Eaten Alive!
Eaten Alive!
| 25 October 1985 (USA)
Eaten Alive! Trailers

A woman's search for her missing sister leads her to the jungles of New Guinea, where she and an expatriate guide encounter a cult leader and flesh-hungry natives.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Woodyanders Rich gal Sheila Morris (lovely blonde Janet Agren) hires scruffy guide Mark Butler (nicely played with rugged conviction by Robert Kerrman) to find her sister Diana (busty brunette Paola Senatore) who has gone missing in the treacherous jungle of New Guinea. The pair run afoul of not only a deadly tribe of savage cannibals, but also a freaky Jim Jones-type religious cult led by the deranged Jonas (a smooth portrayal by Ivan Rassimov). Writer/director Umberto Lenzi keeps the enjoyably lurid story moving along at a brisk pace, maintains a harsh and unapologetic take-no-prisoners sleazy tone throughout, and delivers a pleasing generous amount of both tasty gratuitous female nudity -- statuesque stunner Agren gets stripped naked and painted gold -- and in-your-face nasty gore that includes a castration, decapitation, evisceration, and the expected graphic gut munching. Comely Me Me Lai lends sturdy support as helpful native girl Mowara while token big name Mel Ferror pops up in a few scenes as knowledgeable professor Carter. Federico Zanni's handsome cinematography provides several breathtaking shots of the lush tropical scenery. The funky-throbbing score by Roberto Donati and Fiamma Maglione hits the get-down groovy spot. Good low-grade fun.
Shaza123 Directed by Umberto Lenzi this is by far, the funniest Cannibal movie I've seen. A real treat for fans of cheesy exploitation while still being quite gritty in parts. In the opening, we have a sneaky dude running around assassinating folks with one of those spit tube know, where they blow into it and a dart comes out and gets them in the neck...yeah those things. And after assassinating his targets, he runs off until he randomly gets run over by a truck. It was a very promising start! We're then treated to the opening credits with this groovy jazzy 80's music. As the credits play, we follow a blonde called Sheila Morris, who is inquiring about her missing sister, Diana. Turns out the assassin had a movie on him when he died with Diana's name on it. Upon watching the tape, it appears her sister is connected to a strange cult in New Guinea run by the charismatic Jonas, who perform's unique rituals of sadomasochism in an attempt to get back into touch with nature. Makes perfect sense! Well, Shelia, with the help of a guy named Mark, plan on finding her sister by travelling into the depths of the New Guinea jungle, but of course they must watch out for cannibalistic natives who inhabit the place. You won't see the same brutality from Cannibal Holocaust, though it does get pretty full on it parts. The main thing you can expect from this one is the humour from the random and over the top acting. I love how Mark is just so incredibly sleazy and concerned with getting his $80,000, which he agreed to by travelling with Shelia, he was hilarious. My favourite scene was when they do eventually find Diana. Shelia comments; "She's different, I can hardly recognize her"... and Mark comments; "...She looks stoned out of her mind!".... Just epic! What I found really interesting was the cannibals weren't really the major focus, it's actually the cult. They come across as more messed up then the cannibals! Though I did find it humorous that when they do eventually meet the famous and legendary Jonas, he spends the whole movie wearing a dress. The use of music was also pretty epic and hilarious. Not only did we have that jazzy music every time we cut back to New York, but we also have Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor playing during a Funeral ceremony! Brilliant! It was nice seeing the very lovely native girl from Jungle Holocaust in this, looking even lovelier. We're first introduced to her character at her husbands funeral where three guys have graphic sex with her(... makes perfect sense). She has a speaking part in this one too.What I found really sneaky is if you're a fan of Cannibal movies, you'll notice "borrowed" footage inserted in it. I guess Lenzi thought we wouldn't notice, tsk tsk, Lenzi, we're onto you!Despite this being the funniest cannibal movie I've seen, it still had some major WTF moments, none of which I wanna share, but I'll say one particular scene involved a wooden dildo and snake blood... There was also a lot of scenes where women get slapped, most of it random and so over the top you can't take it seriously. Yikes! And again, yet another warning to animals lovers, there is a few messed up scenes that had me fast forwarding, so be warned. So to conclude, I very much enjoyed this one, I think it's pretty safe to say that Cannibal movies are bloody awesome, whether they are gruesome and brutal like Holocaust, or hilarious with bad taste like Eaten Alive or Ferox, they are bloody entertaining. Thankyou for reading.
