| 15 November 2012 (USA)
Elf-Man Trailers

An Elf is left behind by Santa to help rescue the Harper family from a lousy Christmas. The Elf and the family get more than they bargained for, as the kids help the Elf discover his special powers and true identity as a budding superhero.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
PodBill Just what I expected
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
z-42277 Elf man truly surpasses any movie I've ever watched. When I was forced into watching this five years ago, I had low expectations, but I never expected it to become my favorite movie. I haven't watched it in about five years, but as I remember, the actor playing Ryan was truly amazing. I hope he's doing big things now! I think I saw him in a Geico commercial a few years back. Impressive!
Ben Gresham The movie had premise based on a half-baked plot but the acting on "wee- man's" part is absolutely horrible. Completely obvious he's lost interest in his own character and the movie altogether by the halfway mark. Poor directors can only do so much with what they're given. Fans of Jason Acuna should stick with the Jackass series and look for nothing else of interest out of this guy. Every actor in the movie outshines "Wee-Man" by an enormous amount. The kids in the movie deserve an Oscar in comparison to Jason's acting. This movie is not worth the time it takes to watch it. Children of younger ages might enjoy Elf-Man but I strongly suggest passing this one over in lieu of just about anything else to watch.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must say that "Elf-Man" was actually twice of a surprise for me.First of all, I hadn't expected the movie to actually be as good as it was. It was honestly a wholesome and great family movie for the Christmas time, much in the likes of "Home Alone".Secondly, and most importantly for me, was that Jeffrey Combs was in it. I hadn't picked up on that before I was watched the names billed in the intro of the movie. So that was a nice surprise, and somewhat interesting to see him in this kind of movie, and not only in the usual horror movies that he is mostly known for. Always great to see an actor (or actress) diversify and spread out into other genres.The story in "Elf-Man" is about a family whose Christmas is not looking all too bright, when further tragedy strikes as the father (played by Mackenzie Astin) is kidnapped by three criminals (played by Jeffrey Combs, Dave Coyne and Larry Nichols) who wants to steal the chip that produces electricity that he produced. His children, Kasey (played by Carly Robell) and Ryan (played by Blake Kaiser) is looked after by their grandmother (played by Marty Terry) when Kasey makes a wish upon an old elf figurine. As Christmas is the time of miracles, her wish comes true, and an elf (played by Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña) appears to help the family restore the Yule tide peace.For a family movie, then "Elf-Man" is quite entertaining, especially if you were amongst the ones who enjoyed the "Home Alone" movies. There is laughter, love, hope, magic and 'danger' all to be had in this movie (of course, on a level where kids can enjoy it). And it is also a movie that tells the story of the value of family, love and the special time of the Christmas time.So for a family with children, then "Elf-Man" does have potential to become a returning movie on the watch list during the Christmas time.
kiersz A really bad Christmas movie about Elf who helps a family in trouble. The father is a scientist and has some kind of invention that some bad guys want to steal. The mother pf the family is dead but there is no explanation why or how, just so a there can be a love story involved. This is a real kids movie and not worth seeing for people over 12 years. The story is bad as so is the acting, there is hardly any Christmas feeling and some parts remind of Home Alone but much worse. Not worth wasting time away. Weeman should not quite his day job. Feels like all the actors re reading the lines. The only thing that is OK are the special effect but they look ridiculous in this movie.