Death Tunnel
Death Tunnel
| 17 October 2005 (USA)
Death Tunnel Trailers

For an initiation stunt, five college women are locked in a Kentucky hospital built in 1910 where 63,000 people died from a disease known as the "white plague". Deep under the hospital is the "Death Tunnel" which once were used to secretly remove the dead from the grounds.

PlatinumRead Just bad
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
tonymenzies2003 well the acting was the worst i have seen all year . and its 90 min,s ill never get back . i fell like i was robed of a part of my life ! i did like the set in side the hospital tho . maybe if it was made with different actors it will be a better movie . there was a good amount of boobs tho so that gets a 3 star on my scale . i didn't like all the random flash backs they were not kneaded ! all they did was waste film and money ! . the idea of hunted mentally home is very old ! . it didn't make sense and it was not spooky !. i am not knowing why it did not work as a movie ? the CGI was bad and not furnished well . the crying just went on and on and on . and why did the ghost need five girls for ? . there was not even a good fight in the movie . if you are 12 this movie is grate but i am 34 and even the 14 year old girls that watch this movie say it was bad they did not even watch the hole movie . this DVD will make a good clay bird ! . .
MadWatch Wow. Wow. I wish that I was a poet so that I could adequately find the words to describe just how awful this movie is. Nay, I cannot even call this a 'movie'; movies have stories and plots, even the bad ones do. It is rare that I will not watch a movie through to the end, regardless of how bad it is. But Death Tunnel was not even worth more than 25 minutes of my time.This was not even a movie; it was a random, mish mash of sometimes extremely quick and sometimes sort of long scenes, with no coherency. I am serious.1) The movie jumps around from 4 different time-lines, with some jumps being as quick as 3 seconds to as long as 5 minutes. 2) There are scenes and/or images that are just randomly inserted with no introduction or explanation as to why the scenes are there. 3) There were many scenes in which I had no idea whose Point of View the scene was supposed to be from. Some scenes appeared to be intended strictly from the audience's POV, which makes no sense in movie making, since the audience is not actually IN the movie. But there was no other explanation for why the scenes were shown.And this was only in the first 25 minutes!! I kept asking aloud, "What is going on? What was that about? Whose POV is that supposed to be? What was the point of that?" This was NOT a movie; it was merely a haphazard collection of scenes that *overall* followed some vague story about teenage girls that went to the bar and ended up in an abandoned hospital.2 Minute scene of teenage girls in a bar. Sudden images of a hospital gurney. A girl locked in a dirty, hospital room. She takes a sack off of her head. A 2 second image of 2 topless women walking down a hall. A 10 second video of teenage girls outside college. Sudden images of old video footage of people in a hospital. 1 minute scene of teenage girls in a contest at a bar. A 1 minute scene of a teenage boy watching video monitors and....something happens. Followed by static footage of random building images. 3 minute scene of a teenage girl walking through a filthy hallway. and so on.Horrible, horrible, horrible. I saw no point in even watching any more. And now I am out of $5, which I could have spent on candy. At least I would have gotten more enjoyment out of candy, and it would have lasted longer.
toregon This movie was the worst movie I've ever seen. I couldn't even watch it to the end. The story is that 5 dumb girls are put into a haunted sanitorium as a prank but then there are also these 5 ghosts and something happens. It's impossible to tell what happened because the whole movie was composed of 5 minute scenes that are all mixed up.It also seems that they picked random people to play the main characters because the acting was horrible. All the lines were made up of high pitched screaming that makes your ears bleed, and your typical scary movie dumb blonde clichés. Not to mention that the characters do have the intelligence of a 3 year old. Every character will say to themselves "where am I", then they will call out to someone, see a ghost, ignore it at first, something jumps out of the shadows, and finally the girls scream for 10 minutes and run around.This movie has it all! Bad editing, bad lighting (everything has a stupid tint to it), bad acting, bad script, nonexistent plot, and a large amount of breathing and shouting. Do not see this movie, do not rent this movie, do not make eye contact with this movie. I cannot stress this enough. This movie gets a 1 out of 10 for FAILURE.
board-5 Love or hate this I've seen far worst,also far better,maybe it's entertaining factor is not work as far as the creators wanted,but the message is just shocked me,that is what I will not forget for my life.Interiors of the big scary,abandoned hospital,just take what creators wanted to take from you,attention,but sometimes they need more,and clear story.Creators wanted use sound editing to be more entertaining,sometimes it's worked for me,but not every time,the whole film becomes boring,and getting better only at the last 30-minutes,but finally the ending is not as satisfying as creators dreamed about it.This is a low budget film,but it would be better with bigger budget.(Rare situation)5/10