Survival Island
Survival Island
R | 14 June 2002 (USA)
Survival Island Trailers

Teens trapped on an island are haunted by a demon hidden inside...a pinata.

Lawbolisted Powerful
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
RandyHickey This was far and above Jaimie Presley's acting tour de force!! Incredible story about a midget trapped in a Pinata suit. Astounding special effects! The monster really pops! The dialog is so compelling that it's religious to be in it's godlike presence! I'm getting a tattoo of the movie cover tomorrow! College kids trapped on an island looking for underwear whilst being picked off one by one by an evil lava skinned Pinata?!! BRILLIANT! I'll have what they're smoking! Speaking of fires.... At the end when the lava dwarf is cast into the campfire and is dispatched? This scene in particular spoke to me on a cosmic level. They literally fight FIRE with FIRE! Genius! I'm just sorry that this masterfully crafted work of truly talented artists was passed over at Oscar time! How did the academy miss this TREASURE!!?? I'm sure Stanley Kubrick would have this on his coffee table were he still alive. If I may dare to say the only thing to make it better would be if they had had a monkey companion maybe to lighten up the headiness of this terrifying drama. All beginning directors should see this so they have an example of cinematic perfection to shoot for! I feel grateful, nay Blessed to have sat in the glow of it's greatness. Truly a Film For The Ages!
gavin6942 A group of college students goes to an island to party with tequila and underpants on Cinco de Mayo. But when two of them find an old pinata washed up on shore and break open the shell, they find it contains more than candy and child-friendly goodies: it has the evil spirits of an ancient tribe! The same night I watched this on DVD, two of my friends saw it on American Movie Classics (of all places) after a night of drunkenly revelry at the bar. My friend Kenn asks, "Why was AMC showing this crap? It was good for a laugh when you come home from the bar and flip it on, though." And my friend Nick concurs that "it totally sucked but as Kenn said it was funny after the bar grocery store run." I think this is the nicest thing you can ever say about "Demon Island" (which I saw as "Pinata: Survival Island").The cast was respectable (one guy from "Sabrina", one from "Buffy" and Jaime Pressly at her most annoying). But the decent cast didn't make this film any more bearable. And I can't blame them -- they did a fine job, and even the writers can't be blamed because the plot was good enough for a cheap horror film.The blame must be placed completely on the directors. First, there was the awful "pinata vision". I have yet to find a film that uses the "killer vision" feature without it looking cheap. I can accept "killer cam", but not some actual weird coloring to show what they would see like. Do I need to know that the pinata sees through some distorted ruby goggles? No.But moreover, the biggest issue was the use of the computer effects. They looked like crap. Complete crap. The pinata kept changing shape and size, and all these looked like crap. I have heard the directors didn't like the midget in the rubber suit. Well, the scenes with the midget in the rubber suit at least made sense -- he looked like the pinata rather than some weird shape-shifting thing. And it would have helped the continuity, since the giant pinata suddenly got very small when they needed him to. What the heck? So that's my beef -- a cheap plot with some of the worst effects just in my face for an hour. The best part of this film, as others have noted, is the first ten minutes with the flashback to the natives. I think this was done beautifully. But it isn't good enough to even make up for ten minutes of the later crap I had to watch. Can I say crap one more time? Because it was crap.Don't buy this, don't rent this, don't watch it on AMC. In fact ,if you were unlucky enough to catch it on AMC, send them an e-mail and tell them how much you hate them for wasting your time with this rubbish. Because when I want to see movie classics, I wan to see something that isn't only five years old and worth less than one of my kidney stones.
danabunner I don't understand why this movie isn't on the Worst 100 list. I've seen 7 movies on that list, and this one is worse than any of those. If I gave a 10th grade class an assignment to create special effects and they turned in the ones in this movie, I might feel sorry enough for them to give them a D. I hope they didn't pay the special effects team more than $500. Not only are they embarrassing poor, the animated figure doesn't look like the costumed figured used in the close ups.Meanwhile the acting is so stiff that one is left wondering if the final footage came from the 2nd or 3rd reading of the script. Or if the script was simply being written an hour before the filming.If you are looking for a silly horror movie to watch with a group of friends for laughs, this is a very good candidate. On that scale, I would give it an 8.
Horrorible_Horror_Films This is one of the finest bad horror movies ever made in the universe. The whole movie is excellent! There's an expository back story, idiots you can't wait to see get killed, and the Asian guy from Star Trek Voyager (he gets brutally killed too). And I a haven't even mentioned the killer yet - a glorified ancient pinata!!! I cannot say enough about this excellent work of art! Simply amazing. If you miss this movie you should just never ever watch a movie again. I can't get over it, this really gives all other movie a run for their money. Go see this movie and its lovable killer clay pinata with stupid characters that deserve to be killed - you wont be disappointed