Slime City
Slime City
| 13 May 1988 (USA)
Slime City Trailers

A student moves into a run-down building in New York City. His bizarre neighbors make a concoction in their apartment they call wine, but when he takes some of it, he turns into a deformed, murderous monster.

Steineded How sad is this?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Uriah43 "Alex"(Robert C. Sabin) is an art student who decides to move out of the dormitory and into an apartment where he can have some privacy and possibly spend some intimate moments now and then with his girlfriend "Lori" (Mary Huner). Even though Lori decides she doesn't want to get intimate right away things appear to be going fine. His new neighbors are "Nicole" (also played by Mary Huner) who lives right across the hall and "Roman" (Dennis Embry) who resides in the apartment right below him. Although both appear to be a little weird they each seem friendly enough. As a matter of fact, not long afterward Roman invites him over for dinner which surprisingly consists of something called "Himalayan yogurt" and a special liquor to wash it down. It's at this point that things begin to go wrong. At any rate, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk ruining it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this film is a good example of "artistic trash" which consisted of mediocre acting and ludicrous special effects. Even so, it was still an interesting film all the same. Now, that's not to say that it was "so bad it's good" because it wasn't good by any means. But it had its moments. Unfortunately, they were few and far between and because of that I rate this movie as below average.
lovecraft231 A few months ago, the movie "Chillerama" was released and came with the tagline "The Ultimate Midnight Movie", which I disagree with. Not because I wasn't impressed with what I saw (though I wasn't), but because the "midnight movie" as it was known is dead. Plus, real "midnight movies"-films like "Night of the Living Dead" and "Eraserhead"-never sought cult appeal-few directors in that era looked to become popular in that sense. So, while Greg Lamberson's "Slime City" might not be "the ultimate "midnight movie", it is the real deal in what it is-one of the last true movies of it's type.Alex (Robert C. Sabin) is a normal college student whose moved into an apartment in a run down part of New York City. His neighbors-trashy gal Nicole (Mary Huner, who does double duty as Alex's girlfriend Lori) and Punk Rock kid Roman (Dennis Embry) have something for him-from Nicole, sex, and from Roman, a strange kind of "Himalayan Yogurt" and an elixir. Well, it turns out that the yogurt is actually the ectoplasmic essence of deranged cult leader Zachary, which is now turning Alex into a slime covered monster with an appetite for murder-and only murder seems to temporarily turn him back to normal.As I said, "Slime City" is not what I'd call a perfect movie. While the budget is hardly worth peanuts (it cost about $50,000 to make), the acting here is all around awful. Nobody here seems to have acted a day in their lives (only star Sabin acted before this), so many of the attempts to convey emotions are awkward to say the least. Plus, there's some notable errors in continuity-such as Alex's bud Jerry (T.J. Merrick) being called "Jack" sometimes, and the story feels a bit shaky at times.Still, for a first time effort made for nothing, this isn't too bad. The movie does get by largely on the fact that it's shamelessly trashy and gory, with some inspired gags-especially in the movies slimy, gore riddled climax-and effects work that is actually pretty damned impressive considering the budget. Also, the score by Robert Tomaro is a lot of fun, ranging from New Wave synthesizer and guitar work to almost industrial like sounds with ease. The micro-budget also actually helps the look of the film, as it does a great job of capturing the seedy underbelly of pre-Giuliani New York. Finally, the things got enthusiasm and energy to spare, and Lamberson and crew pour every ounce of what they have into it, and for the large part, they do a good job with the limited means they have.Is "Slime City" a classic? I wouldn't go that far. It is however, one of the last true "Grindhouse" movies, and as an example of one of that world's dying breaths, it's not too bad, and worth a look for fans of movies like "Basket Case" and "Street Trash."
Greenzombidog When Alex moves in to a newly rented apartment, he has no idea that the residents want more than just a new tenant.No budget B-movie slime city has a silly plot involving Long dead cult members old wine and Himalayan yogurt. All this adds up to our Alex having to kill to stop himself turning into a walking slimeball. The script has several unintentional laugh out loud moments and there are some pretty cheap but pretty gross special effects which for me were the highlight of the film. The story races along at a fair old pace so there's no time to get bored. I love B-movies for all their no budget charm and this movie has that in abundance. If you're not a fan of this sort of thing then it probably won't win you over.
udar55 College student/video store employee Alex (Robert C. Sabin) gets an apartment with the hopes the privacy will allow him to get it on with his virgin girlfriend Lori (Mary Huner). Things change, however, when his neighbor Nicole (also Huner), a goth temptress, seduces him and makes him drink this green elixir. Soon Alex starts sweating orange slime and the only thing that can return him to normal is human blood. Turns out everyone in the tenement are occult followers of a guy named Zachary and Alex's body is going to be the host for his return.This is really cheap and makes something like BASKET CASE (1982) look slick by comparison. But like Henenlotter's film, there is a certain charm in the capturing of sleazy era 1980s NYC. The highlight of the film is definitely the effects work by Scott Coulter and some of it (especially the end meltdown) is totally gross. Director Gregory Lamberson, unfortunately, lets the effects down with his really flat direction and the film would have benefited from some STREET TRASH level inventiveness (that film's director, Jim Muro, worked on this as a steadicam operator). Sabin is an odd choice for a lead, mostly because he has a lisp that makes him sound like Sylvester the cat when he gets mad. Huner really surprised me as I had no idea she played both lead female roles until the end credits. Lamberson recently completed the sequel SLIME CITY MASSACRE, which brings Sabin back.