Devil Seed
Devil Seed
| 16 May 2012 (USA)
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Alexandra is a lively college student returning to live with her roommates Jessica and Breanne after the summer holidays. After a night of drinking, Alex agrees to a psychic reading to learn about her future with her boyfriend, Brian, but during the reading a dramatic turn of events causes SOMETHING to go drastically wrong. When Alex awakes the next day, she cant remember the events of the night before. She begins to hear creepy noises, hallucinate, black out and receive unidentifiable scratch marks all over her body. Afraid shes going crazy, she seeks help from her friends but Jessica, Breanne and Brian are incapable of comprehending the scope of the darkness descending UPON her. Instead, Alex receives help from a school professor and his father who have dealt with the supernatural before. But as Alexs condition worsens, it becomes apparent that it may already be too late to stop the entity from using Alexs body as a gateway into our world (

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
dejavuicutooo ***Spoiler's at the end of my review****This movie was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, especially for a low budget horror flick. A takes a new approach to the age old possession genre. I don't know why people compare it to the exorcist, it isn't really like it at all. Yes, it is a movie about the devil or whatever invading her body, but the rest of that story is completely different. I mean in all reality, how many ways can a movie be made about possession without being similar to another movie of a possession in some ways, really? Let me get this straight, the lead actress obviously only got the main part cause she's pretty, the supporting actress did an excellent job and I can only assume that she didn't get the lead because she wasn't "industry pretty enough." The main actress really needs some acting classes. Also, why they chose for her to speak in that ridiculous voice is beyond me. She would have done better just making her voice weird than using the computerized voice, that made me want to slap the producers. With that in mind, the movie is pretty good to watch. I wouldn't pay money for it, but would watch it on a movie night (did watch it on a movie night lol). I would take into account that this is a low budget film, so it is not gonna be perfect. The special effects are....special, the acting is low budget and the make-up could be a little better. With that said, if you go into this movie with limited expectations you won't hate yourself or the movie. It wasn't a I can't believe I watched this movie and is a okay movie to watch when you're looking for a movie to watch on a boring night..****************************Spoilers******************The way she floats behind the blonde ho-girl in the beginning, cracks me up. She looks so funny. Also, when she licks her own ____ off the floor, her tongue is crazy looking...
leannehassard I will put up with a lot to watch a horror.... it's hard to find a really good one and I understand, accept and even like that you have to watch a lot of B's, C's and D's to find one that might rate higher.This one rates way, way lower. If the main actor wheeze-breathed any more I think I would have to rip my ears off. She has 3 expressions - blank, concerned/worried/scared (they're all the same), and devil face.The only redeeming feature about this film was the supporting actor, the brunette friend. The rest of the cast acted like they were in a school play and they'd had about 3 days to rehearse. There were no real scares, no jolts, and certainly nothing unexpected. My friend and I were anticipating the dialogue and most of the time we got it right.... there are no new premises here! I really would rather have re-watched nearly any other movie than see this for the first time..... Give this one a big ol' miss.
Maureen Murphy Great plot, acting, cast, filming, sound, editing, etc. LA quality out of London, Ontario. This movie has horror, humour, sexy actresses and actors, and much more. Room-mate troubles, bad boyfriend, demonic possession, excellent priest, spooky psychic and some memorable props. I remember seeing a lot of these places when living in London, ON and it was great to see them again on the big screen! This is an amazing movie, and am proud to say I own it. Am very impressed that a new Canadian team can produce such a first class movie.Kudos to Greg Sager, Robbin McDonnell, Gary Elmer and Geoff Hart. Joe Finlan and Steve Scott did an awesome job with sound as well. Can't forget Noel Sargeant, Michael Wilmont, Owen Flood and Leah Elmer. Can't wait for Matchbox to release more movies!!! Heard that Kingdom Come is next!!
jaxbubba As far as demon possession films go, director Greg A. Sager does a really, really nice job retelling this classic story of devil finds girl, devil loses girl, devil finds new girl to plant his demon spawn into. The film is a combination of "The Exorcist" meets "Rosemary's Baby"; however, it's definitely not in their class of motion picture. But Greg A. Sager (remember this name) does a truly commendable job with a very limited budget, and this no-name cast.Alex, Jessica, and Breanne are college students returning back to campus for Fall term. Alex has had a very stress summer as she has spent it caring for her Grandmother, who is suffering from cancer. On their inaugural night back, the three girls let off some stream at a local house party before classes start in a couple of days. On their way back home from the party, Jessica talks Alex into going into a psychic parlor to have their fortunes read. In do so; the psychic accidentally unleashes a dark presence from Alex's psyche.Again I cannot overemphasize the incredible directing job of Greg A. Sager on this film. His attention to details in this film is something to behold. Please pay close attention to the doorways, as a "possessed" Alex moves through the household. Also when Alex finds out that her being a virgin, could be one of the reasons why the demon has selected her to carry his spawn; the first thing I said in my head, "too easy, go have some sex"… and that the very thing Alex tries to do… unsuccessfully I might add.So I definitely recommend seeing this film, it's mildly scary with a couple of well executed "jump" scenes; however, nothing that's going to keep you up nights. But I would never, ever pay money to see this film in the cinemaplex; best seen in the comfort of your home, with a big bowl of popcorn and the lights turned down. For a next generation of teens who do not have a clue of what "The Exorcist" or "Rosemary's Baby" were, this is the perfect "starter" film. So enjoy! However, just a note there is gratuitous sex and adult language, which is to be expected to most horror films nowadays.SEE MORE OF MY MOVIE REVIEWS ON FB @ "THE FARIS REEL"!!!!