Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer
| 05 November 2010 (USA)
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer Trailers

An in-depth look at the rapid rise and dramatic fall of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Desertman84 After watching Mora Stephens' Zipper,a movie about a politician who's got a sexual addiction towards escorts,it referred me to this documentary - Client 9:The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer - from where the main character of the film - Sam Ellis - was based from.This documentary was directed by Alex Gibney and worked together with Eliot Spitzer,the former Governor of New York who was involved in sex scandals that involved high class prostitutes working in escort firms.It tries to focus on his political career as well as the sex scandals that Spitzer got involved in.The interviews conducted in it involves the political friends and opponents of Spitzer as well as the people working in the escort services.Interestingly,the interview made on Angela Dupre,who happens to be Spitzer's regular client was portrayed by an actress.Apparently,it was both thought-provoking and informative as we get to realize how great Spitzer could have been politically as he was definitely great in acting as a "police" of Wall Street.Despite of his temper,he could have had a great future ahead as he could have been a possibly the "first Jewish President" of the United States.Both his friends and foes attested to his capabilities.Too bad that his inability to resist women led to a sex scandal and unfortunately the so-called "poster boy" for politicians involved in it despite having more popular ones involved such as the likes of Bill Clinton,John Edwards and even Newt Gingrich.It was also interesting to see how the so-called beautiful women work as escorts despite the fact that they are probably the ones who are less likely to be due to the fact that they are going to have the talent to succeed in the real world.One would definitely be bothered how much the United States has ingrained the attitude of materialism in its culture.Overall,this is one complex documentary that is more about Spitzer himself.
gavin6942 An in-depth look at the rise and fall of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, including interviews with the scandalized, former politician.This is just about the greatest political documentary ever made. Rarely do I give a film more than a 7, but this is pure 10 all the way. Not just covering the sex scandal, this film gives a broader look at Spitzer's career, even touching on his childhood and upbringing. There is plenty on Wall Street, and we get to learn a bit about the call girl industry.Should Spitzer have been taken down? Of course. Having an affair may be excusable, but engaging in a relationship with a prostitute is a crime, and we need to hold attorneys and politicians in higher standing than that. But just because he made this mistake, it should not subtract from the good things he did to help clean up corruption.
paul2001sw-1 The story of Eliot Spitzer is certainly interesting: an abrasive man who fought the demigods of Wall Street; a moral crusader brought down by his own lusts. The tale also provides insights into high-class prostitution and raises the idea that a conspiracy existed against a man who made a career of making enemies. But the problem with this documentary is that is doesn't ask hard enough questions. Spitzer is allowed to brush off charges of his own monstrous behaviour; his enemies likewise side-step the charges of conspiracy; while the call-girls are allowed to simper their way through the program unchallenged. And some stories are silly - Spitzer implies his father was ruthless because he beat his son at 'Monopoly'! One is tempted to feel that all of them deserve each other; but the ordinary people of New York lost a highly flawed champion when Spitzer fell - you may not like him, but the financial services industry suffers little authority gladly, and arguably we are all now living with the consequences.
M. J Arocena As I saw disgraced Governor Spitzer conduct a CNN program with Kathleen Parker, I thought: He must have very thick skin. Yes, he must have but I watched the program and couldn't help but being hit by his brilliance. Clarity, courage, directness. I couldn't wait to see "Client 9" Now, 24 hours later I feel a sense of loss. Spitzer could have been a great American president. The kind of leader that the world needs. One who won't shy away from confront corruption from any side of the aisle. What a terrible pit for all of us that a man like that could fall in such a common trap. His enemies, which by the way, they all look as if from the cast of The Sopranos used what HE gave them to destroy him. Damn shame! Sex, sex, sex. How many great men have fallen in the trap of their own needs. The documentary does a great job in allowing us to go into Spizer's personal and public jungle and come out with enormous amounts of food for thought. Sad, frustrating and very, very good