Dragon Wars: D-War
Dragon Wars: D-War
PG-13 | 14 September 2007 (USA)
Dragon Wars: D-War Trailers

Based on the Korean legend, unknown creatures will return and devastate the planet. Reporter Ethan Kendrick is called in to investigate the matter.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Kirpianuscus a film with a și precise target than the great expectations and the bitter critics are real strange . a mix of Sci. Fi. and an Extrem Oriental legend. action scenes, true love, meets after centuries, Jason Behr in a dramatic/ confuse/ unrealistic role and two dragons. and crumbs from classic films from the same zone. so, the only problem remains the high expectations about it. because it is a film remembering many fairy tales and good choice for entertainment after a long , hard work day.
posserider1996 I have watched this film a few times over the years with my wife and we both think these low ratings are not justified. First it is a Korean made film with great special effects with a smaller budget then most films made by united states film companies. It was a film that captured a lot of different emotions and kept our attention all the way to the end. It had a good cast including a good performance by Jason Behr. I would not let these low reviews stop you from seeing this movie. This is a movie I own on bluray and plan on watching again. I gave it a rating of 10 only because it deserves a much higher rating then a lot of viewers gave it. So give this movie a try especially if you like mystical or fantasy type movies.
jessegehrig Oh c'mon now, its not that bad, I mean, yeah its really bad but not terrible terrible bad. If you were to poll all the people who said this movie was awful, the majority while correct in classifying this movie as crap also enjoyed watching it. Yes every aspect is sh*tty, how is the acting? sh*tty, how is the story/writing? sh*tty, how is the directing? how are the special effects? Ask how whatever was with this movie the answer will always be sh*tty. Now for the blame game- whose fault was this movie? The writer? The Studio? The director? The producer? Should we blame the audience? I saw this movie in the theater and later purchased it on DVD, and I knew it was bad each instance, should I shoulder some of this movie's blame? Life is a mystery.
Leofwine_draca A lame and pointless CGI fest in which the entire budget is spent on huge, hulking and elaborate city-wide battle sequences of monsters versus the army in scenes that feel inspired by TRANSFORMERS. The opening storyline, which gets entirely forgotten about around the half hour mark, is absolutely cringe-worthy, along the lines of something equally ridiculous and kid-friendly like DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION.The acting is even worse: this is a South Korean production, made in collaboration with Hollywood so that we get a load of young and inexperienced American actors popping up in central roles. It goes without saying that they're horrible, although eagle-eyed viewers may notice a slumming Robert Forster (JACKIE BROWN) turning up in one of those world-weary mentor type roles.Meanwhile, I do have to admit that the CGI is impressive. Those massed pitched battles are carried out with gusto and a maximum of destruction, and the creatures on show put to shame the kinds of low-budget CGI monstrosities that prop up many a television movie. But, in the end, without a decent storyline to support them, who cares about the quality of the effects on show? DRAGON WARS might as well be a cartoon for all it's worth, and any viewers over the age of five are going to find it lacking.