R | 12 April 2013 (USA)
Disconnect Trailers

A hard-working lawyer, attached to his cell phone, can't find the time to communicate with his family. An estranged couple uses the internet as a means to escape from their lifeless marriage. A widowed ex-cop struggles to raise a mischievous son who cyber-bullies a classmate. An ambitious journalist sees a career-making story in a teen that performs on an adult-only site. They are strangers, neighbors and colleagues and their stories collide as ordinary people struggling to connect in today's wired world.

Wordiezett So much average
GazerRise Fantastic!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
onecoolbeandaddio Movies about the internet and deception can be so wickedly hurtful to watch, especially young children who have no idea about how evil they can be to one another. It was extremely hard for me to watch. Considering two of my favorite actors are Jason Bateman and Jonah Bobo, it broke my heart for both the characters. I have loved Jonah Bobo, since I saw him in Zathura, and Crazy Stupid Love, to see Disconnect it destroyed me for a couple weeks. Jason's character would have done exactly what I would have done if not more for his son. Even though it was a movie, seeing Jonah and Jason portray this was too much to endure. It affected me emotionally to the point of depression, even though it was a movie.I never want to watch it again, and could never recommend it to anyone as it is so excruciatingly painful and awful of a circumstance, for anyone or anybody to have to endure.I would love to see Jonah Bobo in a movie where he plays a character that is a hero, or a funny part, where he is successful, or loved for the bright actor that he is. I know Jason can do just about anything, but seeing Jonah in the film was too much for me to see. I know it's acting, but it was such a visual and emotional film, I cried for hours afterward. Love ya Jonah...hope the future brings brighter films for your career. Not ones that are so dark.
ikinsman I don't often feel prompted to write a review of a film on IMDb but this film was so good that I felt I had to promote it to other film addicts like myself.It is one of those films that really reflect the situation of many people's lives at the time we are living in. Disconnect is a perfect title for summing up the main theme - how people are so wrapped up in what they do and the technology sucking them in that they tend to ignore those who are closest to them, often thinking that nothing is amiss, whereas there are often problems bubbling away beneath the surface.The most striking aspect of the film is the script that really makes it so powerful, which is accompanied by some excellent individual acting performances and very powerful directing. I think the writer and director represent two very promising talents to watch in the years to come.
Leofwine_draca DISCONNECT is a mature and reflective piece of film-making exploring the impact of the Internet upon the lives of ordinary people. It's one of those films that takes multiple sub-plots involving different characters and weaves them together as the running time progresses, eventually bringing them all together at the climax.It's a surprisingly provocative little movie in which the dark side of being online is explored in some surprisingly explicit moments. The good news is that the cast is rather good and all of the performers are up to the job: Frank Grillo, Paula Patton, Alexander Skarsgard, Max Thieriot, Michael Nyqvist, and Andrea Riseborough all shine in their various parts and their screen time is weighted equally.This is certainly a repulsive film in places, but also an oddly gripping one, and the sheer quality of the production wins through in the end. It's well worth a watch for those interested in seeing how the Internet has become central to the lives of a lot of people on the planet, for better or worse.
Kitty Kat "Disconnect" is a techno-thriller directed by Henry Alex Rubin starring Jason Bateman, Alexander Skarsgård, Hope Davis, Paula Patton, Frank Grillo, Andrea Riseborough, Michael Nyqvist, Max Thieriot and Marc Jacobs (yes, Marc Jacobs as in the fashion designer). It's packed with a lot of drama, putting social media in the foreground and the problems that it can/has caused nowadays. The internet can connect - but sadly it can also disconnect, as we get to see in this drama. I'm not going to talk all professional with you, whoever you may be, because this film was just so powerful. I saw it maybe a month ago and I can't stop thinking about it. It makes me question everything I put on the internet, it makes me even a little paranoid when I look at my laptop (could someone be watching?), it makes me be more careful and I find myself looking at technology with a new distrust. It is thrilling, intense and so real. So, if you haven't already noticed I really like this film and i recommend it 100%. Jason Bateman's performance particularly stood out to me, as he captured the essence of this movie perfectly. He proved that he is on top of his game and I hope to see him pursue more dramatic roles in the future. The acting from the whole cast is great and the screenplay, lighting and filming only make it even more exciting. The story follows three separate groups of people, all of them having some kind of dilemma with social media. There is one Family, in particular a boy named Ben, a couple and a reporter trying to interview a video chat room stripper called Kyle. I'm not going to go into the story any further, it's better if you just jump right into the movie. All I'm going to say is that you should definitely watch this film. If you are thinking about it and wanted to read some reviews to be sure, what are you waiting for? Watch it! You won't be disappointed.