Empire of the Wolves
Empire of the Wolves
R | 27 December 2005 (USA)
Empire of the Wolves Trailers

When the young detective Paul Nerteaux finds the third slashed female corpse of illegal Turkish immigrants, he decides to ask for support to the experienced dark retired detective Jean-Louis Schiffer to chase the serial killer. Together, they infiltrate in the Turkish mafia trying to find the answer to the crimes. Meanwhile, the worker Anna Heymes is being submitted to a brain treatment and has severe headaches and glimpses of memories and visions. When these two parallel events collide, disclose that the Turkish organization "The Wolves" is behind them.

TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
sibirya Another masterpiece in the tradition of Midnight Express and Ararat! Turcophobic hate mongering, this time in French.This film is so bad and so racist, I don't know where to start. The plot is absolutely ridiculous. Is it because Turkey has been knocking on EU's door for admission that the French felt a need to demonize them? None of the "Turks" in the movie even look Turkish, except the villager extras and the soldiers at the end that really are Turkish. But these are the only people that do not look like monsters. Well, they do not, because they are normal people. Why do all the racist movies about the Turks have to make them look dark skinned? Will the West never overcome its skin color obsession? And it's the Turks that are supposed to be evil? And why do they pick Arab-looking people? Why are they dressed like Arabs? Why are the Turks wearing keffiyeh? In Turkey only Kurds and Arabs wear keffiyeh, and only in rural areas. A Turk, let alone a Turkish nationalist, would never wear a keffiyeh.How can anyone even watch this racist filth? How can some people actually like this movie? Turks are so evil, so sadistic, all killers, criminals, drug dealers, all hideously ugly looking.What upset me even more was that the movie-makers clearly lied to the Turks which made the last small scene possible to be shot in Turkey. They definitely lied to the Turks that they were shooting a movie about a terrorist group which the Turkish gendarmery heroically defeats. Then they entirely changed the movie. The Turks in these last scenes look so different than the keffiyeh-wearing maniacs, racially and otherwise. The Turks must have been told that the terrorist group is a different nationality. Being dressed like Kurds or Arabs, they would never think otherwise. But I'm sure they still were not told about how racist it would be towards those people. The makers of Midnight Express had also lied to the Turks. If you will create racist garbage, at least have some dignity and do not stab people on their back.Technically the movie is a disaster also, but compared with the racism, it's not even worth mentioning.It's really worrisome how powerful hateful racism is in the West.
kosmasp ... are not enough to satisfy the/a sophisticated viewer! A movie that begins as fine as this, more in the vain of a thriller and clearly reminding people of films as "Fifth Element", and has horror elements woven into the plot, should deserve a better rating. I was amazed by the beginning and was really anxious to know what was happening. Throw in Jean Reno, always on top of his game and nothing can go wrong ... or can it? Well it seems it can! And this movie is an example of why, you should know where you're heading as a director, making a movie. Also one of those movies who try to mix up genres just like that ... Doesn't work that easy though. And although the beginning was suspenseful and good, you will notice the point where the movie breaks ... where it won't only get ridiculous, but the movie also falls to pieces. And even the not badly photographed action sequences at the end can' save that, as well as Reno can't! The question that remains is, did the script writer(s) mess this up, or did the director go another way and made many script "corrections" (they've gone all wrong then)? I'll never know, but I also don't care!
Claudio Carvalho When the young detective Paul Nerteaux (Jocelyn Quivrin) finds the third slashed female corpse of illegal Turkish immigrants, he decides to ask for support to the experienced dark retired detective Jean-Louis Schiffer (Jean Reno) to chase the serial killer. Together, they infiltrate in the Turkish mafia trying to find the answer to the crimes. Meanwhile, the worker Anna Heymes (Arly Jover) is being submitted to a brain treatment and has severe headaches and glimpses of memories and visions. When these two parallel events collide, disclose that the Turkish organization "The Wolves" is behind them."L'Empire des Loups" seems to be a good story, but with a very confused and flawed screenplay. I have never read the book, where probably I would find the explanations for many situations, but watching the way I did, in a DVD spoken in French with English subtitles, I found lack of explanation for many points. I repeated some scenes, trying to see what I could have missed, but I believe the plot is really flawed. For example, Schiffer wears a necklace identical to the criminals, but it is never clear if he is a dirty cop or if he also belongs to or worked undercover in the organization. What are the reasons for the brainwash of Sema, and her visions of monsters and reference to the Four Moons? Was she a mule of the Wolves? Why waste such a woman as a mule and as a subject of an experiment? A simpler screenplay with fewer subplots would work better and better in a movie. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "O Império dos Lobos" ("The Empire of the Wolves")
stormruston Not a bad action/thriller.A bit slow for a action movie, and not quite thrilling enough for a thriller. Still the action sequences were well done and some of the fighting sequences verged on excellent.The story was slightly far fetched and tho the writers tried for twists it was really very straight forward.Jean Reno was good as always and I thought Jocelyn Quivrin was excellent.This movie was like a cross between "the borne identity", "seven" and 100 average cop movies.Worth a watch id you like Jean Reno.