Dial a Prayer
Dial a Prayer
PG-13 | 07 April 2015 (USA)
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A troubled young woman working at a prayer call center makes a difference in other people's lives, forcing her to reconcile with her troubled past with the faith she brings out in others.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Max T Brittany Snow is one of my favourite actresses, and this movie is a great reminder why. She delivers incredible scenes and portrays Cora in an amazing way. The movie itself is good, but the title and premise of the movie kind of makes it seem like a movie that is going to convince a girl who's gone off-track to find faith in god, however that isn't what the movie is about at all. My automatic thought is that this is a movie for religious people, but i don't think religious people would enjoy this movie all that much, and non-religious people wouldn't think about picking it up because of the title and premise of the movie. Still, however, it is a great movie.
dansview Anyone who reads my reviews knows that I always beg for more character development and back stories. I loved this movie, but I needed to know a bit more about the supporting characters.William Macy plays a wonderfully animated boss of a Dial-A-Prayer business. But we never hear how he got into the field or why. Also, no one ever identifies what church the girl's family, the call center, and the town identify with. Is it Catholic? Interestingly, there is practically no mention of Jesus, except when the funny boss says that he parted the Red Sea.Therefore, I think a non-Christian could feel comfortable watching this without feeling bombarded by J.C.The film is not really about religion. It is about second chances and turning one's life around. There is good usage of the Fall and Winter Midwest landscape. One could see it as either bleak, or starkly beautiful, depending on attitude. There are some clever references to that. The final scene shows a couple quietly beholding the glory of a blank snowy setting.Do prayers make a difference? Our protagonist keeps asking this question. Of course they do, but the film focuses only on the aspect of making people feel better. It doesn't mention any metaphysical effect on the world at large, or the idea of praying for world peace and messianic redemption. People are only praying for themselves and their family to deal with domestic and health issues.Casting is so essential to a character-driven film. This one aced the test. I don't know who Brittany Snow is, but her no-makeup sadness came through the screen with genuine sincerity. Macy phoned it in, no pun intended, but in his case, he phones it in beautifully. Glen Headly, the mom, fit the profile to perfection. No one here is great looking or flashy. They are ordinary people in a working class Midwestern town trying to make it through life the best way they can.What I loved the most was the way they structured dialogue scenes. The characters would say just the right amount of words to each other, without overdoing it or milking the scenes for manipulative effect. I could have done without the few dream sequences and the schmaltzy music toward the end, but the photography was first rate.
crvierra This movie came very close to being an excellent offering. It has effective character development, good use of setting/scenes, a few well-thought out plot twists, and mostly effective dialogue. It was obviously not a glitzy production done on a huge budget, but that just adds to the charm of the film. So why not a higher rating? Too Cora-centric.Of course, she is the main character, so it's no surprise that she's in the middle of just about everything that happens in the movie. But that's not the problem. Everything is portrayed from Cora's viewpoint. The other workers at the Dial-A-Prayer center where she must perform community service after vandalizing a church are not really shown as people, but as the caricatures Cora sees. The only one that seems to approach actual personhood is the woman in the next cubical who soon begins to commiserate with Cora's discomfort over the center's purpose and structure, let's her go for a secret smoke, and uses profanity.Cora's father is shown as distant and her mother initially as repulsive(because she is living in denial about the marriage while tossing out platitudes whenever necessary to make it seem like everything is just fine) then as a pitiable woman. Even Chase (who tracks Cora down after speaking with her on the Dial-A-Prayer service) is portrayed at first as a creepy stalker-type, next as an insensitive creep, and finally as the guy that she's gonna be alright with because she believes in herself and him and somehow, someway, they're going to make it work! Sadly, many people will find this message inspiring without recognizing it's insidious nature. Truth is, we CAN NEVER learn enough, know enough, become skilled enough, or whatever to make our lives anything but a shambles. It's only when we get the focus off ourselves and onto the One who IS wise enough, powerful enough and compassionate enough that there exists any hope for any of us. So while Cora became a bit less self-absorbed toward the end of the movie, the hope that it tries to imply of a better tomorrow due to the burgeoning relationship with Chase is a cruel mirage. It's just another result of living a me-centric life
MartinHafer In the last year or so, quite a few films have debuted which have been targeted to a more conservative Christian audience, such as "Son of God" as well as "God is Not Dead". I assumed that "Dial a Prayer" is pretty much another one of these films, though despite its plot, it isn't exactly something that will appeal to many of the same folks who would have seen these other movies. The film is about a surly young lady, Cora (Brittany Snow). She's got attitude, that's for sure...and you know that she's been sentenced to do community service for some sort of crime, though for much of the film you have no idea what she's done. As for her community service, she works for a Dial-a-Prayer service--an odd choice for community service considering her attitude about life as well as what crimes she committed. Oddly, however, despite being an angry, lost soul, through the course of the film, she comes to develop a sense of purpose and begins to shed some of her anger and hopelessness."Dial a Prayer" has a lot going for it. Snow's performance is exceptional, as she played troubled and angry quite well--so well that it was difficult liking her character for much of the film. This is a major plus. Additionally, it sure didn't hurt that the nice minister who ran the center was played by William H. Macy--a guy who just make everything look so easy and natural. I also like the notion that ACTING good, after a while, makes you good-- something fundamental to many philosophies and branches of psychology. The film also really was nice because it was very unique and there isn't anything else like it that I've seen in a very long time.But, the film also has a huge problem which will easily impact its marketability. For the traditional Christian audience, while most of the story will make them quite happy, the cursing and sex in the film just don't fit in with their values and it's hard to imagine them not being offended. As for others, there are also a lot of folks who have no interest in a film about spirituality--and they'd never see such a movie in the first place. As a result, while it's a very good film, I just don't know if it has much of an audience, though it is worth seeing.
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