This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Leoni Haney
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
David Cholewa's Dead Shadows was one of the few French fantastic films that we saw last year and I would say that the only one that could be included in the French New Wave of gore which is invading the theaters since almost a decade. Despite its exiguous budget, noticeable during lots of moments, horror fans can be more than satisfied since the movie satisfy all the expectations we look for in this kind of productions. The plot line is simple, a meteor falls into Paris, inside of it there are some strange creatures who already visited our planet in the past, their return provoke a mutation on the habitants of the city. Before anything, we have to point out that the movie is a love letter to John Carpenter, we can find in it all kind of homage to his work, since They live climax, to Michael Myers' mask, going all trough to In the mouth of madness, Big trouble in little China, the Plisken saga, Prince of darkness or The thing. The screenplay also drinks form H. P. Lovecraft's short stories The shadow out of time and The colour out of space; even the classic anime Urotsukidôji is referenced here. With this references in mind it is clear that we are in front of a movie of apocalyptic tone. The director and the writer (Vincent Julé) introduce the characters in their day by day life and here the lack of budget is an advantage since they can't spend too much time with domestic sub plots going to the point without too much delays. So when the invasion and the corresponding possessions start we are familiar enough with the characters and the movie walks to a dark and somber climax. The movie is generous with gore and the makeup effects are excellent, the CGI goes from very good to just passable, the budget again, I suppose. The same thing goes for the cinematography, the work in interiors is more than notable but the exteriors are good in some moments and limited in others, in any case it makes a good use of the locations. On the other hand the actors are very good, the star Wolfrom Fabian and his partenaire Blandine Marmigère are very convincing as the helpless hero and his romantic interest, specially Mrs. Marmigère. Fabian works the sad and menacing register very well but he is not as good when playing a regular guy. It is also remarkable the intervention of Rurik Sallé and usual suspect of French horror films. But the actor who owns the show and steals all the scenes he is in is cult actor John Fallon, here playing a character that fits him like a glove. It is a shame he has not enough screen time. And here is the main problem of the film. If until now I have been saying the movie knows how to work in its favor the lack of budget at the end it becomes a problem . The short running time, barely 70 minutes, makes you think that they were short of money and they only shot the main scenes and the main plot of the movie, because things like Fallon's character and the subplot explaining the origin of the infection and the evolution of the main character are very diffuse, you can only know what happened there by intuition, and at the end of the film we have the feeling that the movie could have been much more and has ended in something of a try. It's a pity since its closed ending doesn't leave a open door for a sequel, but who knows. In any case a pretty good entertaining picture that it is worth the time.
Jamie Rayworth
Okay so the story does start off interesting enough (Cowardly kid with a crazy past) and the premise is actually quite interesting as well as the story (not quite "Zombies" but something else) The problem is that they didn't use the budget well enough. Sure the effects are pretty good but there's occasionally some bad camera styling (it's enough to be noticeable) and the music and sound effects are very much below average. It's a shame who they got for the lead role because you can clearly see his lack experience, yet his fellow actors actually do quite a decent job. It does get a lot more interesting near the end of the movie but it doesn't give itself enough time to explore the possibilities well enough.So in conclusion: If you enjoy cheesy zombie movies/ Creature movies then you may like this. If you don't mind the low-budget feeling horror flicks then you may enjoy it. If you're someone that only enjoys top-end effects and amazing acting then I don't recommend this movie for you.It's a lot better than some of the horror-zombie-creature flicks as of late but it isn't genre defining, nor is it anything new. I gave it a slightly above average score solely for it trying to do something different. It may not have succeeded in doing something different but at least they tried and that's more than can be said for most movies these days.
Dead Shadows is an independent low-budget movie which actually is very entertaining.It has some elements from older horror movies like the John Carpenter's classic,The Thing(1982)and also includes some elements from Body Horror genre which are similar with David Croneberg's masterpieces.Advantages:From start to the end this movie has a very powerful climax because of the well-written main character(Chris)who becomes from an innocent boy to a ruthless killing machine.Also,the cinematography was really good for a low-budget movie.Furthermore, i must refer to some very interesting CGI effects which seems very familiar to an another post-apocalyptic movie called Cloverfield.Disadvantages:Unfortunately,they are many.The main problem with this film are the characters that are undeveloped and without any meaning in the film.Also,the characters doesn't have any background story except from the main character.An another problem is the plot which is also undeveloped and with a lots of plot holes(leaving you with many questions).In fact,the plot is a rip-off of other post-apocalyptic movies and that means that the movie doesn't have any originality except from some really well-made atmospheric sequences.Furthermore,TOO MANY CGI which are not necessary bad for a low-budget movie but it could be more interested if the creatures of this movie was a little bit more real.Conclusion:7/10 A very entertaining movie to spend your time and a worthwhile endeavor from a newcomer.
I was tracking this movie for a few month already, as it was only shown on a film festival in 2012. The trailer also looked very promising. It showed some action and different stages of a beginning mutation, which suggested an interesting background story. Recently I finally saw the movie and was surprised about the length of about 70 minutes. The actual movie then had a completely different setting than what I expected. Some lone wolf goes to a weird party where it all starts, no background story and the protagonist undergoes a sequence of weird happenings. Just when the movie could have it's climax and the protagonist could go and search for answers or a safer place, the movie comes to it's end. In my opinion they could have made much more out of the setting and the background story. I was left very uncertain and it is like i missed the later half of a very interesting start this movie made.PS. This is my first review, be forbearing.