Computer Chess
Computer Chess
| 17 July 2013 (USA)
Computer Chess Trailers

At the American Computer Chess Convention, enthusiasts gather to pit their programs against other computer chess programs and human players in a tournament for a grand prize of $7500.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
natjohnsmyth Just a terrible, awful movie that confuses a documentary feel with actually making a genuine movie with real actors and genuine drama or comedy.The acting is so bad i actually compared it to when a porno is trying to do drama before everyone takes there cloths off. Wooden awful drama or comedy. I couldn't tell.Did i mention it was mind numbingly boring and not at any time do you care about what is happening. A shame really because the idea of an old 80's chess tournament sounds great but with this filmmaker and these actors you would be wise to avoid at all costs.I kept waiting for the film to improve, it didn't unfortunately.
rsj624 --WARNING: There may be some spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen the film, so just a heads up. In order to accurately review this film, it may be necessary to talk about some key moments.--Computer Chess is very much so an insiders game, and in all fairness, while it may have it's audience, it's as inaccessible and boring a film as they come. Now I for one love looking for a good movie that offers something different or has a unique quality to it that separates it from the rest; but when it feels like said insider's game is more condescending than it is an inside look, or utilizes intelligence at the expense of being interesting, then it's easily one of the worst types of film you can experience, and Computer Chess fits that bill. I was anxious to watch this movie, it seemed like an awesome retro indie film that was going to have some style, personality, substance, and real panache to it, but instead it was a lifeless portrayal of an earlier age of computers that I find hard to believe was THIS boring even among it's most intellectual and socially awkward; and if in fact it was this way ( since I conceit to having no experience with a hobby like this before viewing this film), then why make a movie about individuals who are in no way interesting and who are trying to create the perfect program to beat each others computers at chess? Admittedly it has it's moments, but those are so few and only make up roughly 3 minutes worth of the whole movie. Computer Chess was set up to be as authentic as possible in how it was developed but I found it just translated very poorly into a fun experience, especially with it's kooky and at times creepy paralleling spiritual story that seemed poised for a perfect juxtaposition, but rather felt very misplaced, bizarre and more like blatantly awkward filler.It almost seems to thumb it's nose at popular culture in the worst possible way by going against every conceivable norm in cinema that it can. The acting is sub-par (granted the actors were nonprofessional), the plot barley existent, the music is mostly horrible, the cinematography comes off as forced art more a product of our current times than 1980, conversations are filled with jargon or flat out just not interesting even at their most basic, the cast on a whole is unappealing, the concept dated, the choice to film in black and white hurts more than it helps; honestly the list goes on and this movie is just a headache. A major disappointment and very hard to sit through, but I managed. To anyone who enjoyed this movie I applaud you; I'm sure I must be missing something since it wasn't reviewed poorly, but to me, I would never watch it again or recommend it to anyone unless they were seriously into either computer chess, chess, or the history of computer technology in general. It's just flat out boring.
Jeff_34 If you are out of sleeping pills or have insomnia.Guaranteed to put you to sleep. I actually had a fabulous nap - 2 or 3 of them actually - while attempting to keep my eyes open. There might have been a premise somewhere in there but only the director and his friends could tell you about it since everyone else will be fast asleep - or doing the neck dance of nodding in and out of sleep.Computers, chess, retro, dry dialogue, vintage cameras.... on paper this could have been fun and quirky and a nice time. Anyway, next time you feel too wired to sleep and don't have any substances to help you, put this on and you'll conk out in minutes (that or throw your TV against the wall).
andy-574-298326 As both a chess and AI lover this film was wonderful for me.However it's surprisingly entertaining and funny for the average viewer too.The cinema was alive with laughter and enjoyment. Some hilarious awkward tension with an "alternative therapy" group.In fact quite a few awkward moments overall.The fake documentary approach is perfectly executed. Amazing style and attention to detail.It's in black and white and 4x3 aspect ratio. I loved it! Just don't expect a summer blockbuster.