Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer
Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer
NR | 05 October 1956 (USA)
Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer Trailers

Daniel Boone leads settlers into Kentucky, but must battle Shawnee Indians who have been persuaded by a French renegade that Boone and the settlers are there to kill them and steal their land.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
mark.waltz The battle for territory in the wilds of the old west gets a hand from settlers who obviously want to wipe the natives out, not smoke the peace pipe with them. The Shawnee tribe has gotten to the point here where they attack before they can be attacked, and even the peace-loving Daniel Boone (Bruce Bennett, best remembered for his role as Mildred Pierce's estranged husband) can't stop them, even though he tries desperately.The film opens with a truly brutal massacre of several scouts, resulting in scalping, and has an intense scene where Bennett must prove his worthiness to Shawnee chief Lon Chaney by running through two rows of Indians and survive as they attack him. Peace rules briefly, but a scheming Frenchman desperately wants to prevent this from continuing, causing more conflict by poisoning Chaney's mind against the Americans moving westward.This rather cloudy color western is an enjoyable action film with a few songs thrown in. The script tries to soften the brutality of the Shawnees by showing us their motivations behind the attacks.
oscar-35 I was looking forward to seeing this film due to Lon Chaney being featured as a member of the cast. I also am a fan of such films dealing with colonial expansion in the 1700's. The film was shot in beautiful locations. And it featured a signing son of Daniel Boone. That part of the film was odd and hard to take seriously. After I saw more of this film, I began to realize I had seen this same story line in an "A" film with a more famous cast. This was clearly a "B" film cast. It was somewhat enjoyable to watch. The lead actor was well cast and actually looked like red-haired Daniel Boone. That was a nice bonus to this film's credibility.
Albert Ohayon **Some Spoilers**Good B western with plenty of action and good acting. Mexican locations standing in for Kentucky are also very pleasing to look at. Bruce Bennett as Daniel Boone is strong and stoic. I especially liked his interplay with his wife and many children. Lon Chaney Jr. is surprisingly good as the Indian Black Fish. The film is a little too short at 76 minutes, but what we get moves at a good clip. Most of the film was shot outdoors which is a definite plus. The final battle scene is well staged and exciting. We don't have a clue how Daniel and his group are going to survive but rest assured Daniel uses his brains to save everyone from a massacre.A good film for western fans ages 8 and older(the younger ones might be a little bothered by some of the killings and occasional scalping). I give it 6 trail blazers out of 10.
NewEnglandPat This picture is an interesting saga of the struggle of pioneers led by Daniel Boone in the wilderness of Cumberland Gap while being threatened by hostile Indians. A treacherous Frenchman is the cause of all the trouble between the settlers and the red men while Boone tries to convince the Indians that the pioneers only want to build homes and live in peace. The film has a certain appeal because it is not a polished production but there are good action scenes, although somewhat violent for its time. The cast is comprised of B actors but they are all good, especially Lon Chaney as the Indian chief. Bruce Bennett is okay as Boone but is a bit too clean cut and soft spoken to be believable as a frontiersman. The dialogue is rather trite but the scenery lends itself to the realism of the Kentucky backwoods.
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