Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four
PG-13 | 07 August 2015 (USA)
Fantastic Four Trailers

Four young outsiders teleport to a dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
The Movie Diorama Fant-4-Stic. Fantastic Four. Fant4stic Four. 4 Fant4stic. Fant-I honestly don't give a damn-stic. Well, everyone said it was dreadful. After years of avoidance, I finally took the plunge and delved into the modern reimagining of The Fantastic Four. Someone hold me! I can't. To formulate a review would be the equivalent of approaching 20th Century Fox and asking "can you give the rights back to Marvel?". They'll show you the exit. Ohhh...this was terrible. Reed Richards, with the help of a "scientific" team, devise an inter dimensional teleportation device where one journey causes the team to gain powerful abnormalities. Where do I even start!? This is clearly Fox's fault. I can only assume that director Trank had a clear vision, and at times there are glimpses of greatness, but the studio had to get involved to keep the rights to the franchise and quickly release this reboot before they were offered to another distributor. Rushed is an understatement. You don't need to be a film critic or aficionado to notice the abhorrent production issues. Mara wearing a wig one scene and not the next, the rapidest anti-climatic third act ever, horrendous visual effects (ewww) and no attention to creating a riveting screenplay. I can't even claim the script to be mediocre, it's just the worst. 'Fant4stic: Plot Conveniences Strike Back' would've been more apt. None of it makes sense. Every line of dialogue is spoken with such monotony and only acts as a necessary mean to further the unimaginative plot, resulting in no character development. Every cast member was terribly miscast. Teller wasn't trying, Jordan couldn't be bothered, Mara was dull as always, Bell had no opportunities and Kebbell was criminally misused. No emotional connection between these characters in the slightest. Heck, Johnny had a more emotive friendship in the first five seconds of meeting Reed than he did with his own sister! Why attend school fairs? How did Victor survive a year? Where did the cape come from!? This isn't a film, it's a tool!! A god damn tool!! Fantastic this is not.
leilabelkouch It wasn't a perfect movie but i really don't understand why people didn't like it that much. I loved the fact that there wasn't that many fights scenes. The story was interesting by its own without adding action that wasn't needed. It was a good SF movie, even if, the movie in the end felt rushed... i wouldn't say it's a good super hero movie, so maybe that's why people didn't like it, but for me, i thought this was a more interesting approach to the concept.
AleNapoli The film is a reboot with a completely different but interesting storyline. The problem with this film is that there is little action in fact the film is based more on the completion of the project of the protagonists than the fight. Another problem is the duration of only 20 minutes of the bad in fact the scene of the "Final Battle" lasts very little and many important characters have made them become secondary as "The Thing".
qolotlh-1 I won't even get into the backstage fighting and lead actor issues.. that's been reported to death. This "film" suffers from the need to hurry and make a film to retain the license and a lack of care of the quality by Fox. The only redeeming quality is some of the visuals but sadly the story, tone, pacing, acting (aside from Michael B Jordan who always gives his all even when the movie is terrible) kill any chance of this film being taken seriously. The massive and obvious reshoots as well as the story that appears to have been written from a brief browse of Marvel's First Family's Wiki and you have a recipe for disaster. Sadly Josh Trank will be blamed when editing, studio, rights holders, and speed are much more responsible for making this movie into the mess it is.