Michael DeZubiria One IMDb reviewer calls Eaten Alive a passable film for the "cannibal connoisseur." Are there such people? I didn't know. But if you are one of them, hey, have a ball. The rest of you might find this tripe a bit hard to swallow (pun intended), even if, like me, you consider yourself a horror film connoisseur. I have been an avid horror fan for about 15 years now, although I never got around to the cannibal subgenre until a few weeks ago, and I guess I owe my short-lived interest in these groan-inducing movies, strangely enough, to China's total disregard for copyright laws. You see, I bought a two-disc DVD collection of all of Wesley Snipes' films for 20 yuan (about $2.75), which turned out to include Last Cannibal World, Mountain of the Cannibal God, Eaten Alive, Cannibal Holocaust, Next, with Nicholas Cage, and something called Voodoo Lagoon, along with Blade 1-3, in Chinese. Nice.Being a second sequel, I immediately got a sinking feeling when the movie opened with a cannibal in street clothes wandering around major American cities, shooting unsuspecting Americans with poison darts and then scrambling away at full speed. Having run out of ways to keep movie cannibals scary, it seems that now they have made their way to the mainland. Later, you may be shocked to learn that this guy is on a "training exercise." Lock up your daughters! Before long the movie settles into the old missing sister routine, as a young blonde woman named Sheila begins her own investigation of the disappearance of her sister, who looks nothing like her in any way, but she's willing to spend most of the movie naked so I guess that doesn't matter. It seems that, after shooting one of his victims, the hapless cannibal we met early in the movie, not used to big city life, ran into the road and was struck dead by a moving van. The brilliant police force find a mysterious bit of film on him showing Sheila's sister involved in some bizarre ritual behavior, but other than the film, the guy is a complete mystery. As the piteous police chief laments, "we know nothing about him except that he's dead!" Poor guy, he must be getting a headache from all this. I recommend a nap. Luckily, Sheila is the kind of girl who can throw around tens of thousands of dollars like it's nothing in the search for her sister. Perfect for hiring a plucky backwoods guide caricature, since the police are clearly going to be no help.Obviously, nothing new is added to this miniscule sub-genre. Quite the contrary, cannibalism almost seems like a background to a completely different kind of bad movie, about the rescue of a missing person from the dangerous elements. Thickening the plot of that clothesline is not difficult, all you have to do is add in a cartoonish jungle cult of people who follow some guy who calls himself Jonas, who believes in using pain as a way to reunite man with nature, a process they call "purification." Personally, I prefer just peeing outside occasionally.One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Sheila is caught by one of the cult members - an overweight guy who looks like he took a three-day weekend from the office to appear in this movie. As he pulls out his trusty medical kit to give her an injection, he warns her, "If you don't believe in Jonas and purification (through pain), God help you." He then gives her a shot and, when she winces from the tiny pinch, he politely apologizes to her. I sense a true believer in this guy!As far as the gore, there are plenty of nasty sound effects over random shots of animals getting slaughtered and more than enough disgusting footage of women being cut up and eaten alive, so I guess right there the movie lives up to its name. The acting is astonishingly bad, as can be expected, and interestingly enough, the editing is also spectacularly botched but still strangely effective. Unfortunately, I think you have to be able to relate to people who believe in utterly insane cults in order to relate to anyone in the movie. There are plenty of outlandish religious ceremonies that take place, which make it more and more difficult to understand why Sheila's sister decided to turn her back on normal society. I'm all for individualism and doing your own thing, but come ON. After a while the movie descends even further into your basic, run of the mill escape movie, just before we witness the most wildly inappropriate rendition of Glory, Glory Hallelujah in film history. WOW. Note: in this movie, a woman is raped with a severed snake. If you need any more reason never to watch it, seek professional help. Avoid this mess at all costs.
stepflan I'm a pretty big fan of the cannibal genre and I find this to be one of my favorite cannibal movies. Eaten alive is in my opinion extremely underrated and not nearly as appreciated as it should be. It is everything you want a cannibal film to be. It contains violent and graphic death scenes, dismemberment and rape. Some of the scenes are only stock footage from other cannibal movies, but it all adds up to that exploitation trashy feeling we all came to see. I mean, it's an exploitation movie from Lenzi. That's what you get. There is a lot of fast zooming and bad scripting which is hilariously entertaining.It may not be as good as Cannibal Holocaust, and it is certainly not as violent and gruesome as Cannibal Holocaust. But overall it is a highly entertaining and cheesy cannibal movie which delivers the goods. If can also recommend JUNGLE HOLOCAUST, CANNIBAL FEROX and ZOMBI HOLOCAUST.