Locusts: The 8th Plague
Locusts: The 8th Plague
R | 12 November 2005 (USA)
Locusts: The 8th Plague Trailers

A group of scientists try to stop a swarm of flesh-eating locusts that escape from a top secret government lab in the USA Midwest.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
TheLittleSongbird I have made no secret of disliking SyFy's movies, but I still watch them to see if they ever make anything tolerable. They've made a few, but a vast majority of them are not worth bothering with. And that is the case with Wild Swarms, which has everything I hate about SyFy and more. The acting is really uninspired, even from Jeff Fahey, who has saved a bad movie more than once but not this time, with David Keith trying and failing to give credibility to a one-dimensional and stereotypical a villain as you could get and Dan Cortese a wooden lead. The rest of the characters are also clichéd and none of them are likable in any way. Wild Swarms is also badly made, I have often criticised SyFy's films for having choppy or hackneyed editing, Wild Swarms's editing is an insult to those words, while the special effects, of which the film is heavily reliant on, are terrible never once coming across as believable. The dialogue is cheesy and stilted, the direction is lazy and the story is predictable, often ridiculous and with all the morality I am going to set a task to find a more preachy SyFy movie than this one, my prediction is that I'm never going to find it. Overall, an awful movie that is difficult to begin criticising as everything is wrong with it. 1/10 Bethany Cox
rlange-3 I could have written all this off as just a mediocre low budget flick, passably entertaining if expectations are kept under control.Others have amply covered the many defects in plot holes, lousy special effects, uninspired acting, etc.However the movie went beyond all this into a pathetic attempt to turn itself into a morality play. The demons of the Greenies were summoned forth: Evil corporations. Greedy executives. Genetic manipulation. Pollution. Arrogant military. There is even a special lecture on global warming inserted lest we miss the point. (They did blessedly overlook **rrrradiation** (sound klaxon) and skipped the talking points on the blessings of tofu cakes.)And of course standing against this onslaught of evil we have Mr. Organic Pesticide Researcher, a wholesome, idealistic young man trying only to save the world for Green. And his side kick, a low level USDA employee who in one of the truly hilarious moments in the film, is given the crucial decision as to whether to approve the use of a special military unit to prevent the locusts from wiping out half of Idaho. Only if she 'signs off' can the special unit be used! Incredibly, this is a fulcrum in plot development. It's like asking someone at the airline ticket counter whether flights should be grounded on 9-11.Oh well. If you are desperate for science fiction material and have burned your way through just about everything else, this one at least has an unusual creature villain. Other than that, there are better ways to waste time than this phony Green Morality play from the Truly Clueless.
Michael O'Keefe A SciFi Channel Original albeit between mediocre and mad. A big corporation tampers with genetics and creates a killer strain of locusts intended to protect corn fields from other insects. Unfortunately, following a test the swarm of hungry locusts escape their controlled environment and are loose to terrorize the vicinity of Prairie Idaho. In spite of a conjured cover-up and the National Guard being called to duty; a young scientist(Julie Benz)and her boyfriend(Dan Cortese)watch her father(Jeff Fahey)and his flesh-eating locusts die in a fiery explosion.Poor CGI has the locusts changing size and color. David Keith plays a ruthless, greedy villain. Also in the cast are Kirk B.R. Woller and Manana Stavnsieve. I have a feeling that Fahey and Keith took the money and ran immediately after walking through their roles. My favorite scene happens to be when the deadly swarm attacks an amusement park. I doubt if this film could be any better; but has the potential of being a whole lot worse.
DobraGolonka I had to watch this film twice - simply because I fell asleep during the first viewing! It really is awful! The film is heavily dependant upon CGI throughout, but, unfortunately, they appear to have been composed on a ZX80 - they are diabolical.And the acting??? That surely is a contradiction in terms! It is sooooooo wooden! If this film had been made in black and white 50 years ago, it might be classed as a decent B movie, but with today's standards? Absolute pap! 2/10 only because the first 5 minutes actually lull you into thinking it will be a decent movie to watch: at least, I was fooled! DG
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