Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
| 13 January 2004 (USA)
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain Trailers

In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
andrewpgillies As I said to the person I watched this film with at 3 am on the Horror Channel, 'I hope the one guy getting his jollies to this film is enjoying it, because there has clearly been some money thrown at this film!'I am amazed that enough people who were competent to make a medium budget movie thought that this film was a good idea.I can't believe that actual legal tender was thrown at something that, surely, only about 100 people worldwide would find erotic.Of all of the films of the 1940's, I don't think that there could have been a worse choice for porno adaptation, this era of filmmaking is ripe for pornographic-plundering;Assablanca? That could work.A Beef Encounter, the plot just writes itself!A version of The Stranger where Orson Welles sits on his hand for half an hour prior to visiting Rosie Palm and her five lovely daughters? A bit niche, but surely it has broader appeal than this?Honestly, if I had $300,000 riding on people being turned on by my adaptation of a movie, you can be damn sure that I wouldn't gamble on people being turned on by cheap looking manimals, and (SPOILER ALERT) a lady with the worst fake breasts I have ever seen!I give it 3 points for being so incredibly stupid that it becomes good!
blairmonster If your goal is to rent something bad and critique it then go find a TROMA film and have at it! If, on the other hand you like being pleasantly surprised at what can be done on a low budget then this film is an excellent example.Charles Band is- an inconsistent director. Some of the films he's done are crap but others are Brilliant and explain his high status in the industry. Dr. Moraeu's House of Pancakes is a very watchable very enjoyable film with better than average Make-up fx and NO CG! not any to speak of anyway. The Make-up effects while conceived by old favorite John Buechler are fleshy and visceral and more than competently done by Veteran Bruce Barlow considering the budget and shooting schedule. Sets and art direction are key to what make this such a fun watchable movie and Mac Ahlberg's lighting and photography bring this to the caliber of many of it's bigger budgeted rivals. Judge for yourself!
joelgriggs Brisk/credible script, the small cast give good performances and the prosthetics and photography work well too. I picked this up for a £1, so expectations weren't exactly sky-high and the Full Moon logo can sometimes spell 'AVOID', - I was very pleasantly surprised. Earl Kenton did a great job with the script, and recognised the budget limitations his story would work within. He has created a small, dark and believable realm. All the actors, (particularly Jacob Witkin and Lorielle New) give very watchable interpretations and transcend the usual standard of performance you expect from this type of film. 'House of Pain' reminded me of two other great films - Stuart Gordon's classic 'Dagon', and the recent remake of 'She Creature'. Good stuff.
mkruis1 worst movie i ever saw. period. i am not kidding around here. i bought the movie used because i figured a movie with a pig-man on the cover had to be hilariously bad. me and some friends tried watching it but everything about the movie was so terrible we had to turn it off. the acting was poor at best. the characters were morons. (who would have sex with a pig man and expect it to keep a promise of freedom?) the monsters were inconsistent, in one shot it would be covered in slime-garbage and the next it would be dry. i actually had to force myself at a later time to watch the whole thing just to see how bad it was. i actually felt sick after watching this movie which has never before or since happened. this DVD became a thing we would trick people into getting it among me and my friends, i hid it in a big stuffed animal, sewed it back up and gave the stuffed animal to a friend. after awhile he discovered what i had done when i began to hint at it. he tried to get a family member to wrap it up and give it to me for xmas but my brother discovered the plot due to carelessness of my mother so my friend drove past another friends house and threw it on his lawn. it got back to my first friend somehow and he threw it in the trash, right were this movie belongs.
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