Encounters of the Spooky Kind
Encounters of the Spooky Kind
NR | 24 December 1980 (USA)
Encounters of the Spooky Kind Trailers

"Big Guts" Cheung, a man well known in his local village for his lack of fear, is put to the test after being trick into spending the night in a temple full of spirits, zombies, and vampires.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Leofwine_draca An excellent combination of martial arts, comedy and horror, this outstanding film helped pave the way for the comedy/horror genre that filled Hong Kong production studios in the '80s and '90s. All of the clichés and fun elements of the genre are present and correct in this nicely-budgeted romp, which doesn't let up from the word go. Our guide and hero through the film is the one and only Sammo Hung, here on top form as both star and director. As the star, Hung puts in a great and funny performance, his comedy skills (mostly acting terrified of the dead) matched by his superior martial arts abilities, ably demonstrated in lots of cool fight scenes. As a director, Hung is in his element and delivers a colourful, exciting, never-lets-up comic book style romp.The plot takes in all kinds of bizarre characters and situations, there's even a guy with a huge hairy mole on his cheek which seems to be the stand for every '70s kung fu flick. Intense set-pieces include nights spent in a haunted temple, jailbreaks, plus the rip-roaring climax which involves the classic duel of wizards and tons of non-stop action. The martial arts sequences are fantastic, especially a fight scene in a restaurant where Hung uses a bench to protect him from razor-sharp swords, and the finale, where Hung and his opponents are possessed by gods and perform superhuman techniques (anyone who doesn't chuckle at Hung's "monkey god" style has to be dead, or possessed).As well as the action, ENCOUNTERS OF THE SPOOKY KIND fulfils its horror quota by including lots of bizarre situations and horrific moments. From the opening shots of zombies tearing open Hung's leg to the spectacular duel between the wizards, this is extreme stuff. Ghosts come out of mirrors and kill people and Sammo's own arm is possessed by evil (two ideas later borrowed by Sam Raimi in his EVIL DEAD II). Elsewhere we have bizarre and complex magic rituals complete with on-screen chicken death (shocking) and some hilarious mumbo-jumbo gobbledegook that the evil magician chants. It doesn't make sense but it sounds great. The film features a great slapstick sequence involving a zombie who copies Sammo's every move, and a hopping corpse which is raised from the dead to attack our hero. It's just like KUGN FU ZOMBIE, but with a decent budget.The main strength of the movie is through the sheer dynamism of Hung and his cohorts and the inventiveness of the scenes. Something new and original is happening in every shot, you sit spellbound watching the events play out and it's one of those films you have to sit through in one go, no time for tea breaks or snacks in between. Possession, zombies, magic duels, and even a few voodoo dolls thrown into the mix make this a killer of a film. Check out the final shot, a real adrenaline burst that will make you stand up out of your chair and cheer our hero on. A great slice of Hong Kong escapism and one of the best out there.
Guardia This film deals with the persecuted character of "Bold Cheung", played by Sammo Hung, as he simultaneously battles to find those who framed him for murder and also escaping a pursuing detective. It is a mostly kung-fu comedy film, and really defined the genre of kung-fu horror, (from which titles such as "Mr. Vampire" capitalised off greatly).The brilliance of this film lies in it's great mix of excellent choreography, and interesting and exotic characters - the horror themes are like an extra background setting that improve the film even further. Not only is it a first in it's (sub)genre, but it happens to be one of the best - and this is due to Sammo's awesome talent.The development of the plot really does centre around Cheung, as he uses his wits and savage kung-fu to overcome various set-pieces of action such as a resurrected corpse (Chinese vampire), a voodoo-doll, a band of policemen, yet another undead corpse, ghosts, specters, and men possessed with summoned Gods.His slapstick style is present again, as well as his unique ability for weapon choreography. The ending sequence rivals "Odd Couple" as the best weapon skills caught on film - (watch those spear techniques closely!). Cinematography in this film is superb, and the restored version I own has not dated in the slightest. In fact, the film looks better than those brought out much later, (I did notice a wash of blue across the entire print, though).Hang in there for the end - one of the most vindictive and vengeful endings I have ever seen. It has a strange satisfaction though!
akthar_c What can I say about a film that had me in tears of laughter. It's not really a horror though you will jump during certain scenes. Don't watch a dubbed version as the jokes are funnier when translated. The action is first rate and all the performances are... 'dead pan'. Just remember to never agree to a bet that might kill you!!!!
floyd-27 Oh yeah, what a way cool movie! Samo Hung directed this very early effort in the HK horror/comedy genre, and what a doozie it is too.Crazy martial arts, total disregard for bodily damage, lavish sets, marvelous photography, stock music from countless horror films and some great zombies too!!!The zombies are what make this movie so fun. Just watch it and you'll see what I mean! The final showdown is also notable for being very funny. You need to see this in the original Cantonese language, just to take in the hilarious "conjured spirit" dialogue of the two fighting actors.