Death to the Supermodels
Death to the Supermodels
R | 25 November 2005 (USA)
Death to the Supermodels Trailers

This sexy comedy finds the world's greatest, most eccentric supermodels gathered on a deserted island for the swimsuit photo shoot from hell

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
laura_675 Me and my fiend Jess decided to watch this at a sleepover, bear in mind now that at the time we were about 12. Well, we found it sick, crude and downright disturbing. At no point in the film was it ever funny.Albeit, I do have a weakness for rubbish films, I like watching them just for laughing at how bad they are. But this was just twisted, disturbing, really, really unfunny.I'm not sure which was worse, the scenes between the gay photographer and his mute partner (I hasten to add at this point that it wasn't the relationship itself I found disturbing, but the explicit sex scenes), the European supermodel with long armpit hair, besides being unbelievably racist, there was a scene involving licking which was horrendous, or the sickeningly unfunny farting to death and corpse scenes.If you were mistaken by the title, like me, that this was a witty satire into the world of supermodels and worth a watch, take my advise: put the DVD down and walk quickly away. You'll thank me later.
Enchorde Recap: Tiffany, a perky (which she won't admit) editor at the magazine Merle has an idea to bring the top five supermodels to an exclusive and remote island for a spectacular photo shoot.But when the eccentric and quite annoying supermodels are brought together everything starts to fall apart. First it seems normal, models not eating, not talking to anyone, and putting up ridiculous demands. But when they start to die it really quickly develops to a disaster.Comments: I must admit. The title intrigued me. Sure, I could guess that this was a bad movie. But I had to verify that, it could have been one of those rare gems. But the verdict is clear, bad and boring. About at the same time the photo shoot in the movie starts to fall apart, so does the movie. And it never recovers. Actually, there were some moments where it was a little funny. Had they taken the movie in a new direction from one of those moments, it might have been saved. Instead it got worse, all the time.The plot was as shallow as a stereotype supermodel and not much extra effort was put in any other areas. Not too much to tell about the acting because the script was really bad. For example, how you turn dying by farting into something other than total failure I can't imagine. If you can pull that off you deserve an Oscar, and deserve not to be in this movie. How you can put that in your script and believe that your movie is any good is beyond me.A good idea that turned out really, really bad.3/10
poustinik This movie is a classic low farce ... which is becoming a lost art in this age of political correctness. I thought this art had died with Benny Hill, the British cult comedian; thankfully, Jaime Pressly had the "ovarios" (=female "cojones")to have a stab at it.The editor of a struggling fashion magazine hires a ditzy consultant (Pressly) to stage a tropical "shoot" with the world's top five supermodels. What no one knows is ... the "shoot" is going to be just that, with results reminiscent of "Airplane!" and Monty Python.Everyone in the cast clearly had fun making it; it features egotistical, mentally unstable models, hilariously "asexual" photographers, and crusading lesbians. It lampoons the fashion/publishing world with the sort of crude humour that everyone (except the completely brainwashed) indulges in secretly these days, and along the way takes pot shots at everything from rap music to self-help culture to neo-naziism, not forgetting at least one sitting US Senator. Anyone who doesn't find any laughs here needs to be condemned to eternity with Garrison Keillor, Rosie O'Donnell, and Al Franken.
purple-sizzzzzzzurp I can't even explain how angry I was while watching this movie. I had been drinking which probably made it more tolerable. The ending seems to take 20 minutes. I even fell asleep at the very end and time still could not pass fast enough. 84 minutes is normally tolerable for a comedy but not this one. Death by fart and having a penis were not as entertaining as one might think (imagine that). Thank goodness someone got iced believably by the end. I have a hard time imagining that everyone could hear Wee-man speaking over a loudspeaker....yet all the characters sent to slaughter were in on the plan to convince the lead character she was crazy and killing all the models........odd. While looking at the box at the video store, I thought it could be good. After realizing that the bit players from Shallow Hal, Girl Next Door, Bio-Dome, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High couldn't even carry the weight of supporting roles on their shoulders, I apologize to my friend that I made sit through this movie.