| 21 April 2002 (USA)
Disappearance Trailers

A family driving through Nevada decides to take some snapshots at an out-of-the-way ghost town named Weaver, and horrible things start happening.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Ashley Wincer I have to admit, the main reason I watched the film was to see the performance by Jeremy Kewley. A.K.A "Tony Timms", the nosey reporter of Mt. Thomas in Blue Heelers. Turns out he did not play a big part of the film.As for the film, the other comments sum it up well. It was off to a good start for a TV movie. The ending was confusing, but I am not going to lose any sleep over it.There are a lot of movies out there to watch, if you only have limited time, watch a different movie instead of this one.Ash..
digital_dogcow I caught this film today on a slow Sunday before Bank Holiday and was pleasantly surprised. For the bulk of this film you go along expecting run of the mill Stephen King-eseque 'clone' fare, then Disappearance suddenly hits you with a curve ball ending that is very enigmatic and gives you absolutely no answers. (never-mind answers on a plate). In an age where identi-kit movies trundle off the Hollywood assembly line, thats a brave step for any film, for a made-for-TV effort its positively audacious.**MIld Spoiler Alert**Having perused the comments already made here, the almost brutal way the writers curtailed this movie seems to generate considerable ire and indignation in some viewers, resulting in, IMO, harsh scores. At the end of this film the family are caught in the middle of an on-going mystery and atypically the viewer is caught there with them. More so, the intentionally vague final scene when the daughter feeds the crow, leaves you feeling you now know even less than they do. You almost expect the continuity voice-over to announce part II next week. It's unsatisfying and vaguely irritating and in an almost perverse way, I kind of like it all the more, for it. It lifts the movie from the hum-drum and fits very well with the understated unease that pervades the film throughout.If you're the kind of person who hated the 60's TV series 'The Prisoner' for failing to conclude with pat-answers then you're going to abhor this film for the same reason. If you're the kind of person who enjoys the prospect of having their imagination stimulated by a made-for-TV movie you fully expected was going to be the usual 2nd rate pap, then you're going to enjoy this film. A far from perfect movie, but one deserving of more credit than it garners on these pages.
oldwonky This film is reminiscent of the radio days when peoples imagination was required to complete the story. This film is not for anyone who likes to have a defined ending with all of the answers being given Like most of these types of stories, there are a number of situations where you can't understand the families complacency, but this aside, the story line encourages the viewer to see it through to it's conclusion. This is one of those story lines that ends with the beginning of yet another story. From start to finish there are many suggestions for the identity of the phenomenon which is causing the family to worry, but as the best "monsters" are those from your imagination,that's where this film takes you. If you have an imagination I'm confident you will enjoy this one.
kyle02 Strangely enough, none of you have commented on the fact that the entire movie is narrated! I was sitting here watching "Disappearance" on TBS, and I kept hearing this guy's voice whispering something so quietly I couldn't understand it. Through the process of elimination, I eventually realized that it was coming from the TV. So I cranked the volume up to about 60 (normal listening volume is between 12 and 20 on my TV), and I could barely hear it, but there was a male voice narrating the movie! In the scene near the end where Jim and Kate are in the motel, you can clearly hear the voice saying something like "Jim remains seated," and then "Kate leans in, they hug." Like subtitles for the blind... Unfortunately, I live in an apartment, so I couldn't keep the volume up that high for long enough to hear anything useful in helping me decipher the most confusing piece of cinema to grace my television since the last installment of "The Matrix" trilogy...