Death By China
Death By China
NR | 17 August 2012 (USA)
Death By China Trailers

In 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization with the strong support of a Democratic President and Republican Congress. Before the ink was dry on this free trade agreement, China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized exports while the big multinational companies that had lobbied heavily for the agreement rapidly accelerated the off shoring of American jobs to China. Today, as a result of the biggest shell game in American history, China has stolen millions of our jobs, corporate profits are soaring, and we now owe over $3 trillion to the world's largest totalitarian nation. This film is about how that happened... and why the best jobs program for America is trade reform with China.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mat_Nichol To call this a documentary is foolish. It's flawed logic shows just how the current US administration is being run
johnepunchardiv I'm still baffled to understand why Mr Sheen would lend his name and voice to this loaded pile of horse dung. This work doesn't hold water! For one thing, it's author doesn't understand that our trade with China is essential to our growth and prosperity as a nation. For another, this works sole purpose is to justify Donald Trump's reason for his trade war with China. It's a gamble that will harm our nation in the long run! If we don't trade with them, then who's going to make his ties?
my_perfect_mistake I just watched this documentary last night on Netflix. I just turned 44 last month, so I feel I can safely say I have been "around the block" at least once in this lifetime, so far. I also stay abreast of current events, and am moderately conservative, literally and figuratively. A few observations I have made in my lifetime so far: my grandfather on my mothers side was a painter. He raised 6 kids and supported a stay at home mom on a painters wages. They lived a modest lifestyle and nobody wanted for anything. My fathers parents both worked for Hershey foods. She was a secretary, he was a warehouse worker. They put both children through college. They lived an upper-middle class lifestyle. In other words, my grandparents and their families all "lived the American dream" (without college educations), and did it with little to no drama. Just another day in America. Fast forward to 2014. The US is a mess, in wars all over the world, record unemployment, supposedly clawing our way out of a recession, I live paycheck to paycheck with mounting debt... Why? What happened? What has changed?This movie may give some insight. As already mentioned in other reviews, it doesn't offer the solution. Duh... if somebody had a solution we would have good paying jobs, a manufacturing base, low unemployment, less people on welfare, children that weren't raised by "devices" rather than parents, etc. etc. There was a shift in the dynamic of the corporations catering to the share holders rather than the employees, which is explained in the documentary. The greed of the boards of directors and the share holders is what drove the jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap labor. That is an absolute no-brainer.Something else that is explained is once foreign labor is trained to do a particular task, instead of importing those widgets for their own consumption, they will just manufacture it themselves, essentially making US based R&D moot. How many products have you seen in the last few years that say "Designed in USA" followed by "Made in China"? Off the top of my head I can think of one huge multi-national company in particular that uses fruit as a corporate logo. China may not copy those products on a large scale... yet... but how many smaller companies that may not be able to afford hundreds or thousands of hours of litigation will just throw their hands in the air and say "I give up!" I have a protective case for aforementioned fruit-based companies product I bought on the big auction site. It shipped new from China, even though the manufacturer is a well known US company. It's a copy, because China doesn't play fair.I haven't even touched on the fact China is raking in US dollars and building an army that could theoretically be five times the size of the US military. Scary stuff.I could go on and on with this, but I would rather just suggest taking some time and viewing this documentary. Form your own opinion. If it upsets or angers you, take action! Call your representatives in DC. Vote - at the ballot box and with your wallet. Seek out American made products, they are out there! There is a 2 part review on here that gave a "no stars" review and a 1 star review. Please pay attention to that users name. It does appear there are some pro-China sympathizers/nationalists posting negative reviews about this documentary. Be mindful of that fact.
ThomasJeff I'm docking one point because of the preachy / hyperbolic graphics.However, it does go over the facts that seem very well researched.Including Chinese professors and experts--who know better than some of these Chinese nationalists who are trying to badly-rate/badly-review this documentary.And I'm glad it doesn't try to work so hard to focus on the debt problem as it's the least terrible part of the Chinese-US problems.You should watch this to see how China's air pollution is destroying the climate--how China's lax labor laws allow for all sorts of human rights abuses--how nations are turning a blind eye to the world's largest totalitarian state that is building a massive military--how US corporations choose to cooperate and comply with China to cause many problems in the world.This problem in the end will affect us all--not just Americans.