Dead Silence
Dead Silence
PG | 26 August 1991 (USA)
Dead Silence Trailers

Three friends on spring break hit and kill a transient in the California desert. Will they keep silent or turn on each other?

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
g404c Dead Silence is a film that is hard to watch, but I kept on watching anyway. Three girls (played by Carrie Mitchum, Renee Estevez, and Lisanne Falk) go on spring break to Palm Springs, and they accidentally run down a homeless drifter in the middle of the desert.The girls have different ideas on what to do about their predicament, and how they proceed will test their friendship and ultimately affect it forever.This movie has a solid plot, great score, and great locations. Estevez, Falk, and Mitchum give equally powerful performances, and the ending is one I did not expect at all. See this one. 10/10
helpless_dancer When 3 feisty college girls go to Fort Lauderdale for fun in the sun they become involved in the death of a drifter due to their own stupidity. For months after they try to go on as usual but events go against them until they are forced to make a decision in which they lose either way. A very enjoyable film with a satisfying ending.
McClusky Good news, folks. I checked, these two screen writers have no other credits on IMBD. This script flat out sucks. It's the suckiest suck that has ever sucked. Unless you were like me and got tricked into watching this crap consider yourself extremely lucky. This is a movie of the week and is therefore written for drooling morphidites in the country's dirtiest prisons, but this isn't even good enough for death row inmates.
corky-27 This well-acted TV movie really surprised me. I expected a typical "spring-break" pseudo-horror film, but was drawn into a psychological tale of conscience fighting fear. Three young, attractive co-eds are vacationing before college graduation when something horrific happens to them; the mitigating circumstances cause them to make disastrous moral and ethical choices. Mitchum and Estevez (granddaughter of Robert and daughter of Martin Sheen, respectively) are fine but Falk shines as the most conflicted and least culpaple of the protagonists. The minuses: A tv movie is a tv movie is a tv movie- well, you get the picture. Again, all the more to my surprise that this picture acquitted itself nicely, despite the low budget and lack of name stars. The Corkymeter says 3 and a half stars (out of 5).