Cougars, Inc.
Cougars, Inc.
R | 10 May 2011 (USA)
Cougars, Inc. Trailers

When Sam learns his mother cannot afford to send him to another school after he is kicked out, he and his friends start their own escort service for mature women to pay for his tuition.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must start out by saying that I was definitely not in the target audience for this movie, because I gave up about halfway through the movie out of sheer boredom. This movie took forever to get nowhere, and for a comedy it was frightfully devoid of laughs and funny situations.Admittedly, then the storyline does have the ground for a great comedy, but it just came out as non-appealing and not funny at all. Plus, the core essentials of the movie have been seen in other movies that deal with the same situation.Despite having some fairly good names to the cast list, then "Cougars Inc." was a dull experience, one that I will never pick up again and attempt to watch with the intend to finish. It should be said that I rarely give up on a movie, so for this one to cause me to get up and stop it halfway through, that pretty much says a lot about the movie. With that said, then I am not saying that the actors or actresses in the movie didn't do good enough jobs, because they did, the movie was just a boring experience.I am sure if you are a young teen, perhaps around 15 to 18 years old or so, then you might find some amusement in this movie. But for an adult audience, "Cougars Inc." doesn't offer much in the entertainment aspect.
Rob-O-Cop K Asher Levin is obviously a guy who thinks about smooth natural dialog, cos this movie is full of it. It seems adlibbed almost and this is an obvious strength for him as a writer and director. He's gone for the realistic vibe on this movie with under produced sets and lighting, taking it to a gritty vibe, and it's pretty damn good for that. He's taken what could have been a terrible Hollywood sleazefest and turned it into an indie edgy piece. There are flaws, that you can overlook with some suspension of disbelief. James Belushi's character is too cool to be anyone's teacher but he delivers it convincingly. The guys are a little too everyman but maybe that's the point, but if they're everyman then the swinging older women were too hot. Ultimately this is watchable and more importantly it shows some real promise for the director/Writer.
efehuu I have Watched this movie nearly without any expectations and i kinda liked it. all the characters are in place James Belushi was amazing at that cool dad role and Denise Richards is well what she is but i was amazed by the guy who played Sam in the movie he kinda reminded me David Duchovny in Californication. The movie has a bitter sweet taste and the music was really helping you about that. The Questions between the scenes are a nice touch i think. Only thing that bothers me is that this isn't a comedy i mean it is a emotion filled and surely suitable for drama but i don't think that this movie is in the boundaries of a comedy.But it is good acting, there is nothing over used even the the boys are acting stupid as they would in a real world. At the and i really enjoyed my 85 minutes going trough and i hope you will give a chance too.
torrentstorm "Heroes aren't born, they're cornered". I didn't know Mickey Rooney said that, but according to Dean Fox (James Belushi) , he did. I couldn't agree more. It takes guts to try pull off an adventure of this nature, involving unsatisfied, lonely mature ladies, but it takes guts too to make a hero, inasmuch as the word can imply.Lately we've seen a string of movies involving mature, horny ladies, most of them forgettable disasters. I was unsure about this one, but all things put together, it was an enjoyable movie. The theme, yes, might be risqué, but it was a well done and mature story. Several acting roles are highlights in this one. Kyle Gardner, as Sam, made some powerful scenes as the young escort service manager, too young to tackle a venture of this nature, but yet, mature enough to behave responsibly and respectfully. The scenes involving heart to heart conversations with his High School Dean were well done. James Belushi, of course, is a veteran of such, and I couldn't help smiling at his conversational quirks and facial expressions. So like Belushi.That is another of the strengths of this movie. It never vilified or sullied women, whatever their sexual preferences, nor did it ever make them look vulgar or cheap. These women craved love, there were some nice, horny boys around willing to please, the ladies were willing to pay for a good time together, Sam needed the money to pay for his tuition, so you had a deal. There was no attempt to make things seem dirty, it was just a circumstance that happened. The nice thing about it, too, no one ended up as enemies. Everyone was mature enough to understand the situation and act accordingly, so despite the obvious scandal in the end, the story ended well for everybody. It was not a fairy tale ending either, in case you think this was another tear-jerker. Everything was plausible and very believable.There was no stupid behavior, brainless monkeying around, boys acting stupidly like I've seen in other movies. That too was another plus in this one. The ladies were pretty and nice to them, the boys were also nice and gentlemanly with the ladies. I think the screenwriter of this plot likes women and respects them, and it shows in the story. That's so nice to see.But like everything in life, there are consequences. The final 'showdown' talk between Sam and his friend Dean Fox was heartbreaking, but so very very true these days, where families are dysfunctional and...well. not quite families anymore. Powerful acting in this scene. Both actors show their talent.Bottom line, then, not a ten-pin-bowling strike of a flick, but very enjoyable, intelligently done, and time well-spent. Highlights notwithstanding, when you think of it, this is a very difficult movie to film and pull off.I think you will like the style of this one.