The Last Days on Mars
The Last Days on Mars
R | 06 December 2013 (USA)
The Last Days on Mars Trailers

On the last day of the first manned mission to Mars, a crew member of Tantalus Base believes he has made an astounding discovery – fossilized evidence of bacterial life. Unwilling to let the relief crew claim all the glory, he disobeys orders to pack up and goes out on an unauthorized expedition to collect further samples. But a routine excavation turns to disaster when the porous ground collapses and he falls into a deep crevice. His devastated colleagues attempt to recover his body. However, when another vanishes, they start to suspect that the life-form they have discovered is not without danger.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Micitype Pretty Good
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
szweda-18555 For completists only this movie is another to add to the list of my disappointments on Brit SF and horror, and that is becoming a loooong list. The title is about as dumb as the plot - what were they thinking of? Some cleverdick punning on the BOC track "Last Days of May"? Schoolboy humour best left on the suggestion list. But thankfully they at no time do the media cliche thing and call it "Mars, the Red Planet" FCS how annoying that is. Maybe I should not have watched that Europa movie so recently (thanks Film 4) because I had a dose of deja vu here. And I can also see why some allude to Prometheus or Alien Covenant.... how come such morons get on such missions? These cardboard characters are an insult to NASA scientists and engineers who would be on such missions. Maybe Nostromo had some drones "managing" a spaceship but that is so unlikely and hackneyed this movie should have come up with something more original and relevant. In fact I am bored with writing this review having wasted 90 minutes watching the wretched thing.... cue the Yardbirds song.... Next up from Film 4 is "The Raid" now that IS a great film....!
nzswanny Fantastic visuals matched with excellent pacing, great acting and realistic dialogue, accompanied with masterful direction. Only problem is, the film has a bit of an absurd storyline...which may be a reason why you don't want to see this. Believe me, when you watch this, that absurd storyline does not seem as absurd when you view this. If you liked Gravity, you will absolutely love this film! The visuals in this film are absolutely stunning, and instead of dumb, quick, jumpy shots like in a lot of bad films, this film takes its time with it's shots, which is exactly what I like to see in film. This is not just another entertaining B-movie, despite the silly plot, but it's not as bad as a blockbuster, either. It's a film, admittedly with a bad storyline, with some of the greatest direction I've ever seen in a space movie. If you don't know the plot, don't search it up to see what it is, or it'll spoil the film for you. Instead, watch the film with zero expectations, preferably in a cinema, and prepare to be enthralled.
woodgateliam This film is not a masterpiece, nor does it pretend to be. It's a simple, bare bones sci-fi horror flick that has good atmosphere and good horror in the obviously inhuman zombies.There's a small buildup to the events, but the film doesn't make this the focus. It obviously wants to get to the meat of the story quickly so as to not bore the audience. Once the action starts it continues in a slow rhythm that fits the pace pretty well, it also builds up some intrigue about the monsters and why they exist, but the film doesn't answer all of your questions which keeps you hooked.The film has some clear influences, one scene reminded me of Aliens when Vincent was crawling through the ducts to repair something else while the other characters fend off the monsters.The film isn't smart, but it doesn't have to be, all it aims to do is entertain - and it does that quite well. I recommend giving it a watch if you're looking for a thriller that raises some intrigue but isn't trying to focus your attention on it. It also has some pretty decent acting, direction and effects that keep you immersed.
kv-pradeep This was by far the most crappiest of the Mars movies ever made! And there were Mars movies which actually had Matt Daemon growing food out of actual crap... but this movie had more crap than that movie.The plot was stupid... there was no scientific explanation given behind why a bacteria would turn people into zombies.Acting was horrible and flat, with almost zero range of emotions.The set was a shoddy rip-off off the movie Alien.The story was nonsensical! Even after knowing that the zombies would attack them and turn them, most of the crew would just stand there instead of running away, or try to talk to zombies.. or shout NO! NO!I mean, when a zombie attacks you, you run, you don't stand and scream NO! NO!Stupid story writing, worst acting, crappy interpersonal interactions between the crew.Don't waste your time on this pathetic movie!