Dark Space
Dark Space
| 15 January 2013 (USA)
Dark Space Trailers

College friends Devin, Jack, Shelly, Kristy, Shaun, and Flower rent a spacecraft to autopilot them to Centauri Five for a holiday break. Impatient over the rental agency restricting the ship’s speed to 10x, Devin and the others convince Shaun to remove the craft’s constrictor device. Doing so damages the computer’s automated systems, as well as the ability to send a distress beacon, causing the six friends to crash land on an uncharted alien planet.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
tailsofthewind This movie has some twists; it's different from the cliche of college friends vacationing their way through blackout drunks, vomiting, tits and ass, and the all-important, "Don't go in/out there!"It starts out funny, great characters, awesome sets, decisions were made, it hits the fan, then it's life-or-death (and a nice butt). Terrifying aliens. Good sides, bad sides, and survival for some, but not the ones I thought. Fantastic and well done!
jjstetch Okay, what's up with the low ratings? I was browsing and usually skip movies with low ratings but took a chance because of the description. I just found it more and more charming. I was totally drawn in as things progressed, partly because of the aura and body language of the actors - I believed them! Special effects were more than good enough for what I need. The ending was not overly explained to us which I loved - it was assumed that we the audience understood what was going on. It dawned on me that often the biggest Hollywood sci-fi movies are rife with formula and sickening self-consciousness albeit impressive special effects. I learned a valuable lesson today - that some lesser known and lesser rated movies could end up being the best you ever saw - beautiful, heartfelt and unforgettable!
Justin Kapr I love sci-fi, so I am a bit biased in this genre. The story is OK. It's just too predictable. Another poorly scripted movie with heavy VFX; where the dialogue is unrealistic, the personas of the crew are unrealistic, and the actions they take are unrealistic. Poor choices all around. It's just another sci-fi movie on the shelf. I knew everything that was going to happen almost 4-5 minutes before it happened. How did I know a girl was gonna survive to the end and be the heroine? Because the girl always survives. Yawn. Only 1 person gets seriously injured in the crash. Poor choice. The entire party (save for the tech guy and the injured) leave the ship? Um... sorry. No way. The ship is the most important asset. If it's an unknown world, chances are... you guessed it... there's nothing out there worth searching for but food and water. Do they go hunting or collecting resources? lol You guessed it again. No, they go swimming. Wait, you mean to tell me that despite all the survival shows on TV, they missed that? Um, we have crocs on Earth. WTF is in the water dumb@$$. Nobody filled a canteen. They went swimming. Wow. When the tech guy leaves the ship at night, and just stands there waiting for the aliens. Laughable. No f***ing way. I wouldn't even stand outside my tent in Yellowstone with creatures I know exist (bears, wolves) let alone an alien world! And when the aliens are seen zipping by at the speed of blurred vision. It's amazing that the tech guy has all the time in the world to outrun the alien carrying a wounded friend. Wow. Really poor choices. Too many inconsistencies. I will say though... that there were a few moments where I did laugh out loud. Not to the credit of the movie's direction, but because the script was so bad... I couldn't help but think. No one in the world talks this way. I mean. These guys are drinking and smoking on the ship. Party animals, and then when it's time for conversation... the atmosphere feels so dry it's hard to believe that any of these characters are actually likable. They all just talk about sex, but you SEE NOTHING. LOL!!! As in any movie though, if you stimulated a response (my review here)... you've won. I watched the entire movie, so Kudos to the film for getting the job done. I was just left unfulfilled. We don't need more sci-fi movies. We need better sci-fi movies. I own Humanity's End by the way. I love my sci-fi. On your next go-around, please correct these mistakes. Freegin contact me. I'll proof the script. Let's get the next movie done right!
Terry Halmshaw I'm not going to mention the story as it's thin and very amateurish, I wont really mention anything other then the utter stupidity of it....oops there's the spoiler :) From the opening scene I was cringing, the acting was deplorable and the dialogue was an EPIC FAIL!, it was filled with dialogue of why the blonde guy (Keith Reay) shouldn't be allowed to "fly" a rented spaceship, all sorts of flying infringements etc (from a rental company no less) yet no one "flies" these craft they are fully automated, so why would ANYONE'S prior history (rented or not) come into play?.The movie is like this all the way through, there is no cohesion, nothing gels it's just one BIG mistake after another, Keith Reay from the very beginning all I wanted to do was reach into the screen and punch him in the face just for being born, what an annoying actor he is, and no he wasn't acting his annoyance it's simply his presence.The movie is filled with gaffs like the STUPID analogue switches on a console in a ship that wouldn't/shouldn't exist in a bloody 'rented craft', I mean seriously if you had a fully automated ship that was rented it's like that for a reason, you would not be able to override anything, let alone place a (apparently very easy to use)console for everyone to just play with...DUMB!.Of course the craft crashes on an alien planet and 'Flower' has a compound fracture of her tibia, well ever wondered if you can walk on a compound fracture of your tibia?...well by all accounts you can, not only that she manages to run on it also....DUMB! Then while wandering out in the woods they just happen upon a 'stick man' Ala 'Blair Witch Project', it had no rhyme or reason being there it just was. DUMB! Then we have the stupid 'storm troopers' and to coin another reviewers term, they looked like they were wearing the armor from Halo, not only that the guns were frighteningly similar also, and these guns have nice big scopes on them...are the scopes being used?....no of course not, no wonder 100 'storm troopers' couldn't hit these annoying so called bloody actors, I was praying they would so the pain would stop :) DUMB! Then we have the poindexter nerd who CANNOT act to save his life, with his 'tool' he uses to repair the ships 'software' and changes 'hardware'...whatever right?, but the tool he uses looks like a damn icing gun my mother used to use to ice cakes...for crying out loud, absolutely NO IMAGINATION.....guys a hint, there's plenty of comic books around, get some hints there, I'm sure you own them all :) Now please remember this 'ship' is a rental, so why would it come equipped with an 'icing gun' and a bloody welder to repair the ship??, this clearly wasn't an Hertz rental was it?. :) DUMB! There are scenes right through this movie that SCREAM BULLSH!T, such as the scene where a 'storm trooper' checks a pulse with thick gloves on, I mean come on people, why are we treated like D!CKHEADS by these film makers, do they really think we are this DUMB?.Well I'm very glad to disappoint them, they SUCK and so does this so called movie.Total CRAP!.