R | 08 May 1985 (USA)
Creature Trailers

A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artifacts of unknown origin. They discover that their German enemies already have a ship there. When they seek their help after a failed landing, they only find the Germans’ bodies, obviously slaughtered by one of the archaic creatures, awoken to new life. Now the alien is after them.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
VideoXploiter This 'homage' to another certain sci-fi-horror movie knows exactly what it is, and goes all in, with mixed results. On the positive side, the film maintains an even tone, with a tense and creepy atmosphere, good use of lighting. The effects are pretty good all around, from the space sequences to the gore (there's a good head explosion). The cast is serviceable, playing their stock characters as well as can be expected, but for me, the German frienemy character was the most entertaining (I'm a sucker for a funny sleazeball). The musical score is just as stock as the characters, unfortunately. Where the film drops the ball, is the end reveal of the titular creature - hokey about sums it up, which was a shame, because the film does a great job of building up to that point. Still, this movie is a recommend, as it does enough right (or should I say, rips enough off right). So where is the sequel 'Creatures'?
SnoopyStyle The universe is divided between competing corporations Richter Dynamics (W Germany) and NTI (USA). An NTI expedition uncovers an alien egg on Saturn's moon Titan. A survivor rams and destroys spacestation Concorde orbiting Earth's moon. NTI ship Shenandoah crashes upon landing on Titan. They find their German rivals dead with Hofner (Klaus Kinski) the sole survivor. The dead are being controlled by parasites from the creature.This is a lower level Alien movie with a splash of The Thing. The problem is that everything is obviously reminiscent of Alien and strictly at a lower level. It starts at the beginning with the extremely cheesy dialog exchange with the two guys and the alien egg. It's so cheesy that it's funny. The sets are recycled. There are some perfectly good actors working here but they don't get anything good to work with. The melty blood-gushing faces are fun old-style FX but again, it's a funny thing more than a scary thing. The creature is a poor cousin to the Alien, even the first Alien. It's all inferior but not quite campy enough to be funny.
BA_Harrison William Malone's Creature (AKA Titan Find) is another shameless, low-budget rip-off of Ridley Scott's sci-fi classic Alien, one that tries to compensate somewhat for its complete lack of originality with the inclusion of some reasonable spacecraft model effects, gratuitous female nudity and a spot of gore. Sadly, it isn't nearly enough to make up for the unimaginative direction, derivative script, weak acting (Klaus Kinski is the only recognisable name, and he's not much cop here), and one of the rubberiest Xenomorph knock-offs you're ever likely to see.The film starts as two idiots investigate the site of an alien menagerie on Saturn's moon of Titan; with very little regard for their safety, these morons mess around with a strange canister containing a seemingly long-dead creature, and pay for their stupidity with their lives after the extraterrestrial proves to be very much alive, and very hungry. Another team of experts is dispatched to find out what happened, but also run into the ravenous alien, which can control the bodies of its victims via the use of biological control devices (gelatinous parasites that latch onto the brain).Viewers can expect lots of wandering around very dark corridors—poorly lit so as to disguise the cheapness of the sets and the shoddiness of the monster—all of which gets very tedious, very quickly. Director Malone achieves very little in the way of genuine scares or atmosphere, but manages one or two scenes memorable for their sheer stupidity (the man lured to his death by the naked chick is particularly daft, as is one character's ability to survive the planet's atmosphere and extreme temperature without a helmet). Splattery highlights include a woman getting her head chewed off by the creature, a man having his face ripped to shreds, and a very juicy exploding noggin effect.3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for the gore.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Creature, 1985. Two competing mining companies are fighting to get to Titan, a moon of Jupiter. The German crew arrives and finds evidence of an ancient dead civilization along with several egg-like containers. The German crew is lost and an American crew lands in the same area on Titan. The American crew finds a disaster, only to get involved in why the previous crew was all murdered without a trace.*Special Stars- Wendy Schaal, Stan Ivar, Klaus Kinski.*Theme- If your intuition tells you to be careful, you should be.*Trivia/location/goofs- Elements ripped off from previous film or genres: Alien-plot, Forbidden Planet- sets and sound effects (due to the director's prop collection). 2001-spacesuits, Japanese space movies- planetary and orbiting spacecraft file footage. In a poisonous atmosphere why are there spider Webs all over the alien spacecraft? Titan spiders? *Emotion- I was not a big fan of Alien, but it was a well produced and entertaining film. Gore and blood can't save this film. This film was an attempt to cash-in on it's popularity for only $750,000 in production costs. It shows; the actors are wooden, the film has none of the pacing, drama or tension of this genre. This film only made back $40,000 and is a Dollar DVD. With all of the sequels from Alien and all the better knock-off films, this film is a total waste of time and attention for the viewer.