Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse
| 07 July 1996 (USA)
Crazy Horse Trailers

The legendary Native American chieftain refuses to go with his people peacefully to the reservation and starts a rebellion.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
zaenkney 'Crazy Horse' is a well acted, beautifully shot film that should have gone to big screen.While this movie may deviate from the finest research points of one author, Sandoz, it plays well, overall, to the spirit of Native American experience, as well as to the nature of Crazy Horse. Keep in mind it is not listed as a docudrama. I grew up all my life on the Rez, my family is Native American and our minds and hearts were moved by this film. Although we are Nez Perce, all tribes unite in their admiration of Crazy Horse and the ability he had to be 'invisible' in the face of an army when necessary. So, when I use the euphemism "the devil's in the details" my message is "don't let the devil distract you from something great by tying you up with trivia." It is great to see a movie that is true to form in showing the nature of war. I grew up believing Indians were bad. My twin sisters came home crying one day from first grade because one of their friends told them that they were Indians. To my sisters, that meant they had to ride horses to white peoples' houses and scalp them. That's what they had learned from TV shows. Our mother had some reassuring to do and 'Coyote' tales to tell, like how humans came to be - you love Westerns, history, and have a heart for all peoples, you will love this film!
Tracik226 This movie was one of my favorite ones.. where i lived the movie store had it to rent so every week i would rent it for like 3 months.. and i tried to find it to buy.. no where but .. i love native American movies..they wonderful. to watch... I like it when they are more true.... and you know the history about it.. but my children loved to watch it as much as i did.. so i do give it a ten.. and no less thank you ..If you like native movies you should also see dream keeper..and edge of America.. that is also a good one.. my children watch dream keeper also.. to listen about stories of the past..
frank_thorwald A must see movie Outstanding movie, Great Direction by John Irvin. The visuals are superb, great cast. A story that tells it like it is with out the usual bias and in a form that keeps your interest. I wood highly recommend people see other movies directed by John Irvin.
gerrybob This made-for-TV film about Crazy Horse has good acting and beautiful visual images. However, key details have been left out of the story in its hurry to wrap up a very complex issue and time in history. (For more detail, I'd highly suggest you read "Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas" by Mari Sandoz). Additionally, though the story fortunately does stay focused on Crazy Horse and his people, the script makes only a half-hearted attempt to tell the tale with a native american voice. For example, very little of the music sounds native American. However, this movie does probably set the record for Most Horses Knocked Over, and If there isn't an Academy Award for that, well gosh darnit there should be!