| 25 September 2015 (USA)
Narcopolis Trailers

In the near future, Frank, a police officer, discovers that the legalization of all recreational drugs comes with a price.

Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
guylyons I decided to watch this film, on a wet and windy day. Much as i tried it was very difficult to hear the dialogue, and this common problem persists with many films, on offer on film packages ( sky movies etc ). What makes this problem so frustrating, is that numbers of films are allowed to be made with this handicap. I gave up after 20 minutes, as it looked interesting. H B O or Home Box Office create wonderful drama programmes, and unfortunate mugs like me, suffer from great expectations, all because we believe that being able to hear the spoken word.should be possible Rating ....4
Saiph90 I love near future science fiction, Philip K Dick and 'Do androids dream of electric sheep' subsequently turned into 'Blade Runner' both are up there with my favourite book and film. This film wants to have the same atmosphere as 'Blade Runner' the story revolves around in the near future all drugs are legal and a corporation is hovering up the profits with the police in its pocket. A detective known as a DREK is there to take out illegal drug seller. A body he discovers does not have an identifiable DNA. So why a 4, the dialogue is messy the plot confusing, several scenes simply add nothing to the story. This film really needed a firmer and tighter director as the result is disjointed and at times just confusing.
MikaOznam Drugs and time travel - that's like ham and eggs right? Can't have one without the other correct? a perfect marriageTrue but after watching this mess, even a liter of black coffee couldn't keep me from dozing off to slumber city in parallel universeNarcopolis ( "Narcopolice"? ) just loses itself in trying to tie too many loose ends that seem to be caught in a vortex of bad Sy Fy writing where no hack has gone beyond.Hate being hard on a movie - regardless of budget, it is still someone's creative sweat equity - but this is a real stinkerBut if you are suffering from insomnia...this might be the right drug for ya.
Avi Bluestein I would have given it 7 stars for the plot and idea, but this movie so very messy. I just can't help but giving it five. The characters lack depth, the scenery is very messy and the plot is just so tangled you just find it hard to keep track of the conversations and all the events that take place in the movie. This is generally a fun and refreshing sci fi thriller that deals with a shady future and it that sense the setup does look gray and depressing. The problem is with the characters who lack depth and it's not easy to figure out their background - with messy flashbacks not being as clear as they perhaps were meant to be. The story is somewhat tangled and has a few unexplained holes with conversations that are vague and unclear and characters behaving unreasonably.It's a movie that deserves a good word but somehow the mess just ruins the party and when the movie ends, you just have this empty feeling of "oh it ended... I didn't even notice it until the credits appeared".