Creature from the Haunted Sea
Creature from the Haunted Sea
NR | 01 June 1961 (USA)
Creature from the Haunted Sea Trailers

A crook decides to bump off members of his inept crew and blame their deaths on a legendary sea creature. What he doesn't know is that the creature is real.

Alicia I love this movie so much
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
jasonbourneagain Roger Corman's movies are supposed to be bad, but usually aren't boring. This looks like a hastily put together mish-mash of film he shot and couldn't use. I saw the movie poster and thought it was a 50s - 60s type schlocky sci-fi/horror flick that he's known for. It is a movie in a collection of B sci-fi/horror movies on DVD. Right off the bat, the intro does not seem to fit the genre. Even the opening screen credits look ridiculous. There's a lot of hammy and cheesy acting throughout and if you have the patience to watch it until the end, then a creature finally does come out. It looks nothing like the movie poster. It's difficult to watch because of the convoluted story and uneven pacing. I can't recommend this for viewing for any 50s - 60s horror/sci-fi movie buff or Roger Corman fan. Afterward, I read on wikipedia that it did poorly at the box office due to misleading advertising. Also, Robert Towne worked with Corman in The Last Woman on Earth in 1960. That movie wasn't bad. Afterward, they got together and created this fiasco.
TM_Rezzek Sure, it's a Roger Corman quickie clocking in at 63 minutes, but it's 63 minutes of spy, gangster, and monster movie spoofing that's anchored by hilarious, deadpan narration written by Chuck Griffith. Add to it a dose of surrealism here and there (a phone booth on a deserted beach with someone who looks like Corman himself waiting to use the phone) and you have an idiosyncratic, low-budget winner. Corman was producing and directing films at such a furious pace during this time, he would take chances on trying something different as long as there was a script and a story. By the way, the animated opening credits sum up the tone perfectly!
derbycityusa This movie was a parody, nothing more, nothing less. It was not meant to be taken seriously in the least bit. It wasn't meant to be scary in the least bit (one idiot's movie review actually criticized the movie maker for having such a phony looking sea monster...DUHHHH!) Yet, over half of the lame brains writing reviews here, don't appear to understand that. It was you see, a DELIBERATELY BAD MONSTER MOVIE, like "Airplane" was a deliberately bad action, adventure film! Funny? Yes! Hilarious? No, but this movie was as low budgeted as it was way ahead of it's time... way ahead! Some of these other movies followed suit, but much later though. Movies like, Airplane, Scary Movie, Scary Movie II, Scary Movie III, Scary Movie IV, The Naked Gun, The Naked Gun 33 1/3, Hot Shots, Hot Shots Deux, ... God need I go On!
Claudio Carvalho After the Cuban Revolution, the mobster Renzo Capetto (Antony Carbone) and his lover Mary-Belle Monahan (Betsy Jones-Moreland) transport a group of exiled Cubans led by General Tostada (Edmundo Rivera Alvarez) to the United States with a Cuban treasure to finance a counterrevolution against Castro. However, Renzo and his gang formed by Pete Peterson Jr. (Beech Dickerson), Happy Jack Monahan (Robert Bean) and Sparks Moran (Edward Wain), who is indeed the American Agent XK150, plan to steal the treasure from the Cuban people.They fabricate a sea monster to change the course to San Juan and kill Cuban soldiers. However they discover that the creature does exist and is attacking them all."Creature from the Haunted Sea" is an awfully lame and silly Z-movie by Roger Corman. The comedy and the horror never works and the acting, direction, narration, effects and make-up are really dreadful. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Criaturas do Fundo do Mar" {"Creatures from the Bottom of the Sea")