Evil Roy Slade
Evil Roy Slade
| 18 February 1972 (USA)
Evil Roy Slade Trailers

Orphaned and left in the desert as an infant, Evil Roy Slade (John Astin) grew up alone—save for his teddy bear—and mean. As an adult, he is notorious for being the "meanest villain in the West"—so he's thrown for quite a loop when he falls for sweet schoolteacher Betsy Potter (Pamela Austin). There's also Nelson L. Stool (Mickey Rooney), a railroad tycoon, who, along with his dimwitted nephew Clifford (Henry Gibson), is trying to get revenge on Evil Roy Slade for robbing him.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
docnakona@aol.com Cult Classic 1970s movie. Decent production values and amazing comedic writing, it is hard to believe that it was made for TV and not an original cinema release. Great writing and John Astin (Mr. Addams in the Addams family TV show and Sean Astin's adopted father) was simultaneously hilarious and sublime. Parallel to Steve Martin's "The Jerk", the Evil Roy character was abandoned at birth and had to make his own way in the world. Evil Roy grew up tough and the "meanest villain in the West" but softens when he meets a schoolmarm. The late (and crazy) Dick Shawn was brilliant as Marshall Bing Bell ("Someone's at the door"). Although this movie probably hasn't aged well in the You Tube generation, it remains one of my favorite comedies... and more importantly to me ... it was my Dad's favorite comedy of all time.
bbbaldie I saw this when i was twelve years old in 1972, and loved it. I don't believe I saw it again until last night.Now I've been disappointed a few times by movies and TV shows that I thought were wonderful once upon a time when I viewed them later in life. But this flick is simply excellent. John Astin is one of our great comedic actors, and he was at his best here.While it's a tame made-for-TV movie, that doesn't hurt its comedy at all. E.g. the blacksmith was a black man named Smith. Very Blazing Saddles. ;-) Watch this movie if you love humor, and watch it with your kids or grandkids, because it has the added plus of being squeaky-clean. It's only a little over 90 minutes, you'll love every second.
Hunter Green it made me a professional comedian and I owe it to the movie and my dad huntergreenbro@bellsouth.net if u want to email me. I'm now disabled. and look foreword to chatting with anyone. this movie made me what i am today i was a small comedian at the age of 5 and stood on the coffee table doing rich little imitations ranging from Lyndon banes Johnson to foster brooks, also Richard Nixon's i am not a crook speech. I look bask now and see how much influence that type of comedic style influenced me. Also a special thanks to my Dad who is now deceased, but making me stand in front of mom and dads company took away the butterfly's that i never had since I was little. this is one of the funniest movies from some writers who were way before their time, thanks hunter green, formerly of the green brothers morning comedy show across most Froggy stations.
irishenglishteacher Super comedy, let's have this on DVD. I watched this movie as a teenager with my family and we loved it! My dad was a big western fan and he laughed all the way through the movie. My brothers and I grew up on classic westerns and then the anti-hero westerns of Clint Eastwood. I for one did not believe that a western could also be a comedy. This film really works. Evil Roy is a memorable character and will make you chuckle for days, weeks and years after wards. This movie has great performances and a script that is funny by parodying the genre. However there is nothing mean or nasty here, there is a real affection for the traditional western.