Encino Man
Encino Man
PG | 22 May 1992 (USA)
Encino Man Trailers

High school misfits Stoney and Dave discover a long-frozen primeval man buried in their backyard. But the thawed-out Link—as the boys have named him—quickly becomes a wild card in the teens' already zany Southern California lives. After a shave and some new clothes, Link's presence at school makes the daily drudgery a lot more interesting.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Micitype Pretty Good
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
richspenc One thing Brendin Frazer can pull off better than anyone else is his Tarzan style yell. He did it here, he did it well in 'George of the jungle" while swinging those vines, and he even did it with his friends in "School ties", always in a good, non annoying way, where you knew he was just a cool guy having fun. Now Sean Astin and Pauly shore in this movie are not cool. They're highschool lo-sers, as Pauly Shore said it. Pauly Shore was a popular MTV personality back in the early 90s when this movie came out and his " ma-jor" speech style was his thing. Anyway, Pauly and Astin are digging a pool in the back yard, just wishing it would bring them prom dates and popularity. So far, they've been far from it. Getting harassed by the bully and ignored by the pretty girls including Robin (Megan Ward), Sean's crush. Robin and the bully are at first, going steady (the pretty girl and the bully are going steady at the beginning of most highschool movies). Then, Sean and Pauly dig up, bum-bum-bum-bum, the caveman! Actually, just a large ice cube with a body in it. How an ice cube has been able to stay just a few feet underground in 70 degree southern California weather for a hundred thousand years without melting is just a tad bit beyond me. Anyway, Sean and Pauly let it thaw for a day. A primitive, non speaking, filthy, yelling man starts running around making a mess and breaking things. Then Sean and Pauly clean him up and dress him, and he (Brenden) then ends up somehow looking and acting cooler than Sean and Pauly. They bring Brenden to school, and he slowly starts getting them more positive attention from kids, including the girls. Brendon even defends the bully from Sean. I know all of this seems quite unbelievable and totally unlikely, but this movie was not meant to have been taken seriously. Its supposed to be a quirky, fun joke of a film. The film does not completely escape bad scenes. One scene, during drivers Ed, Brenden is driving and makes the car tilt over and drive on both right side wheels for the longest time. Yeh. Then, there's a dumb scene in a bar with some drunks acting rowdy and the police busting it up, with everyone in the bar managing to escape getting arrested except the main characters. This movie lacks any ma-jor surprises. Do Sean and Pauly get their pool ready in time for the prom? Do they get prom dates with their desired girls? Does everyone come over to their pool after the prom and now find Astin and Shore cool? Does a bear s*** in the woods?
GeoPierpont Less than 2% of the entire world's population carry the definitive maternal mitochondrial DNA from the Baltic Nations. Is it a wonder they chose this background for a million year old caveman to overcome death, high school and learn several languages within a few weeks?? Todally believable dude! This film never fails to deliver comedy, fantasy and some feel good moments, no matter the many repeated viewings. It remains one of my favorite check-out and ride the wave of unique script and theme.Fraser did such a competent job as the lovable Link, his meteoric rise to fame was inevitable. I could not envision any other in this role. As a SoCal semi-native, the earthquake scenes were very relatable but made to seem full of potent mystery and intrigue, the last thought typically on my mind, hence a welcoming singular perspective.I enjoyed the scene when Link tries to drink the runoff water in the street and spits it out, not even a caveman can do that! It was very curious how the two high school nerds could dress Link to look so kewl, especially that hair, where did they get all those ideas and clothes? So many other questions arise from this fanciful farce I assumed that to think too much would be a complete waste of effort and denial of pleasure. Hence, off with my head! The balance of fact and fiction was well done and made me long for yet another adventure at the Smithsonian. They actually have them bones on display. Enjoyed the happy ending, complete surprise but it could happen to you, eh? High recommend for young at heart and momentary feeble of mind.PS - Music score huge plus!
capone666 Encino ManThe fortunate thing for a caveman in contemporary California is restaurants already carter to his Paleolithic diet.Mind you, the modern early-man in this comedy would prefer pizza to roots.Excavating his parents' backyard, high school loser Dave (Sean Astin) and his friend Stoney (Pauly Shore) uncover an Ice Man.When he thaws, the duo clean him up, christen him Link (Brendan Fraser) and take him to school as an exchange student.And while Link's antics land Dave and Stoney the popularity that they so desperately crave before Prom, it costs Dave his crush (Megan Ward), and Stoney his best friend.Despite its feeble fish out of the Stone Age storyline, Encino Man's bevy of affable characters and laughable situations help it evolve from a lame to a lovable farce.Nevertheless, missing links shouldn't be at school all-day. They should be at the museum reenacting their lives twice every hour.Green Lightvidiotreviews.blogspot.com
TheDarthKnight26 It was a great teen movie with great 90's actors like Pauly shore and Brenden Frasier and how it was weird to link that the world he once knew is now replaced with our world and Pauly shores classic lines like "wizzin the juice" and "munchin on grunge Buddy" are magnificent, all and all this movie was pretty good and i own it and i love to watch it all the time.The craziest part of the movie is when link discovered the new world and he was playing with Davids dog and he mistaken a garbage truck for a colossal mammoth and when he is at the bar and he gets in trouble by the Mexican gang for taking the Mexican leaders girlfriend and how Pauly Shore,Sean Austin and Brenden Frazier are a spectacular team together.