Crazy Six
Crazy Six
R | 28 July 1998 (USA)
Crazy Six Trailers

In a crumbling Europe, powerful mafia families have emerged from the anarchy to vie for control of the lucrative arms trade.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Empire-3 Crazy Six is torture, it must be Albert Pyun´s worst film. Even Blast and Ticker are better! I can´t believe how boring this film is! How this even got greenlighted? I saw this movie about 3 years ago and the only thing I remember is how bad it was. This isn´t good bad movie, it is simply bad, bad, bad, bad, bad movie.1 out of 10 (½ out of *****)
bek-12 This movie was a monument to inept filmmaking on a colossal scale. I'm a huge Burt Reynolds fan, but even he was horrible in this film. The only redeeming quality of this film was the chick that smoked all the time. She was kind of attractive to look at. Otherwise, what a waste of time and energy...
cheese-17 When I first watched this movie I thought it was a very strange movie. But I know that the director almost always has a purpose when he makes a movie. So I decided to watch it one more time. The second time I watched it I realised that Albert Puyn is a very talented and a very original film maker. In the beginning the viewer was told that the movie took place a decade after the fall of the communism in the eastern Europe. But they had clothes and cars with a design typical for the 1950's. They had plutonium which I think is a symbol for the futuristic trade. I think that it means that the movie's real time is not specified. The music in the movie is creating a long music video which tells some parts of the actual story in the lyrics, specially for the intro and the outro.Albert Puyn is using red and blue back-color when he's showing the symbols for communism (red) and the capitalism and western world (blue). One can notice that Ice-T, has the name Mao (communism) and that when he's in focus the back-color is red. The american cop, starring Burt Reynolds, is always filmed with blue back-color. The club where Mao and his gang hang out is also with red back-color. Crazy six is pendling between the red and the blue color.The white little dog that Mao had in the beginning symbolize, I think, the controlling force. Mao had the dog in the beginning but the cop took it in the end. That symbolize, I guess, the fall of communism and the replacement of the capitalistic way of thinking from the western world in Eastern Europe.I think Crazy Six is a very well-made movie. Albert Puyn creates an sci-fi/action movie with a politicial depth. It's a different but a very special movie about the communism fall in the Eastern Europe.I'm looking forward to watch another spectacular movie of Albert Puyn.
ary I never understood the reason why all the criticism about Crazy Six consider it an insupportable trash.If you take a few seconds off your time to read my opinion,and then go check with the others,you will realize that all of them destroyed the film,warning that it is not a worthful of watching,and that you should not even rent it!the same users who said that about this middle-budget movie,starring Burt Reynolds,literaly applaud rubbishes,millionaire films wich bombards the public with special effects,mega stars who don't know even how to act(for instance,Schwarzenneger,Stallone and Bruce Willis,tasteless and horrible men who think are actors!who said that those guys can act?!),incredible visual effects,but that are not more than trash because those movies don't even respect the public's intelligence!at the same time people pay to watch those films that allowds Stallone and his good ol'fellas to receive twenty million dollars per film,the real legends,the real great actors are relegated to the ostracism,like Burt Reynolds(who finally came back in Boogie Nights) and Tom Selleck. Don't judge and make your own conclusions about Crazy Six before watching it!rent this film,and you will realize that it is an interesting thriller,with memorable interpretations of their main actors,mostly for Burt Reynolds acting.Director Albert Pyun is original,he has an own style of conducting action scenes,and if there is a reason for which the others hated this movie,it's because it allows an original style,it's creative and different,and because Crazy Six is the opposite of the big studios rubbishes,all of them tediousness,boring and horrible,all of them packed in luxurious box.And Burt Reynolds,playing the implacable cop,offers an excellent,thrilling interpretation,his charming presence in Crazy Six helps to elevate it to a higher landing-place.After Boogie Nights,the faith will certainlly reserve to Burt a lot of protagonist roles in big studios action films,but this time,in opposite off trashes like Armageddon and Con Air,Burt Reynolds makes all the difference!let Stringer,The Progenitor and Deliverance 2 come!!!