Embrace of the Vampire
Embrace of the Vampire
NR | 15 October 2013 (USA)
Embrace of the Vampire Trailers

Sharon Hinnendael stars as Charlotte, a timid and sheltered teen who has just left an all-girls Catholic school for a new life at a co-ed university. But an ancient evil has followed her here, tormenting her with disturbing nightmares and tempting her with forbidden desires. It is a hunger that can only be satiated by sensual pleasures of the flesh...and a thirst for blood. It's a battle for her soul... and one she's losing. But Charlotte is a fighter. The chaos and torment threatens to unleash her own inner beast, and anyone even close to her may find themselves embracing their own horrific fate.

Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
generationofswine Have you seen it? No? There is likely a very good reason for that...it stinks.Like nearly ALL the endless remakes and reboots that have been plaguing movie goers for the past decade or so....all this is, is a heartless version of the original.It has no heart.It has no soul.It is a retelling of a film that we all love and cherish...and it adds nothing to the story. It improves nothing but the special effects--which held up very well over time--and in some cases belittles the fans of the original...particularly in the fact that they remade the movie at all, without adding anything clever to it.Like so many other remakes it is a hallow shell of the original.
Anssi Vartiainen Charlotte Hawthorn (Sharon Hinnendael) has lived a pretty sheltered life so far. She attended an all-girls Catholic school, is a quiet and reserved personality, and so on. But now she's about to attend a co-ed university on a fencing scholarship. But her past, containing an ancient evil, is all set to haunt her new life.If that sounds unbelievably clichéd and contrived, it's because it is. Embrace of the Vampire is a remake of 1995 film of the same name. And why they wanted to remake such an average film, I have no idea, but they didn't exactly improve upon the source material, to say the least. The acting is stilted, the pacing either crawls or rushes forwards with lightning speed and the movie just kind of ends in the middle of a fight. Yeah, just as things are starting to come together, in what would normally be the end of the second act, the film decides that you've seen enough and the credits roll. I almost didn't believe my eyes.It should also be noted that this is supposed to belong to the erotic vampire genre. The only problem being that it doesn't have the guts to do even that correctly. Sure there's some nudity and sexual situations, but barely anything more than you'd see in your typical teen comedy. If the movie would have at least provided us with proper erotica, it could have kind of worked as a B-movie. But no, it plays it safe. Sounds thrilling, doesn't it.So yeah, this movie will quietly fade into history as an utter failure on pretty much all levels. So long, movie. You shall not be missed.
fireandrock Was expecting a Skinemax style mindless soft-core kinda movie, but this one exceeded my expectations. As a B-movie enthusiast, I watch a lot of terrible movies for fun. The plot, while not terribly original, was different enough from the usual vampire fare to keep me interested. For most of the first two thirds, there was enough going on to keep the ending from being too predictable, but after the reveal the resolution was pretty standard and a little disappointing. The acting wasn't anything special, but managed not to detract from the movie.Overall, this was much better than I was expecting. As a bonus,there was plenty of eye candy and a very nice lesbian scene. In my opinion, this one was actually better than the original.
jimelas-835-982916 This movie was awful basically an excuse to see small breasted white women topless. There was an added lesbian scene to spice things up that's why IO gave the movie at least a two but she didn't remember she was with the girl, then she almost loses her virginity in the woods no less but the vampire spoils that. Then she goes over to the vampires house after he slaughters all her friends and they proceed to make out and she stabs him then he bites her she opens the curtains he burst into flames then she just lays there gushing blood end of story. This movie was a flipping waste of money. Again just an excuse to see a bunch of small breasted white women topless just watch porn.