Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs
Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs
| 19 May 2015 (USA)
Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs Trailers

After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Micransix Crappy film
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
jortlanjouw This is the best film i ever Saw. I liked the scene of the raptor in the water the most. The most funnie film ever!!
GL84 Following a mine accident, the residents of a small town find a group of dinosaurs unleashed and running amok, forcing them to turn to a disgraced former rodeo star to combat the dinosaurs and save the town.This one wasn't all that bad of a cheesy creature feature. One of the better features here is the absolutely fun and enjoyable amount of action throughout this, which makes for quite a fun pace here. This starts off really nicely with the opening mine explosion with the dinosaurs coming through the smoke and debris in rather creepy scenes hunting the miners through the workers through the mine, and the scene at the swimming hole attacking the girls out in the middle of the desert is highly enjoyable as well. The attack on the farmhouse is fine with the really brutal kills coming into play, while the big set-up here comes through into two rather impressive and wholly enjoyable cheesy action scenes here with their initial attack on the town. Filled with highly enjoyable brief attacks on the different establishments throughout here, from the Laundromat and the diner to the police station and finally the barricaded bar where the fun of their barricades holding along with the gunfire to keep them out all come off as really enjoyable, continuous action scenes which is all nicely interspersed with the raptors and the rex out on the city streets leading to some fun swarming scenes as they come after the townspeople while the rex regenerates plenty of cheesy fun stalking through the streets as well as showcasing the really energetic chase sequences as they try to get away from it in their jeep as they engage in plenty of firefights to combat it. Containing a ton of cheesy action, plenty of kills and an extended section of the film allows for quite an overall fun time. The other big scene here is the finale which is really exciting here with the barricade in the warehouse as the boards and gunfire hold them off and make rather good use of the different floors for some suspenseful times leaping up to take them and getting some really nice gore along with the action which carries into the big chase away into the quarry which has a ton of gunfire and explosive action along the way, resulting in a lot of fun. Along with some enjoyable non-dino scenes that keep this going, this is good enough to hold out over the flaws. The main issue here is the rather inane plot line about the corrupt, shady businessman trying to buy over the conspiracy at any cost here, which is so unrealistically portrayed here he comes off as completely unbelievable in how he continually ignores every bit of common sense, even in the form of a creatures' carcass right in front of everyone around them yet he pushes on to his other commitments rather than follow common logic. The only other problem area here was the CGI, which manages to come through on pretty much the same issues they usually present in obviously-pixelated skin, constant special awareness flaws and the inability to react to anything in the environment which makes them all the more obviously fake. Otherwise, this one had a lot to really like here.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
Clay Loomis There are two writers for the script of this movie. Each has produced volumes. If you combined their entire life's work, wadded it into a ball, and held it up, God would come down from Mount Jeebus to destroy it. They apparently took the script from Cowboys & Aliens (itself pretty uninspired), changed a few words, and presto. Take away the 160 million dollar budget and good actors and there you have it; Cowboys vs Dinosaurs.There is nothing here. It's like everyone involved said "mail me my check, I'm phoning this one in." Even for SyFy, this really sucked. No amount of effort appears to have been applied at all. If they weren't making money doing this, I'm sure it would stop, but it never does. Don't ask me how they do it.In the realm of SyFy movies, this one falls between Mega-(insert name here) and Shark-(include anything you want here). It's a total waste of time. And this from a guy who gave Robocroc a 6. The acting, the CGI, the production values, all have been thrown out the window. I don't know what happened here, but obviously something did.If you are stuck for something to watch, and only this is on, clean the garage instead. You know it needs it anyway, and your time will have been better spent.
quincytheodore Eric Roberts have been involved in so many of these B-movies this year alone and with title such as Cowboys vs Dinosaurs, you would know what to expect here. In that regard the movie delivers, it's a series of cheesy dialogues and terrible effects conveyed by entirely uncomfortable cast. This movie is for when you have exhausted every other movie option and at best might just find some comedy.There are cowboys, and then they meet with dinosaurs. If that sounds rather uninformative, it's because narrative offers little explanation. In fact, most of the times the focus is geared towards attractive ladies that have little to no credible acting skill. To put it mildly, they are most likely recruited from adult entertainment industry.One doesn't accidentally stumble on Cowboys vs Dinosaurs, you should know the inherent shady production, might just as well embrace it.