Follow The River
Follow The River
| 22 April 1995 (USA)
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Mary Ingles is pregnant when she and her two sons are captured from their homestead in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains by Shawnee Indians. Her husband, Will, narrowly escapes death during the attack. Impressed by her grace under the pressure of captivity, Wildcat, the Shawnee chief, confers special privileges on Mary and her children, eventually proposing that Mary become his mate. Surprised by her attraction to the handsome brave, Mary nonetheless opts to remain faithful to Will and engineers a plan for her escape. Separated from her children, Mary joins another female settler, and together they embark on a harrowing homeward trek. Her odyssey comes full circle more than a decade later when she is finally reunited with her long-lost children.

Steineded How sad is this?
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
bilesteve-749-834229 If I could give a rating lower than 1 star, this movie would deserve it. It has almost no connection to the reality of a great and true story and should never been made like this.The true story of Mary Draper Ingles in readily available and like others, I read the novel of "Follow the River" by Mr. Thom and it was outstanding and hugely impressive story of a real American heroine. Her real story deserves to be told as awful as it was without the revisionism of someone politically correct with little connection to the true story other than names.Because I loved the Thom novel so much, I sought out and bought the manuscript written by her son in the early 1800s. Looking at her son's account (as told to him by his mother and father), Thom did very little embellishment to the true account, whereas the writers of this movie changed most everything to make it a happy little story.Don't waste your time or money to see this version, get the basics from and Internet search and a fuller understanding of the reality by reading Thom's novel.Mary Draper Ingles was probably one of the strongest women that I have ever heard (or not heard) of, not only physically, but mentally, spiritually, and of will. She deserves an accurate portrayal of her losses and her indomitable will. She is a true heroine to me, not this worse than sugar-coated fairy tale.
dbellmyer This is a family film based on the James Alexander Thom book detailing the real life experiences of Virginia pioneer Mary Ingles, who was taken captive by Shawnees Indians in 1755. Although the film does not follow the book at times, the spirit and courage of Mary Ingles shine through. (At times, the book contained brutality that cannot be included in a family film.) Filmed in the mountains of North Carolina, the scenery is spectacular. Eric Schweig does an excellent job as the Shawnee chief Wildcat who controls Mary's fate. Sheryl Lee plays the indomitable Mary Ingles, and Ellen Burstyn is particularly effective as Gretel. The film is a testament to the courage of early American pioneers; it's hard to believe that anyone could withstand what Mary Ingles went through in trying to return to her beloved husband Will. Those interested in American history, American Indians,and inspiring love stories will enjoy this movie.
geminigirl1946 Follow The River was the best book I have ever read, and knowing it was a true story made it even more interesting. It has been about a year and a half since I read the book and I was quite excited to learn that the story had been made in to a movie. Even though the movie had been around since 1995 I didn't know it existed. The movie was quite a disappointment. From what I read in the book, Mary Ingles appeared to be a strong, passionate, brave and courageous woman. I don't understand why some of the events of the story were changed in the movie. There was no need for changes.Why didn't the script stick to the story just as it happened. It was a true life event---not a work of fiction. More time should have been given to her journey home. So much was left out. I don't think the acting was strong enough either. Maybe some day there will be a remake with actors that will fit the roles and it will be in the movie theaters so it will include many of the events that were left out and give more time to the journey back home.
Harpo-10 This is one of my favorite movies to watch. I so admire the main character's, Mary Ingles', courage and perseverance under great trial. I had a chance to read the story of the real Mary Ingles that this was based on, and what an amazing lady she was!Good performances by Sheryl Lee, Eric Schweig, and Ellen Burstyn. Hallmark told this tale without a lot of violence, no profanity, and no trashy sex. This film is well worth seeing.