Armed Response
Armed Response
R | 04 August 2017 (USA)
Armed Response Trailers

The story follows a team of highly trained operatives who find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
sacratez Liked it. Strictly. A Sci-FYI flick. I've seen it twice now and the first time was ok, this time I got bored with it several times. Slow starter in finding the other crew and they only located 4 as they showed and there were to be 6 stationed there. Wesley Snipes finally got what he deserves. Haha
nikola17 Wesley Snipes i don't blame at him never do because he is their just for paycheck to pay Tax. he is SO bored and burning out of his skull in this movie is such bad weird look of film. director John Stockwell i loved In The Blood, Kickboxer Vengeance i loved it but needs more of effort, Blue Crash, Into Blue good movies but this come on it's Wesley Snipes movie but he is lead actor lead role it say's it on poster and trailer but it's trick the lead role that switch's to Dave Annable god he is not that good of lead actor but he is OK not greatest actor or character in movie i thought this was pointless cheap bad story Fake Stupid CGI bad film very bad i blame director and writers for this movie. Wesley Snipes doesn't care about this movie because he is in the all movie but he doesn't do much action i don't how is this a action movie it's very stupid made movie. It's a crying shame. Wesley got the acting chops and the martial arts skills. He just needs that one right role. I wish Tarantino or Rodriguez could come up with a vehicle for him and Scott Adkins movie i would love to see it but someone gave Wesley Snipes rubbish opportunity of this movie believe me it's terrible you don't want to buy it because i did it for Wesley Snipes i look at cover he is lead actor lead character i am thinking OK what's problem with that. i spend $20 for this piece of this rubbish movie god i wish it was on Netflix or something but i have it in my collection of Wesley Snipes movies but this planning maybe selling it to space movie doesn't exist anymore. Plot is really pointless hard to understand it's confusing it doesn't know where it's going or who is lead hero or lead villain should have kept story simple. A team of highly trained Issac (Wesley Snipes) Gabriel (Dave Annable) and Brett (Colby Lopez) or (Seth Rollins) what ever his name is. Saeed Refai (Eyas Younis), Riley (Anne Heche) they went to isolated military compound they got trapped find themselves trapped inside and it's not creature's or zombies i really wish it was one of another of that not a ghost boring revenge film this all thing in movie is such pointless believe me it's really bad film the action was only little believe me the all movie in hour is just walking and talking to know what's going on i found this such pointless to know what is it. is it creature ?? but no you have main villain in movie actor End of Days, 2 Fast 2 Furious actor (Mo Gallini)Ahmadi who is a terrorist group locked up in prison and he is such pointless boring character in movie.believe me Wesley Snipes does noting besides he is in movie and talks to know what's really going on. i thought it was weird looking of movie weird looking the acting is terrible but Wesley Snipes has good acting but he wasn't best in movie rest of another are OK but not good actors at all i like wrestler Seth Rollins but it doesn't save movie. Wesley Snipes could not save this movie at all not in 2 feet, come on People are giving really bad Opportunity's for Wesley Snipes just because he is B-Class actor doesn't mean he can't go back as lead actor in a big budget action flick we are in 2017 we didn't need to see a 90's horror style of movie or boring style of actors don't know what they doing the script is SO flat although Wesley Snipes not the main character this movie is tricking everyone crash grab movie for noting total nonsense, with more plot holes, missing plots and confusing dialogue such confusing movie and director between these two don't know what to do or what to write for this is Confusing plot of movie when you follow story all that in every scenes it changes it to one thing to another flat movie can't make choice of writing this movie. later on you have this most confusing Silly plot can't keep things simple A recently abandoned prison is haunted? Alive, via artificial intelligence? and kills a group of people working there, knowing that a specific military group would be sent to investigate, and it would be the same people who are responsible for a killing in Afghanistan and Wesley Snipes Character Issac is turned himself a Bad Guy even he is lead actor he can't be Good Guy in this movie he has to turn into bad guy because he is Simon Phoenix Demolition Man DUMB Twist like movie doesn't know who needs to be lead or villain ?? he turns into a bad guy for no reason he was responsible for killing Afghanistan, and this haunted/ alive prison kills them one by one, after having " judged them " , while each person individually plots to double cross and kill each other I don't know, this makes absolutely no sense at all believe don't waste $20 or $25
