NR | 08 June 1962 (USA)
Eegah! Trailers

Teenagers stumble across a prehistoric caveman, who goes on a rampage.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
davidcarniglia Pretty terrible stuff. A caveman giant in the desert wilderness, surviving into the modern age due to an abundance of sulphur in his cave habitat, does...what? Scares a local girl, kidnaps her and her father, and then they just hang out. He does get a mean streak going when they try to escape, but there's no sci-fi involved; he's acts like just another rustic nut. His mummified ancestors are the scary presence. Maybe the sulphur water could've been put to better use by somehow reanimating them. There aren't really any memorable performances here. Richard Kiel is kind of a cool caveman. His better scenes occur when he makes his way to town; "Large man or giant creating disturbance" as the police dispatcher aptly puts it. The scene with the drunk is a good bit: he admits he's got to be pretty messed-up to see the likes of a 7'2" caveman. Eegah also makes a splash at the club; plus its buffet line has he-man portions.It might've been better to explore the comic possibilities of his fish-out-if-water situation. Instead that aspect is just hinted at. Given the more or less serious role he has, Eegah needs some menacing quality: a hideous mutation, possessing some superpower, something more. As big as he is, he's not even that convincing as a giant. James Arness was half a foot shorter than Kiel (ok, probably the same height with his elevator shoes), but was a frightening presence in The Thing. The only scene where Kiel truly looks gigantic is in his first appearance, where he's juxtaposed to Roxy, in her diminutive 'bug-eyed' Sprite. His relative normality increases after he's shaved. When townspeople freak out at his appearance, it's probably at least as much because of his obvious primitivism, than because of his size.It doesn't help that the owl-faced Tom has no charisma. The blending of rocking-and-rolling teens with monsters in 50s-60s sci-fi is infinitely better-handled in The Giant Gila Monster and The Blob. The lead in Gila Monster actually plays a cool character who can sing; Tom's a wannabee.In fact Eegah is a wannabee movie: it's got invited to the sci-fi party, but just couldn't swing.
O2D This movie has everything.Forty year old people playing teens, pretending it's dark outside and splitting up to search.About a third of the movie is this kid singing.Even while laying on the ground in the desert alone at night, he still has a full band accompanying him.One time he decides he wants to dance so he just hands his guitar to a random guy and now that guy is in the band.Not to be out done, that guy hands it off to another guy and even he can just jump right into the song.Of course this kid can't shut up about his dune buggy, which is just a car with all the body panels missing.So the teen girl has seen a giant cave man and since her elderly father doesn't believe her, he immediately drops everything to go look for him by himself.You know he disappears and then the kids go looking for him and decide to split up.And you know what happens when people split up.For most of the movie it seems like the audio must be dubbed because it just doesn't really fit and that leads us to the best part of this movie.When the dung buggy gets stuck in the sand, the kid turns to his girlfriend and her dad(who are riding in it with him) and says "Get in!".WHAT?While not even close to being a good movie, this may be the best cave man movie I have seen.
B MovieManiac A ripping yarn of a B movie classic.Anyone who tries to apply current movie standards to this kind of chaos really needs to find a new hobby.This is a movie based on the concept "Richard Kiel is a big guy, how can we make a movie out of this"Strangely it's only in the last few minutes that you really get a sense of the size of this guy.Ultimately this movie is a King Kong story line with King Kong swapped out for a caveman dude.I have a feeling that this movie is not historically accurate.Watch it and enjoy it for what it is a piece of entertainment
tfog92 Even though this film is one of the worst movies of all time and has terrible acting, a bad plot, and awful dialog, I love it. I have been watching Eegah since I was a very young kid after we got it as a joke present from my uncle. It is so bad it is very fun to watch and I must have seen it at least 50 times over the course of my life! There is a certain sweetness about the film and the characters that makes it interesting, and by the end of the film you really will grow to to like the giant, Eegah, who despite his menacing appearance, is a nice guy. I have such great memories of this movie and while it is terrible, Eegah remains a very special film for me and all of my family.