| 27 April 2009 (USA)
Descendents Trailers

In an undefined future, the earth has been destroyed by man, and the air polluted with a mysterious virus that turns humans into zombies. Only a few children are immune to the disease and have adapted to these extreme conditions and survived. Camille, a nine year old girl wanders through these desolate wastelands, protecting herself from zombies and the armed military forces that roam the land killing anyone who might be infected. However, the little girl will find other kids like her that share a recurring dream of: they all have visions of the ocean as their destiny. Together they will try to survive the journey to the ocean in search of an escape from the military who seem to be as determined on their destruction as on the zombies. Written by David Pollison/Solos Website

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
miket2222 I just finished watching this movie and came to IMDb to see what others had to say. Let me tell you this, I had more fun and enjoyment reading the reviews than I did watching the movie. Everything I felt during the movie has already been explained in all of the other reviews. It's like deja v. I think Olguin and Garcias story could be so much better with the proper tweaking. They went way to far out with this one. Watching that little girl walking around was very boring and seemed to become unnecessary. I myself would have done things much differently. The terror factor was minus 10. The ridiculous factor was through the roof.And at the end I was just sitting here wishing I had my two bucks back that I spent on this disaster.I find myself oddly in the mood for calamari.
Steven Seagull I had the pleasure to watch this 'gem' of horror genre in cinema.The story is about a little girl who gets separated from her mother during a zombie virus outbreak and now has to live on her own, wandering through abandoned, dead villages or suburbs to search for food. Killer-Commandos were sent out to clean up the place, so not to be mistaken for a zombie is high priority on her list.Because she is immune to the zombie virus, not a single zombie is a threat for this girl. Eventually she finds other kids who are also immune and they group up to find salvation at the ocean - or something.Sounds awesome? It gets better: Not only the plot is completely destroyed by the main 'characters' being immune to zombies, the visuals are so extremely bad, irritating and unnecessary that you want to break the DVD in half and burn it after wards.Expect long, pointless slow motion, blurred and shaky scenes even when nothing happens AT ALL. Watching 5 minutes of playing children with an overload of shitty effects and slow motion. GENIUS!When the little girl remembers her mother, flashback scenes are used. Not one, but you'll see many of them. However, they are all equally annoying and mostly meaningless.There was hardly any acting or dialog.Sound effects do their part to slingshot this horror movie right into the dumpster.This is no trashy-bad zombie movie but simply a VERY bad zombie movie.1/10
Daverat Beyond Geroge Romero there has not been a zombie film that's loaded with this much social/political commentary. Jorge Olguin's 2002 follow-up to SANGRE ETERNA aka ETERNAL BLOOD is a very strong and original post-apocalyptic/Sci-fi/horror movie. For about a half a million dollars, the movie was shot in ten days, with mostly young children ranging from five to ten years old. The children's acting may not be up to par and some of the effects surely reflect the lack of budget & time but DESCENDENTS/SOLOS is a truly dark and disturbing movie set in a dystopian world that looks like a low budget mixture of 28 DAYS LATER and CHILDREN OF MEN, with strong echoes to Chile's past as a military dictatorship. Jorge Olguin is a talent to definitely keep an eye on.
UlysessEverett What a terrible movie this is, it's just awful. This is my first comment and I'm writing because I feel the need to warn people. The movie stars with five minutes of narration and without it, nothing would happen, It's completely unnecessary. Then we see a kid walking around in an apocalyptic city and we have more narration. It's amazing to me that the main character is a little girl and the audience don't care about her, you have to be a truly bad director to achieve that. The movie has no dramatic structure, it's just a series of "scenes" of little kids being chase by men with guns; SPOILER AHEAD * The zombies don't want to hurt the kids because of something from another movie*. Olguín feels the need of repeating all the time, we see the same scene at least ten times and that flashback editing it's confusing and very boring. I think the premise has some potential but is completely destroyed, I really like to give away the ending because it's one of the most bizarre and stupid I have ever seen, but, off course, I wont. You've been warn.