Empire State
Empire State
R | 03 September 2013 (USA)
Empire State Trailers

After failing to get into the police academy, Chris Potamitis settles for a security guard job with an armoured truck company. After he makes the mistake of mentioning the company's lax security to his best friend, He's unwittingly drawn into an elaborate scheme to rob the abundant amounts of cash being stored on their premises—resulting in the largest cash heist in U.S.history.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
askattebo Sadly we only made it through about 15-minutes worth; simply too many f-bombs that overwhelmed any dialog.
leonblackwood Review: This movie seemed like an episode of American Dumbest Criminals. It's not as bad as Pain & Gain, but it's not that car off. While your watching the film, you have to remember that it's a true story and that the money has never been found. The real guy who worked in security depot says that he doesn't know where the money is, which I find unbelievable, and his excuse is that the money just disappeared while he was in jail. Yeah Right! Anyway, the film could have been so much better because of the great concept, but the director didn't do a good job. Personally, I can't believe that a depot that holds that amount of money, wasn't that secure, but i very much doubt that it is like that nowadays. If they had a bigger name playing the lead, it might have been much better, but it just seemed like an average heist movie, even though it's a true story.Round-Up: For a movie with the Rock starring in it, I can't believe that it didn't get the big Hollywood treatment like most of his movies. He does stand out from the rest of the actors, but he isn't in the movie that much. All of the other actors needed replacing with a better class of actors because you can see the difference with a movie like Pain & Gain. The script could have done with a rewrite and the name of the movie, along with the poster, doesn't really show what the movie is really about. Anyway, the bonus bits on the DVD shows an interview with the real person who worked at the depot so that gives you a clearer insight into what the hell must have been going through there heads at the time. But the question still remains, were is the money....Budget: $11million Worldwide Gross: N/AI recommend this movie to people who are I to the true stories about the biggest robbery in American history. 3/10
alex-kirkby This film is OK that's it. Dwayne Johnson is my favorite Movie star and when I heard about this film I just had to see it. This film is just one boring thriller with an OK story line security guard helps steal all the money that he is meant to look after then the security guard is arrested by the police, there is no action apart from a 5 minute shoot out scene about half way through the movie then that's it. This is the 3rd Dwayne Johnson movie that I haven't really liked. I can't understand why he did this one but as they say every action star has a through bad films. Plus this film also shows how bad Liam Hemsworth is doing in his films compared to his brother Chris Hemsworth (Thor). This film is not great and it is not bad ever it's worth a watch. In my opinion they could of done so much more with this film and and they could of done better with 2 actors one being a fantastic action/comedy star and the other being a OK actor who has worked on a big block buster film which was The Expendables 2. This film is only worth watching once and I wouldn't buy it when it comes out on DVD. Give it ago as I always say it has Dwayne Johnson in it and is all based on a true story and it is about a robbery of $30 million, it's just a very boring true story but give it a go.
LeonLouisRicci An Almost Movie that is Almost what it Attempts to be, but not quite. It has many Scenes that are Frustrating and the Characters range from Impossibly Irritating (Eddie) to somewhat Dull (Chris). The Director handles the Film in a way that could be called Mis-Handled. The Screenplay, even Worse and is all over the Place.Never Witty or Intriguing it moves along at a slightly more than Snail's Pace as it has some Clunky Combinations of Irritating Talk, Punctuated with some Violence. It never seems to Coalesce and by the End the whole Thing is a Ho-Hum Affair that betrays its True Life Subject Matter.This may have been the Greatest Heist in History but as a Film not so Great. Mediocre at Best, it is Dull at Times and is put together like a Crazy Woman's Quilt, resulting in a Craggy, Bland, but not Totally Worthless Film. It has some Moments but the Crime here is that it's all Rendered with a Complete lack of Style or Composition that makes this Type of Thing such a Perpetual, Intriguing Genre. The Heist Film. But it was an Opportunity that got Stolen Away in the Script Phase.