Haunting Fear
Haunting Fear
| 01 August 1990 (USA)
Haunting Fear Trailers

A woman is plagued by dreams of being buried alive while her adulterous husband, steeped in gambling debts, hatches a scheme to drive her mad and murder her to acquire her fortune.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
zacharyherickson I read the Edgar Allan Poe story, The Premature Burial, and this doesn't even have any similarities whatsoever, except the buried alive theme. Michael Berryman is a fine horror film actor, but how the Hell, did he end up in this? Karen Black, is an amazing actress, but also why the Hell, did she end up in this dim witted trash compactor worthy, Fred Olen Ray video. Another bad thing. This is not a Motion Picture not a Film, but this is a Video! B-Movie mania. Trash actresses and actors = Brinke Stephens, and many others, that are so bad I can't even remember their names, (and that's a good thing)! If you want some good suspense, watch "Motion Pictures," by, Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock. If you want good Giallo Era horror films, watch Dario Argento films, from 1970-1990. Avoid all Fred Olen Ray, trash compactor worthy films. This "Video," is crap!
smatysia I had fairly low expectations of this film, but nonetheless I was still disappointed. While there are some very pretty actresses in here, the level of acting was horrendously low. Jay Richardson takes the (heavily contested) prize for worst acting in this movie. Ay-yi-yi. Jan-Micael Vincent and Karen Black, clearly slumming, mailed it in. Brinke Stevens, with her husky voice and lovely visage, I tried so hard to like, but couldn't. To be fair, terror has to be one of the hardest things to do for an actor, but even so, she just didn't get it done. Delia Sheppard was the best of the major cast by far, and that was just adequate. The only believable acting came from the creepy Micael Berryman in a very small part. The aforementioned actresses, however, are major eye candy, so if you like that sort of thing, then check it out. If not, don't.
Stephanie Bishop Fred Olen Ray is a lousy director, even as far as B movie directors go, but 'Haunting Fear' is probably one of his better films. Yes, it does butcher the great Poe story 'Premature Burial' and yes, it is badly paced and uneven throughout, but it is also pretty entertaining. Scream Queen Brinke Stevens is better than usual as a pretty, fragile housewife whose worthless husband (Jay Richardson) is plotting to do away with her because he needs money to pay off a gangster (played by Robert Quarry). Delia Sheppard, a veteran of many early 90s soft-core movies, actually gives the best performance in the film as a slutty mistress. You will also enjoy small roles played by Karen Black as a psychic, Robert Clarke as a doctor and Michael Berryman in a nice cameo in one of the better scenes. The ending didn't make much sense!
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*Does the word "monotonous" mean anything to you? Most of this movie is spent having Brinke Stevens talk about her nightmare of being buried alive. This goes on and on and on. There are a few sex scenes with Delia Sheppard to keep things interesting. Finally the husband and Delia come up with an idea. If they scare Brinke enough, maybe her heart will go out and they can get her money. So they stick her in a coffin and leave her in the basement. Brinke has some sort of transformation and becomes a ghost faced killer. It's a good payoff scene but it's in the last 20 minutes.Brinke Stevens makes a great maniac. Too bad it's only for a couple of minutes. The sexiest thing about her is her voice. It has kind of a scratchy, girlish inflection to it. It suits her well. Brinke is also kind enough to go topless once or twice. Her rampage at the end saves this movie from the trash compacter. So basically I would skip most of the movie and fast forward to the last 20 minutes. The plot itself is only strong enough for a half hour episode of "Tales from the Darkside". Lots of padding made this flick to feature length.