NR | 26 March 2006 (USA)
Distortion Trailers

When his girlfriend is kidnapped, a drug-addicted ex-cop must overcome his demons and face the sobering task of tracking her down before it's too late. His story dismissed by the police, he's left with no choice but to rely on his own detective skills in a high-stakes race against time.

PodBill Just what I expected
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
soulexpress If the action genre has its own version of Tommy Wiseau, it's Kirk Fogg, the writer, director, and star of DISTORTION, as ineptly made a thriller as "The Room" was a drama.The plot: Porter (Fogg) is a homeless, drug-addicted ex-L.A. cop with an inexplicably faithful girlfriend, Rachel (Sarah Lahti). Desperate for money, Rachel agrees to appear in a live Internet porn feed. But something goes wrong. Porter is knocked unconscious and wakes up alone next to some railroad tracks. He obsessively searches for the missing Rachel, harming several people and committing numerous felonies in the process.Fogg created a cast of unpleasant, unlikable, and thoroughly unsympathetic characters. When Porter held a gun to his own head and yammered on about being "The Rifleman," I was wishing he'd pull the trigger so this godawful movie would end. But no such luck. He remains alive to steal the car of a sweet, gentle man who's trying to get him to an AA meeting—never mind that Porter's drug of choice is cocaine— to physically assault and threaten people with information on Rachel's whereabouts, to try manipulating his ex- partner into helping him look for Rachel, and to break into a man's house and force him at gunpoint to take him to where Rachel is being held. (That part confused me as Porter had previously demanded only addresses.) Given all that, you may understand why I felt absolutely no compassion or sympathy for Porter, even at his lowest and most despairing of moments, i.e. nearly every second of the film's 83 minutes.Sarah Lahti is beautiful—too beautiful to convince me that her character is a homeless junkie who does Internet porn. While Porter looks disheveled and acts like the paranoid maniac that his coke habit created, Rachel looks and behaves with relative normalcy. Hell, she even has perfect teeth! Have you ever met a junkie with good dental habits? Meanwhile, the supporting characters bear such clever names as Diner Tough Guy, Waitress, Cook, Security Guard, Doorman, Porn Actor, and Henchman.The film is awash with artsy-fartsy and unnecessary slow-motion flashbacks, not to mention more quick cuts than a week's worth of music videos. And Fogg's idea of dialogue includes this little gem: "Don't give up five minutes before the miracle, man. You know, they say most accidents occur within a five-mile radius of the home. Man, you're almost home! Don't f--- it up now." There's also this bit from a phone conversation: "Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Christopher Jenkins. He represents my interests."DISTORTION's main theme is the thin line between fantasy and reality. Kirk Fogg's fantasy was to make a film that earned him acclaim as a great writer, director, and actor. The reality? His film sucks. The glowing reviews here undoubtedly came from the director's friends and relatives, at his request.
Michael Hantid-Margeta I thought the movie was great. I watched the "behind the scenes" clip first before watching the film. It helped me understand the background of the film, including the story, the plot, the location, the characters and actors, etc. I have to say that I'm proud of myself in watching Kirk's film after not ever hearing about him in almost 15 years since "Legends of the Hidden Temple" wrapped up. I watched the entire film, from beginning to end. I thought, "Wow! This isn't really bad as I thought it would be." Even though the first 30 minutes were rough and sometimes difficult to follow, the rest of the story helped capture that interest. When scenes transitioned with flashbacks in different areas of the movie, I realized they connect with the the plot and I understood better the characters as well. For example, when I saw the flashback of young Porter discovering his father had killed himself in different parts of the movie, at that point I understood WHY Porter struggled with life, getting into drugs, leading to the Gorman incident, which then precedes the nightmarish conflict in the movie.As a fan of Kirk Fogg, I truly enjoyed watching his film. I strongly recommend movie-goers, fans, and anyone new to filming or knowing Kirk to watch this film. I give it a 2 thumbs up, an accomplished A!A message to Kirk Fogg: Hey Kirk! Keep doing what makes you happy in life and you will relish the benefits of its' struggle. You have inspired a lot of people to go for their dreams and be able to succeed in what they want to accomplish, more than you could ever know. You have inspired me. Stay in peace, my friend. Thank you so much!
charlytully . . . according to the DVD box for DISTORTION. I had a root canal this month, so I can honestly say watching this movie is MORE enjoyable than that other experience. Does DISTORTION have anything going for it besides being more pleasurable than a prolonged dental procedure? Not much.Pointers for those wishing to experience DISTORTION: 1)"Gorman" refers to a desert outpost in California shown in occasional flashbacks, NOT a person. 2)If you're tempted to rent this because the box says a chick disappears in the middle of making a porno, forget it. Rachel (played by Sarah Lahti) is snatched fully clothed, and the minimal nudity in this feature is of the incidental-by-extras variety. 3)While this movie's main theme is Pirandelloism--the conflict between illusion and reality--a similar but much better title to check out is an effort directed by and starring Hannibal Lecter himself (Sir Anthony Hopkins), entitled SLIPSTREAM (2007). Even SLIPSTREAM (2005) starring Sean Astin is better than DISTORTION.
Catherine_Grace_Zeh DISTORTION, in my opinion, is an excellent, nail-biting, spellbinding thriller which will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish in spite of what some people may say. Every time I see this movie, I want to watch it even more. If you ask me, Porter (Kirk Fogg) was a really tough guy during his investigative search for Rachel (Sara Lahti). I laughed really hard when he looked into the surveillance camera at the police station and said, "Oh, yeah! I know!" That is one scene I play in my head over and over again every day. Also, whenever Porter and Rachel showed a sign of affection, I got really warm and tingly. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that everyone involved did an outstanding job. In conclusion, if you liked Kirk Fogg on "LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE," you'll really like him in this excellent, nail-biting, spellbinding thriller which will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.