Dead Still
Dead Still
| 06 October 2014 (USA)
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Upon the death of his great grandfather, Brandon Davis - a wedding photographer - inherits an antique camera famous for taking Victorian death photography. After photographing his subjects they start to die from horrible, bizarre deaths.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Dead Still" actually turned out better than I had anticipated, given the less than impressive reviews and overall rating that the movie had received here on IMDb. But still, it is a horror movie, and that alone had me interested. But given the negative vibe to the reviews and such, then I must admit that my hopes for the movie weren't great.However, I was more than genuinely surprised that the movie was better than I had hoped (or feared) that it would turn out to be. Sure, it wasn't a horror masterpiece, but it still an entertaining enough movie, and it did have some originality to it, which was what kept the movie afloat.The story was somewhat different from what I had expected and it was that aspect of the movie that particularly turned out to be a fresh addition to the horror genre. The storyline is about a wedding photographer who inherits an antique camera, that has been used previously to take obscure death-scene photographs. And strange deaths starts occurring around the talented photographer, which are tied to the old camera.I will say that I was actually genuinely entertained by the movie, despite it not being a groundbreaking monument in the horror genre. But it still turned out to be entertaining and it did have a sense of originality to it.The acting in the movie was adequate for most parts, but I must say that it was especially Ray Wise who carried the biggest part of the movie with his performance and his usual wicked charisma on the screen.The effects in the movie were actually quite good, especially the creature make-up and designs. I liked those quite a lot. Just a shame that they weren't more actively used in the entire movie."Dead Still" is actually a good choice for a movie if you are in for an evening of horror movies. I was more than genuinely entertained and pleasantly surprised with it. Who knows, you might just be as well...
Hector Caballero I am surprise to see so many good reviews from users, with so low rating of the film.Believe the rating.This movie is bad, generally speaking. The story is weak, and there are so many inconsistencies, perhaps for the incompetence of the filmmakers, not really because it was unavoidable. Bad timing, wrong reactions to situations... etc.Maybe the only thing that was notable was the not-so-bad costumes and the filming locations. But it was at all enough.Finally , the acting was completely shocking, negligent.The story of Victorian death photography: wasted.
Kimberly Mayberry The Booth Brothers never fail me when it comes to an entertaining movie or educational documentary to watch! I always look forward to each production from them and this one was fantastic. I loved the cast and the over-all plot. Since I am particularly interested in the main subject of this movie, and the paranormal in general, this made for a fantastic movie for me to watch!The only reason I gave it an eight out of ten possible stars was because, the pace was rather slow in some areas, but it still was a very entertaining movie to watch.Highly entertaining and a welcome reunion with some of my favorite actors! Well, done!
margohill_191 Great movie great producers great cast,the movie is a mother great movie by the booth brothers,,,they are great and talented brothers,,they really know how to make scary movies,,wish they would come to Canada and shoot one of there movies there is great spots to do a great movie here in Canada,I like how they get right into the super natural,this has been something I have had a interest in for years,I really like to watch scary movies ,,,in fact I watch more scary movies then regular TV,,,I would like to see the booth brothers to make another movie as soon as they can,,,,us scary movie buffs really like there story lines ,,,can't wait for this movie to come out in DVDs,I will buy it for sure so I can put it in my scary movie collection