Dark Circles
Dark Circles
R | 21 May 2013 (USA)
Dark Circles Trailers

When new parents Alex and Penny retreat from the city and move into a place outside town, the stress and massive sleep-deprivation caused by their infant has both of them seeing things in the house that may or may not exist. Persistent sightings of a strange woman has each of them wondering if they are suffering from hallucinations, or if their new home holds a dark, supernatural presence. As their fragile grasp on reality spirals into delirium, Alex and Penny find themselves nearly helpless to deal with the horrific truth of what is really going in this house.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
frerardfrikeywaycest Very average simple horror that honestly had some very good moments. I almost wish that they were used in a better movie and weren't wasted here
David Arnold Alex & Penny have just become parents to a baby boy and have decided that the city life isn't for them to raise their child. Relocating to a house in the country, the couple finds their relationship deteriorating due to the demands of caring for a newborn, including a lack of sleep. When the couple begin seeing a mysterious woman around the house, they at first dismiss the sightings as hallucinations brought on by sleep deprivation. But as the visions appear more often, the parents are forced to consider that evil is at work in their home. By the time the truth about their new home is revealed, their tenuous grip on sanity has already begun to slip.Dark Circles is another of those movies that looks good in the trailers, but after you watch it, you realise that it only looks good because the best bits of the movie were in the trailers. 1-star ratings indicate that it's Awful, but it wasn't as bad as that so I gave it a generous 2 as it's not a hideous movie and I've seen MUCH worse, but it IS extremely slow going and just never really picked up.We all know the theme has been done more times than we can count - people move to new house, a person starts seeing things in said new house, things start to escalate - but films can still be good even if they aren't that original. This one isn't original and it's definitely not that good.Dark Circles is also one of those movies where nothing is really explained until the last two minutes. I don't mind movies where you have to use your brain and piece things together, but there was not even a hint of who the mysterious person was, where she came from, or what she was doing, so you can't piece parts together if you're not actually given anything.It wasn't really all that scary either, but it did have a wee bit of suspense in it. Unfortunately, it just gets far too repetitive, so it becomes very boring after a while. It's not the worst movie you'll see but there is definitely much better of this genre out there.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Dark Circles" was somewhat of a less than mediocre experience. And I mean that in the best possible way.What made it less than mediocre was the slow storyline and the fact that nothing overly interesting happened at all through out the entire 87 minutes that the movie ran for.That being said, then it should be noted that the actors were actually doing good enough jobs with their performances, they were just struggling against an uphill battle against a horrible script and a very anti-climatic storyline.The story is about a family moving into a newly acquired house with their baby. But soon thereafter they realize that there is no rest, peace and quiet here, as the neighbors are constructing a house. And something inside their newly acquired house is not welcoming them with open arms.The movie is nicely enough edited and filmed, just a shame that the storyline failed to be impressive.As for a horror movie, then "Dark Circles" was awfully devoid of scary moments and anything even remotely disturbing. And this also contributed to the slow, dull pace that the movie trotted on in.
atinder Dark Circles (2013) I really enjoyed this movie, it started of with bang and some bizarre scene in this movie in good way and they making feel very unsettling.Couple just had new born baby, as they didn't want to raise the Baby in new york, so they to place when its less noise.They moved to house and with their new born baby but baby dose sleep at night all, they seem to feel a sleepy a lot tiny.What liked about this movie both of them see things as one time or another but they put down to not having enough sleep.There were really good chilling moment in this movie and that made feel a little tense, they some really good scarce scenes in this movie what work, may make you jump.I also liked how Paul Soter still keep the creepy thought out the whole movies, even nothing is hap ping in those scenes.This was Paul Soter first horror movie but it not great but it was above average for me..The acting was outstanding from everyone in this movie and Baby is cute! 7 out of 10