R | 26 April 1985 (USA)
Stick Trailers

After getting out of jail, car thief Ernest "Stick" Stickley witnesses the murder of his friend Rainy during a drug deal. To avoid getting killed by the same people, who work for mobster Chucky, Stick gets a job as a chauffeur for millionaire Barry Braham and lies low. As he gets used to his new routine, Stick woos Barry's financial consultant, Kyle McClaren, but must fight back when Chucky's men come after him.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bkoganbing Burt Reynolds stars and dominates in the title role of Ernest 'Stick' Stickley, newly released from prison who immediately gets right back involved with criminal activities with old prison buddy Jose Perez. A decade later the incident where Perez is killed was almost done word for word in Al Pacino's Carlito's Way.Unlike Pacino however, Reynolds would like to stay clear of things, but he's got a score to settle over Perez. For a bit of cover and protection he takes a job with flamboyant movie producer George Segal who really overacts outrageously with tongue firmly in cheek. Still the people who did in his friend Perez who are drug dealers Castulo Guerra and Charles Durning are out to get Reynolds.You have to see Durning in his costume trying to wear those 80s fashions and looking rather stupid in the process.Fabled Hollywood stuntman Dar Robinson has a nice role as an albino hit man for Guerra. He's one scary dude. In fact for the screen's sake he dies twice. I thought Reynolds had done him in once, but he was back and the second time there was no doubt.Guerra's character proves there's less than meets the eye with him. You'll have to see the climax to know what I'm talking about. And that hairpiece, send him to Queer Eye for maybe the not so straight guy.Reynolds has a few cynically comic moments, but he's a lot more grim here than usual. Due to the subject matter no doubt.Burt's fans will like it, so should others.
merklekranz "Stick' is a fairly routine Burt Reynolds action film. I was never convinced that Reynolds motivation, revenging the death of his drug runner friend, felt warranted. The villains are highlighted by a brutal albino, and Charles Durning wearing a ridiculous wig. Cartoon like violence detracts, and were it not for some welcome humor associated with George Segal's flamboyant character, the movie would be totally forgettable. Candice Bergen as Reynolds love interest is cold as ice, and never convincing in her role as a financial adviser to Segal. The choppy editing and lack of any suspense further detracts. I would say that "Stick" is watchable but has little to recommend it. - MERK
duke1907 A few years ago I was working at Blockbuster Video and bought this movie brand new for $1.00 on VHS. It was worth it. Most people don't like this movie, but I have a certain fondness for it. I am a huge Elmore Leonard fan and also a Burt Reynolds fan so I liked it. I admit that it has flaws like Candice Bergen's wooden performance. But it has two great acting jobs by Charles Durning and the late stuntman Dar Robinson as the albino hit-man Moke. His performance is truly terrifying. It is terrific when Burt taunts him as Bunny Eyes. Durning is also great as a red haired drug dealer. There are a few good action scenes at the beginning and then at the end. The middle of the film drags. If only the intensity of the beginning could be kept up to the finish this would have been a great film.
gridoon Even Burt followers probably won't be satisfied with this. It's a meandering actioner with too little action, somewhat saved by George Segal's joyous performance as an eccentric millionaire.