| 22 November 2009 (USA)
Cornered! Trailers

During their nightly poker game a group of lowlifes are terrorized in their own convenience store by a masked killer.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS**** Talking over the news about the latest crime committed by the bodega/grocery killer with the local friendly delivery man Morty, Steve Guttenburg, bodega owner Steve, Antonio Garcia, and his friends talked about capturing him for the $500,000.00 reward money and what they'd do to him before the police arrived. It just happened that the killer was targeting Steve's bodega that night and planning to kill everyone there. It all, the killings, started when the masked killer knocked off the homeless vagrant, who lifted a bottle of cheap wine from the place, T. J, Rolando Bpoyce, just to keep in practice for the big upcoming event he planned that night.With Steve having his weekly poker game with friends the killer slowly knocked them off one at a time using the very methods that they said they would use on the killer if they caught him. With all the poker player murdered including Steve it was now up to the two survivors the sexy Jess & and the dough-nut eating and beer drinking Donny, Elizabeth Nicole & Peter Story,to get help before he finishes them off as well.***SPOILERS***Trying to get help all of a sudden Morty shows up with his daily beer delivery but instead of getting help he decides to catch the killer all by himself and get the 500 G's reward money that he can use for his retirement planning. With both Jess & Donny locked in the store and Morty the delivery man trying to be a hero in capturing the killer it soon becomes very apparent who the killer really is! That to the total shock of Jess who ended up losing her head and Donny who ended up getting stuffed with his, before his stomach burst, last dough-nut.
Michael_Elliott Cornered! (2009) * 1/2 (out of 4)Pretty bad slasher flick about a serial killer stalking convenient stores in Los Angeles. A store owner and his friends sit down to have a poker game after hours one night and sure enough, the killer shows up and starts to pick them off one by one. There are countless direct-to-DVD horror releases out there so you have to pick them with caution but I decided to give this one a go since Steve Guttenberg has a small part. I'm sure those who grew up watching POLICE ACADEMY wondered what he was up to in his recent movies and this here was my shot of seeing him again but it frankly wasn't worth the trouble. This screenplay is without question one of the strangest I've seen because it features a lot of bums and the reason for this is beyond me. We have the store owner who is obviously a cheap, rude jerk. We have his nephew who runs the cash register and just happens to be a meth head. We've got a prostitute trying to pick up some extra cash. We have one lady who works as a phone sex operator. We even have an overweight guy hooked on donuts. Umm....what the hell? Have we really gotten to the point in horror films where one of the characters needs to be addicted to donuts? I'm not sure if this was meant to be part of the humor but the laughs certainly never work and this is painfully obvious in a scene early one where another bum, this time a homeless man, tries to steal some alcohol. I'm really not sure what the point of this comedy was but it certainly doesn't work but then again neither does the horror or mystery aspects. The killer was rather obvious within the first five minutes so the entire mystery gets flushed right down the toilet. With the comedy and mystery gone you'd think we'd at least get some gory deaths, right? Well, wrong. The violence for the most part is rather tame and the bloodiest scene is actually a quick edit to part of a jelly donut dripping onto a table. The performances in the film were fair and that includes Guttenberg who at least proves he still has some nice comic timing. With that said, CORNERED! is a low-budget slasher film that doesn't work on any level and should certainly be skipped.
adams45451936 It's been a while since I've seen such an engrossing and engaging thriller. This is a great, slow burning film about a group of people stuck in a liquor store. I'm glad to see Steve Guttenberg back on the screen, and in a different character than usual (he's a bit nasty here), and his scenes really move the film forward and give it some heft. I also have to mention James Duvall, who is awesome here as a hallucinating drug addict. There are some cool scenes here, but this isn't Hostel, by any means, so it has less gore and more suspense. The story focuses more on the individual characters to let us into their world. The claustrophobic single room setting really sets the mood for the entire movie, and when the characters lock themselves in, it only gets more interesting. If you like slasher films and suspense, this is definitely the film for you. Give it a chance. Forget anything else you saw this year and go get Cornered! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
trashgang This flick was made by first-time director Daniel Moerenhout but is better known in his country and into the music scene as Daniel Maze. The man surely knows what he want, he had a one hit wonder with Scoop in 1999 and made his first so-called flick when he was eleven. One way or another he managed to make his first Hollywood flick. But you really need a teaser to promote your flick so he found Steve Guttenberg of the Police Academy fame. And I must admit, he still has it, he was believable even as the Police Academy wasn't my cup of tea. The others were luckily believable too. I enjoyed the movie but it has a few let downs. First of all, some killings are a bit lame, secondly, it take a while before the movie really starts. You really have to wait almost an hour. Before that you will have a lot of talking, dirty talk and bad manners. Of course there is a bit of black humor mixed in it but not everybody will notice that. Just look at the flying donut... After 30 minutes you will get murder number one but that was really a lame one, combined with again the black humor (the ice cream cones). Somehow it reminded me a bit of The Intruder, the storyline I mean. But after a hour the red stuff starts to flow, some killings become really nasty and one killing is really worth watching, a slo-mo and close up of a victim's slicing. Nice to see. Luckily as a slow builder you get what you are waiting for. It has an open ending but I guess they won't franchise it. The killer itself, well, his mask did remind me of the 80's slasher Blackout and the more unknown Zipperface. Nice flick but you will have to wait to get cornered.