Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
| 06 March 1913 (USA)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Trailers

Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
deickemeyer With this two-reel release the Imp company gives the public opportunity to compare a film production of the famous Stevenson story with stage productions that have preceded it. King Baggot gives us a masterly presentation of this dual character; as the kind-hearted, upright Dr. Jeykll he pleases, and as the hideous Mr. Hyde, under the powerful drug, he brings shudders aplenty. In one effect at least the film story excels; we get the real dissolving view as the drug begins to manifest its influence, in place of the crude facial manipulations employed on the stage. The London atmosphere is fairly well presented. Jane Gale and a capable company assist Mr. Baggot. A powerful presentation of a famous story. - The Moving Picture World, March 8, 1913
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a great horror movie. It is very scary. It is one of scariest movies you will ever see. Great acting. Great story line. Great special effect. This movie is very intense. It is a true horror classic. This is a great movie. See it. It is a must see. I need more lines and I am running out of things to say. This is a great movie. Great movie great movie great movie great movie. Do not miss this movie if you find it. One of greatest horror movie ever made. Best on one of the best horror stories ever told. This movie will give you goosebumps. If you like really scary movies. Then you need to see this movie. Very scary very scary.
skybrick736 One year after Henderson's film about Robert Louis Stevenson's classic novella, Brenon came out with his own version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This tale was a little more of a let down because of longer drawn out scenes that could have been short and to the point with poor background music chosen. Also, the transformation scene to Mr. Hyde was hack and could have been much more frightening and realistic. The film definitely needed shorter scenes and more written boards to give more information about the plot. Not every viewer of a movie is going to know what's going on because they may not have read the book. I'll give King Baggot credit for doing a good job acting in this silent film but all the other characters were non existent. This movie isn't worth the time and would advise the 1912 or 1920 movies.
Michael_Elliott Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1913) *** (out of 4) Originally released as a two-parts, this 26-minute short is certainly the longest of all the early versions of Stevenson's story and it also probably has the smallest budget. The film has King Baggot play the kind Dr. Jekyll who turns into the murderous Mr. Hyde after drinking the wrong potion. To me this is certainly the best of the early versions I've seen as Baggot really does have to do pretty much everything himself and in the end I think it makes for a find Mr. Hyde. The budget appears to be very small as the special effects are certainly lacking and are really far behind the work various other artists were doing including the master Melies. One can't help but wish the producer's had spent a little extra green trying to do more with the make up as pretty much all we get are a few shades under the eyes and not every scene even has that. What makes up for this is the performance by Baggot who really gives it his all and delivers a different type of take on Jekyll. Since there's no make up to hide behind, Baggot must instead create a real character and he makes a few interesting choices including playing Hyde as an almost hunchback who is basically a cripple, kneeling around and hobbling all over the place. This certainly doesn't make for anything scary but it's an interesting and different take. I think Baggot also manages to come across very intelligent with Dr. Jekyll and makes us feel as if we're really watching two different characters. The extra running time gives us several more scenes of Jekyll being destructive and this includes a rather shocking scene where he attacks a cripple boy just for the fun of it. The direction could have been better but I did enjoy the costume design and the sets were impressive for such a low budget. This isn't the easiest version to get your hands on but if you can find it and you're a fan of the story then this here is certainly worth watching.