people we think we know and surround ourselves with everyday. Even if we tried, giving away too much of the film is almost impossible, especially if you've already seen the trailer to this highly deceptive and promising feature. Unfortunately, the big reveal and climax of the film comes way too early in the film (which is also spoiled in the trailer) and the majority of the film is basically a reunion between two lost lovers who spend a birthday evening catching up. The birthday boy, Tom (Michael Shannon) is surprised when his good friend and business partner brings an unexpected guest date to his quaint birthday gathering in his lovely New York brownstone. When Tom's business partner Clyde (Michael Churns), brings Alice (Rachel Weisz) as his date to Tom's birthday party, Clyde is under the impression that Alice is just a coincidental beauty who enjoys the food of their local business cafeteria and who he has made an uncanny connection with. Unknown to him at the time, Alice, whose name is really Jennifer, is a long-lost flame of Tom's. Jennifer, who, fifteen years ago, walked away on her loved ones and family, and pursued a life as a drifter and civilian of the world, decides, after he life abroad, that her story with Tom isn't quite finished. Assisting in hospitals as a nurse, becoming a test subject and entertaining for magicians, and studying a very rare type of frog in a nearby New York laboratory, Alice's passions, hobbies and professions add the to complete enigma that is Alice. cu5Early on, it is revealed to the audience as well as the guests of Tom's birthday party that Alice is a compulsive liar who is addicted to the idea of mis-identity and role playing. Her obsession of "living a thousand lives" becomes a very disturbing account of the many passions, desires and thoughts of countless people, who never really are able to live such fantasies out. Yet, as the film progresses and the dialogue builds, Alice's motives and decision for walking out on Tom becomes as clear a foggy day in London. Even when the reveal of Alice's true identity of Jenny is made clear, director and writer Marston spends very little effort explaining her pathologically disturbing behaviour to Tom, or the audience. In essence, Jenny's rationale is a complete unknown, even given her very short family background.Marston, who covered a very pressing social issue in Maria Full of Grace takes on a complete original work with fellow screenwriter Jualian Sheppard, that is anything but original, and takes too many cues from Mike Nichols' Closer; Natalie Portman's alias' name in the film; the theme of mis- identity and of course, a very powerful and iconic final scene in which our main protagonists are walking amongst many people on a street, being the only individual visible in a crowd of blurred faces.Complete Unknown is a film that really asks many questions, yet only deals with the questions Tom has for Jenny, and the many answers she keeps flipping around as the film progresses. One of the most interesting aspects of the film is quite actually, the casting. Shannon, who is a veteran actor, has a very powerful range of mournful facial expressions that speak volumes. While Weisz, who is nothing short of alluring, has a natural beauty that is quite forgiving, disarming yet also very engaging once opened up. Weisz and Shannon's chemistry is one of the few things that are hard to ignore in the film, yet, these two amazingly versatile and talented actors really can't save a film that could have played better as a short film.As Jenny's character reveals to Tom in the fourth act of the film, life allows you to be anyone you really want to be. All it takes is a complete unemotional detachment from the people you love most and some distance from the people who "think" that know you, and you can put yourself anywhere in the world and be anyone you want to be. Yet, with each and every very anti-climatic reveal, we become in engaged in the very distorted reality of Jenny's world, an almost intoxicating look at the ability to shape, mould and form yourself into anyone at all, yet no one really."There is this moment when you're a blank slate, it's like a high".Easily one of my favourite moments in the film comes in the form of the obligatory novice appearance of older and very wise actors making their way in the festival-indie cameos. This time around, Kathy Bates and Danny Glover play a couple who aren't struggling at all with their identities, rather, have shared so much of their lives together that their sentences are finished by one another; their emotions synced with each mannerism and nuanced character tick, that when Tom and Jenny are invited into their home through a chance encounter, Jenny's whole misleading philosophy becomes disproved.
adonis98-743-186503 As a man contemplates moving to a new state with his wife for her graduate program, an old flame - a woman who often changes identities - reenters his life at a birthday dinner party. Complete Unknown suffers from a bad script and a very dull plot, the pacing is really bad and it's edited very poorly with shots of people's backs or even some empty room. The very first few scenes make no sense and unless you see the trailer or read the plot you won't really understand what this woman is doing for the past few years. Overall this movie is bad and the director should feel bad for wasting the talents of Rachel Weisz, Michael Shannon, Kathy Bates and Danny Glover and i'm gonna give it a 4/10.