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki This is the third time recently, I have been the only one in the cinema, and the second time in about a month for a movie which doesn't have a Boxofficemojo page, and with a zero percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. A recently abandoned prison is ... haunted? Alive, ... via artificial intelligence? ... and kills a group of people working there, knowing that a specific military group would be sent to investigate, and it would be the same people who are responsible for a killing in Afghanistan, and this haunted/ alive prison kills them one by one, after having " judged them " , while each person individually plots to double cross and kill each other ... ? I don't know, this makes absolutely no sense, and​ it genuinely left me feeling disoriented afterward. I'm not joking, I sincerely felt like I was in a fog, and couldn't immediately think clearly after this one, basically speechless as to what I had just witnessed.Director/ former actor John Stockwell has his moments, but this isn't one of them, but at least he, and cinematographer Matthew Irving, try to make this good looking, but novice screenwriter Matt Savelloni's incoherent screenplay sinks this from minute one. ( Why was the opening scene, of the kid dying, even here? It has no effect on the plot in any way. It seemed like it was going to be yet another film where the lead actor has to rise up, against all odds, and redeem themselves, but happily, that's​ not the case here. Faint praise that. )Any Wesley Snipes' fans who may watch this just because he is in it, and featured prominently on the poster, will be sorely disappointed, as he:s just standing in the background during most scenes. There is no real main character here, most characters have about equal screen time, and a lot of it is just them looking in empty rooms, and shouting, " Clear! " for most of the early scenes.The most baffling moment comes when the building comes to life, and grabs a guy by both arms, and simultaneously rips both arms out of their sockets
Harrison Tweed (Top Dawg) What was WWE Studios, KISS' Gene Simons and Wesley Snipes thinking producing this mess? Did they read the same screenplay I just watched and say "let's do this"? OK I get it, Wesley Snipes must've pushed this film because he was to star in it (although not the main character), but what was everyone else smoking? This is the first (and hopefully last) attempt at writing from Matt Savelloni. This film was total nonsense, with more plot holes, missing plots and confusing dialogue than each of the 93 minutes of run time. And of that 93 minutes, I'd say at least 15 mins where the same series of empty corridor shots with dumb bright beams coming from the windowed walls - totally pointless. Someone got bored tying the screenplay and copy- pasted "freeze camera at empty corridor #6 for 1 minute". And the dialogue - worst I've seen in a long time.The only decent aspects of this film were Matthew Irving's cinematography, and (being very generous here) actor-turned-director John Stockwell's directing - although if he ever does the multiple fast zoom-in zoom-outs (during the war conflict scene) again, he should just stick to acting.Oh ya, the acting... terrible. This was Anne Heche's worst acting, as if she dreaded being in any scene. And as for Wesley Snipes, he looked so bored in every scene, even the only fight scene he was in was boring.Had more effort been put into the concept (hired a professional writer to give the screenplay a huge face-lift - for starters), and had the director cracked the whip a little more, there certainly was room for potential. Instead, I had to watch a film with trained military walking around solo (not in pairs to watch each others '6') with the same gun and flashlight held up, constantly startled, pointing the flashlight around and entire room over and over, and saying "who's there!?". Or someone laying dead with half their skull missing and his buddy crouched over top of him calling his name (as if asking "are you OK?!") expecting him to answer. Seriously, OK an amateur wrote this garbage, but who wasted their money to fund and yet approved this garbage?It's only a generous 2/10 from me only for the decent cinematography and a few good acted and intense scenes here and there.